
The gift that keeps on giving. Here’s what happens when you let Joe out.

Views: 147

The gift that keeps on giving. Here’s what happens when you let Joe out. Joe got out to stretch his legs. Boy this man is amazing. In office less than a month and already the Late show comedians have a years worth of material. Let’s take a look at what did or didn’t happen.

Joe did say that Minorities have issues with using the internet. That’s why they’re not getting vaccinated.  “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts know how to use — know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen’s or at the particular store.”Why is that Joe?

Biden explained he’s “not going to speak out against … what he’s [President Xi Jinping] is doing with the Uyghurs.” He then reiterated by saying, “He [Xi] gets it,” posing that “culturally there are different norms” about how humans should be treated.

Joe and his love for kids.

Biden improvised when asked about his administration’s original goal of reopening schools five days a week, which changed last week with a new goal of schools only reopening one day a week. “It was a mistake in the communication,” Biden said.

The coronavirus comments continued when Biden then claimed, “We didn’t have [the vaccine] when we came into office,” which fact-checkers were quick to debunk. The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was given on December 14 and the first dose of the Moderna vaccine was given on December 22 — a month before he was inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Before the night was over, Biden, who has denied accusations of contracting dementia, was asked, “You’ve already spent a great deal of time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, except now you’re living there and you’re president. It’s been four weeks. What’s it like? How is it different?”

Biden responded, “I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say, ‘Where the hell are we?’”


7. A few seconds later, Biden, perhaps without knowing he was throwing former President Obama under the bus, said that Obama never invited him to the White House residence when he was vice president, despite the fact Biden served as vice president for eight years.



How rich. Joe Biden of all people is going to deny a real President Security Intelligence briefing.

Views: 29

How rich. Joe Biden of all people is going to deny a real President Security Intelligence briefing. Who’s Joe to make that decision? knowing his family and his past financial dealings with China, Ukraine, etc. If anything, Biden shouldn’t be receiving intelligence briefings.




Economy Politics

The man’s clueless. Biden refuses to compromise or work with the Republicans.

Views: 31

The man’s clueless. Biden refuses to compromise or work with the Republicans. The 900 billion dollar stimulus pkg. is still working it’s way through the system. The CBO actually reported that by the middle of this year that the economy will be back. Only thing holding it back are the lock downs. And this is without the new stimulus.

But old Joe has this crazy notion that people out there are dropping like fly’s and the end of the world is in site. How crazy is that? Biden now says there will be no working with the Republicans like promised in Monday’s meeting with the 10 Republicans. This from Crazy Joe

“It is very clear our economy is still in trouble,” Biden said during remarks at the White House. “I know some in Congress think we’ve already done enough to deal with the crisis in the country. Others think that things are getting better and we can afford to sit back and either do little or do nothing at all. That’s not what I see. I see enormous pain in this country. A lot of folks out of work. A lot of folks going hungry.”





Biden and Friends. Dictators all rule alike.

Views: 19

Biden and Friends. Dictators all rule alike. Joe has friends in high places. Only problem is that those high places are Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran in the near future. Joe’s way out of his league. Sure he’s acted more like a dictator then his old friends. But it will come back to bite him. So let’s see how Joe used his dictatorial powers.

In a matter of hours on his first day, he wiped out 22,000 jobs. By the end of the week he was close to 100K. All with dictatorial executive directives. Not my words but his during the 2020 elections. Now Joe’s friends directly kill folk. Joe works differently. Depression, divorce, job loss, suicide.



But I believed you when you said only dictators ruled by Executive Orders.

Views: 24

But I believed you when you said only dictators ruled by Executive Orders. Just a few months back the illegitimate one claimed that dictators ruled by Executive Orders. Gave us the impression that he would not. Was he lying again?


Well Joe pulled a fast one on us. Here’s what Joe said. Just in case you didn’t play the video.

“I have this strange notion. We are a democracy,” Biden said with a smirk. “Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes by executive order, you’re going to do something.’ Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,”

So we have what? 24-38 Executive orders or Memorandums. More than the last seven Presidents combined.

President Donald Trump: 4 executive orders

President Barack Obama: 5 executive orders

President George W. Bush: 0 executive orders

President Bill Clinton: 2 executive orders

President George H.W. Bush: 1 executive order

President Ronald Reagan: 0 executive orders

President Jimmy Carter: 1 executive order

So what say you?



For now judge stops Biden from allowing his base to stay here.

Views: 24

For now judge stops Biden from allowing his base to stay here. Joe wanted to reward his faithful who voted for him. So he came up with a executive order to freeze all deportations ( including the ones who were convicted felons ). For now it’s been stopped.

Hours after taking office on January 20, Biden signed an executive order that halts deportations of most illegal aliens for at least 100 days. The order came as illegal immigration has spiked in recent months and a migrant caravan heads to the United States-Mexico border in the hopes of taking advantage of the Biden administration’s lax enforcement policies. We have this from the judge.

Defendants and all their respective officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons who are in active concert or participation with them are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED from enforcing and implementing the policies described in the January 20 Memorandum in Section C entitled “Immediate 100- Day Pause on Removals.” [Emphasis added]

This TRO is granted on a nationwide basis and prohibits enforcement and implementation of the policies described in the January 20 Memorandum in Section C entitled “Immediate 100-Day Pause on Removals” in every place Defendants have jurisdiction to enforce and implement the January 20 Memorandum. [Emphasis added]

Tipton noted Paxton’s lawsuit had “presented evidence it would suffer injuries for various reasons if an injunction is not entered.”



How sick is this? Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan.

Views: 9

How sick is this? Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan. I’ve taken the headlines from a story I read in the LA Times yesterday. According to a fellow writer there ( Evan Helper ), Joe wants to duplicate for the other 49 states what California has.

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington’s policy arena.

California is emerging as the de facto policy think tank of the Biden-Harris administration and of a Congress soon to be under Democratic control. That’s rekindling past cliches about the state — incubator of innovation, premier laboratory of democracy, land of big ideas — even as it struggles with surging COVID-19 infections, a safety net frayed by the pandemic’s toll, crushing housing costs and wildfires, all fueling an exodus of residents.

If this was 10-20 years ago, most folks wouldn’t care. But California went so far left that folks like Pelosi, Sanders or Warren are looked at as Moderates.

California gave us Cash for Clunkers, Undocumented Migrants, Drugs, Open Borders, etc.



Former Black Democrat Congresswoman. Left meets right. Biden Cheated, Trump Won

Views: 198

Former Black Democrat Congresswoman. Left meets right. Biden Cheated, Trump Won. Former affirmative action babe Cynthia McKinny even called it.  She was spot on and is asking President Trump to continue the fight. We have this from McKinny

Blasting “miscreants” in places of authority, McKinney called on Trump to keep fighting to drain the swamp and expose evildoers.

Now it is time for every legal vote to be counted so President Trump’s victory can be certified in the Electoral College, said McKinney, a progressive who has allied with the liberty movement on issues of mutual concern.

According to the firebrand ex-lawmaker, it is time for the evil forces in D.C. to be exposed and cleaned out once and for all. “What the president must do is stay the course and expose it all,” added McKinney in a 20-minute video commentary.

Some past history on McKinny. As a member of the Democratic Party, she served six terms in the United States House of Representatives. She was the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House.[2] She left the Democratic Party and ran in 2008 as the presidential candidate of the Green Party of the United States



Is this what you want leading our country?

Views: 28

Is this what you want leading our country? Joe Biden is famous for the gaffes and has been making them for decades, but now there is a “more concerning thing” that the Democratic presidential nominee is doing in the lead-up to the upcoming US election.

I stand behind Joe. Because I’m too afraid to stand in front of him. These videos are just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of videos of Joe Biden, behaving badly, like this, all over the internet. And this was the best the Democrats could come up with? What say you?

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris Accord scrapped for good.

Views: 48

Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris accord scrapped for good. Yes my friends we can finally bury this puppy for good. Fake News will never know what hit them. We have this from The Competitive Enterprise Institute.

“We are encouraging him to review the agreement and recognize that it is in fact a treaty and transmit it before January 20 to the Senate for its advice,” Myron Ebell, Center for Energy and Environment director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said on a conference call on Thursday. “If that happens, the treaty will be in limbo until such time as the Senate decides to vote on it.”

See it works like this. The Senate would need a two-thirds majority to ratify the treaty, something that is unlikely due to the makeup of Congress’ upper chamber. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 edge over Democrats with two runoffs in Georgia set for Jan. 5.

So in plain English, Biden doesn’t get two thirds and we don’t get the Paris attack on our Economy and we still have clean air.


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