Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Come on man. The Biden Pandemic at the border.You own this crisis.

Come on man.The Biden Pandemic at the border. You own this crisis. Undocumented children by the thousands. Muslim terrorists trying to come in. Immigrants from 49 countries overwhelming our security forces. All because Joe invited them. The left and the MSM tried to label it a surge. Then they said it’s President Trumps fault. But they realized he’s no longer in the White House. Sleepy Joe occupies it.

We saw where Pelosi said there were only 641 undocumented children and there was no crisis. Biden and the DHS reported 4,200 undocumented children. Now CBS NEWS reports over 13,000.

In closing, remember one important thing. The previous administration had it right. These folks were criminals and treated as such. Now they’re the new Democrat party base.