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The scariest people in this country. THE ELITE 1%.

Views: 18

The scariest people in this country. THE ELITE 1%. As small as this group is, they have so much power. Money is a big reason. They make over 150K.

For decades, a small minority of elites—the 1% of people who live in very densely populated urban areas, make a lot of money, and have at least one post-graduate degree—has been building institutions and mechanisms of regulatory power that are immune to the checks and balances of elections. Worse still, these same elites own, operate, and control the organs of information exchange that—ideally—would keep the public accurately informed.

The Elite 1% wield a tremendous amount of institutional power but are wildly out of touch with the nation they want so rule.

Basics of the Elite 1%.

Basics of the Elite 1%


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