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Congressional Report Validates COVID “Conspiracy Theories” (Part 1)

Congressional Report Validates COVID “Conspiracy Theories” (Part 1)

The House Oversight Committee has released its final report on COVID-19, confirming many of the theories and claims labeled as “conspiracy” or “misinformation” during the pandemic. The report focuses on the origins of the coronavirus and the federal government’s funding of gain-of-function research. It concludes that COVID-19 most likely originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The committee highlights five key arguments supporting the “lab leak” theory. First, the virus displays a biological characteristic not typically found in nature. Second, data reveals that all COVID-19 cases trace back to a single introduction into humans, unlike previous pandemics, which involved multiple spillover events. Third, Wuhan houses China’s leading SARS research facility, which has a history of conducting gain-of-function experiments under inadequate biosafety conditions. Fourth, researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology reportedly became ill with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before the outbreak was linked to a wet market. Finally, the lack of scientific evidence for a natural origin, even after years of research, strengthens the lab leak hypothesis.

The House Oversight Committee has also determined that Dr. Anthony Fauci played a key role in suppressing the truth about the origins of COVID-19. According to the report, Dr. Fauci orchestrated the creation of the publication “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which was widely cited by public health officials and media outlets to discredit the lab leak theory. This publication was allegedly crafted to promote the narrative that COVID-19 originated naturally rather than in a laboratory.

The report further concludes that a lab-related incident involving gain-of-function research is the most likely origin of COVID-19. It highlights that current government mechanisms for overseeing gain-of-function research are inadequate, overly complex, and lack global enforcement. This oversight failure has underscored the need for more stringent and transparent regulations to mitigate risks posed by such experiments.

Additionally, the committee scrutinized the role of EcoHealth Alliance, Inc., led by Dr. Peter Daszak. EcoHealth allegedly used U.S. taxpayer funds to support dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Following the release of evidence by the Select Subcommittee showing that EcoHealth violated the terms of its National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) initiated debarment proceedings and suspended all funding to the organization. Furthermore, new evidence has revealed that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is investigating EcoHealth’s activities during the pandemic, adding another layer of scrutiny to its operations.

The House Oversight Committee’s report delivers a damning indictment of the measures taken to combat COVID-19, asserting that many were not based on science and caused significant harm. Policies such as social distancing, mask mandates, and lockdowns are unequivocally criticized for their ineffectiveness and their role in prolonging the crisis.

Social Distancing

The “6 feet apart” social distancing rule, which led to widespread school closures and the collapse of countless small businesses, was entirely arbitrary and unsupported by scientific evidence. Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted under oath that the recommendation “sort of just appeared,” exposing the lack of any substantive justification for this policy.

Mask Mandates

Mask mandates were imposed without conclusive scientific proof that they effectively protected against COVID-19. Public health officials frequently contradicted themselves on the efficacy of masks, fueling widespread public distrust and highlighting the absence of a consistent, science-based approach.


Lockdowns inflicted devastating harm on the American economy and severely impacted the mental and physical health of the population, especially younger Americans. Instead of prioritizing the protection of vulnerable groups, federal and state governments imposed draconian measures that forced millions to sacrifice essential aspects of their livelihoods, education, and healthcare. These lockdowns caused immeasurable damage with no clear evidence of benefit.

New York’s Pandemic Failures

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous March 25 order, which mandated that nursing homes accept COVID-19-positive patients, is described as a case of blatant medical malpractice. This reckless policy led to catastrophic outcomes in nursing homes. Evidence further reveals that Cuomo and his administration deliberately worked to conceal the deadly consequences of their decisions to avoid accountability.

The Select Subcommittee has accused Cuomo of knowingly making false statements to conceal the extent of the tragedy in New York’s nursing homes. In light of this, the committee has referred Cuomo to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.

These findings categorically expose the failures and harm caused by pandemic policies, holding key officials accountable for their actions and the suffering they inflicted on the American people.

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Pass few bills, but put a lot in them.

Pass few bills but put a lot in them.

The House needs to combine numerous items in one large reconciliation bill. Some in Trumps inner circle want several, but Speaker Johnson has stated that the President wants one large bill.

That bill will cover border security, energy, and an extension of Trump’s 2017 tax law.

Reconciliation allows Congress to pass party-line policies on taxes and spending with simple majority votes, bypassing the Senate’s standard 60-vote requirement for legislation. Marshaling Trump’s policies into one bill would allow the incoming administration to advance their agenda.

Biden Pandemic Corruption Life Opinion Politics

Why this man was passed up for a seat on the Supreme Court.

Anyone watching this joke of an AG will know why this man was not voted on for a seat on the highest court in the land. And seeing the hate out there from the left for any white guy, his time has passed.

He refused to answer many of the questions put forward. Rep. Mike Johnson: “You know, we were surprised.  I think many people who watched this hearing today thought that he was one of the worst witnesses who has ever appeared before the committee…  I practiced law for 20 years and I would say he ranks up there with some of the worst.  He seemed unprepared.  He was evasive. He dodged question after question and he used simple talking points that apparently were prepared for him by someone else.  It was very unimpressive.  And the idea that he would be the top pick of the Democrats to be on the Supreme Court makes us all wonder what was going on there.


Lawmakers urge Biden to halt USPS contract.

Lawmakers urge Biden to halt USPS contract. As you may or may not know, a 6 billion dollar contract was given to build electric postal trucks. But the company that got the bid is only going to make 10% of the trucks electric. Another bidder was going to use all electric trucks.

Only group that I could find that was opposed to a company called Workhorse was a small dissident West Coast group that has in the past made racist comments against a company associated with Workhorse. The groups issues were that the company was located in a area with a large community that was mostly minorities. Lordstown Motors ( a partner with Workhorse ) is close to Warren and Youngstown, Ohio. Both with large minorities.

Workhorse is a minority partner with Lordstown Motors, which is using some of Workhorse’s intellectual property in the Endurance, Lordstown Motors’ battery-powered pickup truck expected to launch in September.

Lordstown Motors’ factory in Lordstown, the former General Motors assembly plant, was likely the site to make the postal service vehicles had Workhorse been given the contract. The company’s business plan, however, was never reliant on Workhorse getting the contract.

Today, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-9), Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and epresentative Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) wrote to President Biden urging him to halt a federal postal truck contract until a review can be conducted on whether inappropriate political influence was involved in the decision and whether the contract award is consistent with Biden’s calls for an electrification of federal vehicles. Late last week, Postmaster Louis DeJoy announced the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) would be awarding a contract worth up to $6 billion to Wisconsin company OshKosh Corp., while also telling a House Committee that the new postal truck fleet would only be 10% electric under the proposed contract. Ohio-based Workhorse Group, an electric vehicle manufacturer, was passed over for the contract.

This contract award stands in stark contrast to Biden’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad and his public calls to transform the federal vehicular fleet to electric vehicles. Kaptur, Brown, and Ryan and are asking Biden to review the contract award.