
Reprint. The Texas Neanderthals were right. Texas ditched the mask mandate and opened up – and it’s all fine..

Views: 36

Original can be found here.


Reprint. The Texas Neanderthals were right. Texas ditched the mask mandate and opened up – and it’s all fine. I’m sure you heard the warnings. Biden, CDC, the fauch, etc. Texans were told that they were inviting death and more sickness. But not one word about the virus infected criminals that were invading our southern border. So enjoy.

In early March, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he was ending the state’s mandate for people to wear masks, and reopening businesses at full capacity. Media outlets went into overdrive to denounce him and predict catastrophe. CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza called Abbott’s decision ‘head-scratching, anti-science’. ‘Model projections for Texas show worst-case scenario without mask mandate’, warned an ABC TV station in Houston. Abbott’s move was part of a ‘bold plan to kill another 500,000 Americans’, screamed Vanity Fair.

Politicians also rushed to criticise Abbott. Former representative and failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke called his decision a ‘death warrant for Texans’. California governor Gavin Newsom said Texas was ‘absolutely reckless’ for lifting its Covid rules.

No less than President Joe Biden felt obliged to speak out and condemn Abbott. ‘The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine – take off your mask, forget it. It still matters.’

Well, it appears the Neanderthals in Texas got it right, and Biden is the one whose thinking is caveman-like. Now, three weeks after Abbott’s order to lift the mask mandate went into effect, the Covid situation has improved in Texas. New cases are down, to their lowest level since June. Hospitalisations have fallen to their lowest level since autumn. Death rates have plummeted. Furthermore, the outlook for vaccinations in the state appears bright, with a record daily number of people receiving shots. Adults of all ages are now eligible for a vaccine jab, a faster pace than many other states.

Have Biden and the media apologised for slandering Texas? And have they learned that lifting mandates on mask-wearing and removing other restrictions does not lead to Covid-spreading? Of course not.

As it happens, there is no need for alarm in the US. Yes, new cases are up in some states, but far below the January peak. The levels are much too low to talk about a ‘fourth wave’.

The real issue is that Biden and many other elites don’t trust the mass of people. When the toll of state-mandated restrictions on our wellbeing is so great – in terms of job losses, small businesses going to the wall, a halt in student learning, and the non-treatment of non-Covid health issues – such limitations on us should be kept to a minimum. Today, as we see vaccines being rolled out at a rapid pace, the constraints on us should also be lessening. But as the constant gloom-and-doom from Biden and the CDC shows, the instinct of many in authority is to dismiss any signs of good news, so as to justify controls on a public they do not trust.

The whole article can be found here.



Shootin the Bull.

Views: 43

Shootin the Bull. Let’s try something different. Post anything within reason. Jokes, Gifs, Music, Politics, and even Religion. But no attacking of any Religion. If there’s something you want us to cover here or on Koda, tell us. News stories, resent events, you name it.

Real Federalism Would Be Far Better Than Buy-Partisan Earmarks



Economy Politics

Is inflation heading our way? Economists think so.

Views: 15

Is inflation heading our way? Economists think so. In fact, many see inflation moving toward and perhaps a bit above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target rate that has been elusive for much of the past decade. The primary driver is an economic reopening fueled by more Americans getting vaccinated, which will cause upward price pressure in industries that were held back during the coronavirus pandemic.

Have you noticed how the price of gas has been rising? A dollar a gallon in my area. At the Fed’s meeting earlier this month, Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged that the economy could see some price pressures, perhaps from rising energy.




Great interview.Brilliant man.Honest observation worthy of serious action, decision and precaution.His diagnosis seems very logical.I am convinced that the manic nature of the market is reaching its climax and end is near.My gut feeling points that bubble explosion may coincide with the next stimulus..

“Act big” is the new slogan of the Biden administration. There is a need for large fiscal spending to ensure a full recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The Federal Reserve is on board. Its chairman Jerome Powell argued for the need for “patiently accommodative” monetary policy, a signal that the central bank is not planning to increase interest rates in the near future.

But some studies have shown that accommodative monetary policy has boosted asset prices, especially those of stocks and houses. Because the rich people own more assets than poor households, the wealth inequality in the U.S. may widen even further. Additional expansionary policies may lead to another wave of asset-price appreciation and wealth inequality increase.


Politics Elections The Courts

Why Justice Thomas’s words on the Elections are so Important. “Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us,” Justice Clarence Thomas declared Monday, when the Supreme Court decided — by one vote –to hear none of the 2020 election cases raising issues of voter fraud and illegal votes.

Views: 115


“Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us,” Justice Clarence Thomas declared Monday, when the Supreme Court decided — by one vote –to hear none of the 2020 election cases raising issues of voter fraud and illegal votes.

Why Justice Thomas’s words on the Elections are so Important. I feel that this is so important, so I’m inviting all the folks in my tag groups. Regardless of how you feel about the 2020 Elections, Justice Thomas said things that do point out where he thought politics were played and changes were made to existing laws. That can’t be denied I’m going to post his full response to the courts decision to not hear the Pennsylvania complaints. I’ll highlight what I feel were important points. As always be civil. No name calling. Justice Thomas.

“The Constitution gives to each state legislature authority to determine the ‘Manner’ of federal elections,” began Thomas. “Yet both before and after the 2020 election, nonlegislative officials in various States took it upon themselves to set the rules instead. As a result, we received an unusually high number of petitions and emergency applications contesting those changes. The petitions here present a clear example.”

“The Pennsylvania Legislature established an unambiguous deadline for receiving mail-in ballots: 8 p.m. on election day. Dissatisfied, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended that deadline by three days,” Thomas explained, referring to one of the rejected cases. “These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority nonlegislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”

“For more than a century, this Court has recognized that the Constitution operates as a limitation upon the State in respect of any attempt to circumscribe the legislative power to regulate federal elections,” he continued, quoting Supreme Court precedent. “Because the Federal Constitution, not state constitutions, gives state legislatures authority to regulate federal elections, petitioners presented a strong argument that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision violated the Constitution by overriding the clearly expressed intent of the legislature.”

“But elections enable self-governance only when they include processes that give citizens (including the losing candidates and their supporters) confidence in the fairness of the election,” Thomas added, quoting a recent Supreme Court case that held, “Confidence in the integrity of our electoral processes is essential to the functioning of our participatory democracy.”

“Unclear rules threaten to undermine this system. They sow confusion and ultimately dampen confidence in the integrity and fairness of elections,” he explained. “To prevent confusion, we have thus repeatedly — although not as consistently as we should — blocked rule changes made by courts close to an election.”

The mail-deadline case did not impact enough votes to change the 2020 election. “But we may not be so lucky in the future,” Thomas warned. “Indeed, a separate decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court may have already altered an election result.”

Thomas surmised:

That is not a prescription for confidence. Changing the rules in the middle of the game is bad enough. Such rule changes by officials who may lack authority to do so is even worse. When those changes alter election results, they can severely damage the electoral system on which our self-governance so heavily depends. If state officials have the authority they have claimed, we need to make it clear. If not, we need to put an end to this practice now before the consequences become catastrophic.

Read the rest here.






Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team.

Views: 138

Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team. OK let’s say that Biden somehow is declared the President. The RNC, Trump, and any other organization must be ready to respond. Biden signs an executive order on Friday afternoon, the team is in federal court on Monday morning. Also make it multiple courts. East, West, Midwest, and down South. Force them to respond on multiple fronts.

Biden is a illegitimate President. A war was waged for four years on a legitimate President. Return the favor.

No charges ever proved, and an impeachment rejected by the Senate.


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