Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae.

Views: 33

If true, Gavin Newsom’s Wife Intervenes and Reportedly THROWS IN TOWEL to Prevent Extended Debae. Not making this up. This is what NBC was reporting. I guess Gavin’s wife had enough.

According to a report from NBC News, citing multiple sources, including DeSantis aides and unaffiliated individuals, Jennifer Siebel Newsom intervened on her husband’s behalf during a commercial break, saying, “We’re done.”

According to four sources in the DeSantis camp — one who witnessed the moment in the room and three others who were standing backstage (where there was no press or live studio audience) — Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, came into the debate room on at least two occasions to raise some objections.

She also made her way to the stage during the break after the candidates agreed to extend the debate and put an end to it.

A fifth source on the ground, unaffiliated with either campaign, confirmed that Siebel Newsom ended the debate on her husband’s behalf, saying, “We’re done.”


Commentary Daily Hits. How funny is this? Life Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. The Funnies. WOKE

Todays Funnies.

Views: 7

Everyone is welcome to post their favorite carton gif or meme.

This one is so on target, I have to put it in here (again).

So, for me – This Babylon Bee piece on inflation below is still on target.

”Have a favorite?


Commentary How funny is this? Life Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Funny Church Signs That May Make You Chuckle.

Views: 21

Funny Church Signs That May Make You Chuckle. I’m sure you’ve seen them. The church signs that are used to draw folks in. Many are humorous and if you don’t stop in, I’m sure you read them and tell others. So let’s begin.

Tweet Others As You Would Like to Be Tweeted

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A SIn Sin Burn Is Prevented By Son Screen

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A Sin Bring Your Sin To The Altar And Drop It Like It's Hot

Church Signs So Funny It Might Be A Sin Whoever Is Praying For Snow Please Stop


Commentary Education How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Unions Work Place

How funny is this? NEA staff workers threaten strike.

Views: 22

How funny is this? NEA staff workers threaten strike.

Field service employees at the National Education Association, which represents teachers, voted Monday to authorize a strike.

The NEA, the nation’s largest union, usually stokes strikes across the country, but Axios noted that the NEA is dealing with its own internal troubles among its 48 employees.

Despite the small staff, the union represents around 3 million education professionals from preschool to graduate school. It has been without a contract since May.

LaToya Johnson, the staff union’s bargaining chair, told Axios that NEA staffers are asking for the same kinds of benefits that they are fighting to get for teachers.

“The NEA is going to have to step up and honor the values of the organization,” Johnson said.

The union is asking for a raise in line with inflation. Unless both sides reach a deal this week, a two-day strike will begin Friday with a picket line at an NEA conference in Atlanta.

The staff rebellion comes amid a year of labor-movement resurgence, typified by the United Auto Workers strikes that have shut down dozens of plants as workers seek higher wages, better benefits, and new protections.

Even within those strikes, divisions have begun to surface. UAW members at some Ford and General Motors plants in Kentucky and Michigan rejected a tentative agreement between the car unions and companies.

Teachers’ strikes also are heating up, notably in Portland, Oregon, where the public school district just offered a significant salary increase. However, local unions rejected the proposal.

“When it comes to class sizes and caseloads, there was no improvement,” said Portland Association of Teachers President Angela Bonilla.

“For planning time, it’s the status quo for a majority of our members and less planning time for a portion of our educators. When it comes to a cost-of-living increase, there was no movement beyond a small one-time cash bonus.”

Luca Cacciatore |

Luca Cacciatore, a Newsmax general assignment writer, is based in Arlington, Virginia, reporting on news and politics. 


Workers at Influential Labor Union Authorize Strike |


Biden Cartel Censorship Emotional abuse Free Speech How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. WOKE

The Cure is Worse Than the Disease.

Views: 18

The Cure is Worse Than the Disease. Supporting the former things..


The take home message that I get from this cartoon – is that we all have to get out and vote in the primaries, as well as general elections. It is in the primaries where we lose a lot of our conservative candidates – particularly in purple regions.
It is by getting out and voting, that things will change in the House and Senate.


Bonus points for anyone who can figure this out.

A meeting of heroes and martinis last night!

Dr Bhattacharya, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr. Maryanne Demasi, Dr. Simon Goddek, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jeffrey Tucker, among many others were at the Brownstone Conference and Gala in Dallas Texas for a great day of discussions, followed by a fantastic dinner.

Pictured: Naomi Wolf and Jill at the Brownstone Gala last night.

The expression √(1+tan²c) can be simplified using the trigonometric identity:

  • tan²c + 1 = sec²c
  • Therefore, the expression can be rewritten as:
  • √(1+tan²c) = √sec²c
  • The square root of sec²c is simply sec c.
  • So, √(1+tan²c) simplifies to sec c.
  • So the shirt reads:
    “I’m sec c and I know it”




Commentary Corruption Crime How funny is this? Politics theft in office. WOKE

Soros-Funded DA Gets a Taste of What She’s Created After Leaving $90K SUV Unattended

Views: 25

Surprise! (Not the county-owned SUV.)

Maybe now she’ll see how her citizens feel.

Pamela Price, the progressive prosecutor in Alameda County, California, got a look at crime, up close and personal, when her office laptop was stolen from an SUV after her bodyguard parked the vehicle Friday afternoon, according to KGO-TV in Oakland.

And police never showed up to take a report.

The incident took place during working hours when Price was at the Alameda County Family Justice Center about 3:30 p.m., KGO reporter Dan Noyes wrote in a social media post.

When she returned to the vehicle, she found a window broken and several items stolen, including the laptop.

Now, no decent human being wishes ill fortune to another, and being the victim of a vehicle burglary definitely comes under the heading of “ill fortune.”

But the Pamela Price case might lead to at least a justifiable feeling of schadenfreude.

According to a San Francisco Chronicle report from May 2018, Price first ran for D.A. as a civil rights attorney who had no experience prosecuting criminal defendants.

But what she did have was the financial backing of billionaire George Soros, a man who has devoted his huge fortune to leftist causes, such as undermining criminal justice in the United States by funding the campaigns of district attorneys who have precious little interest in actually enforcing the law.

Price lost in 2018, but ran again in 2022 and won on a platform of “aggressive steps to restore public trust in our criminal justice system, ensure public safety, end mass incarceration and root out racial, socioeconomic and gender disparities within Alameda County’s criminal justice system.”

To a cynical ear, the idea of a D.A. devoted to ending “mass incarceration” and occupying herself with “racial, socioeconomic and gender disparities” instead of simple law enforcement and protecting victims might sound like a recipe for introducing anarchy into a criminal justice system.

But in staunchly Democratic Alameda County, it got Price elected — and voters have been paying the price since.

According to a July report in National Review about citizen unhappiness with their D.A., violent crime in Oakland was up 15 percent compared to 2022, when Price was not the D.A. Property crime was up by 28 percent.

And on Friday, it went up just a little bit more, thanks to the break-in of a vehicle used by Price herself. Making the situation worse, according to KGO, Price waited for an hour for police to show up.

When they didn’t, she reported the crime online. (That’s just what every victim of crime wants to do.)

And plenty of social media users saw the irony. Or maybe the word is “justice.”

“Priceless,” one wrote.

“She forgot to put a sticker on her car that says ‘I’m the one who keeps you out of jail,’” wrote another.

“She got some of her own medicine,” the user wrote. “Now she knows what regular citizens feel like when they are victims of crime.”

Actually, she doesn’t know exactly how regular citizens feel. Regular citizens aren’t riding around in $90,000 Tahoe SUVs driven by taxpayer-funded bodyguards, for instance.

And the property regular citizens are losing to crime won’t be paid for by the county government.

But Pamela Price might have just gotten a glimpse of what life is really like under the progressive policies of the prosecutors George Soros has funded to destroy criminal justice in the name of what leftists call “social justice.”

Price is currently the target of a recall effort, according to KNTV, a Bay Area NBC affiliate.

Chesa Boudin, the former progressive district attorney across the bay in San Francisco, learned in 2022 that those recall elections can kick out prosecutors who aren’t enforcing the law.

If that happens to Price and she’s a victim of a crime again, she might really see what everyday citizens are dealing with under her watch.




Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Polls

Biden’s Approval Drops Eleven Points Among Democrats in Gallup Poll.

Views: 22

Biden’s Approval Drops Eleven Points Among Democrats in Gallup Poll. Poll after poll we see that Joe’s in trouble. Now even the Democrats are seeing it.

Gallup Poll released Thursday shows Democrats’ approval of Joe Biden dropped eleven points in the past few weeks to the lowest point in Biden’s presidency. Biden went from 86 percent approval among Democrats down to 75 percent approval. Gallup analysis points to a growing slip in the Democratic Party between supporters of Israel and Palestinians affecting their response to Biden’s support for Israel after the October 7 terror attack by Hamas that killed 1,400 Israelis (including 33 Americans) and saw over 200 Israelis (and some Americans) taken hostage.

Biden’s overall approval slid from 41 percent in September to 37 percent in October. Independent approval went down from 39 percent to 35 percent, while Republican approval was steady at just 5 percent.



Black Supremacy Commentary How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics Racism

Ladies and Gentleman, the next mayor of Houston. %$#&*(*&^^%. Hopefully not.

Views: 20

Ladies and Gentleman, the next mayor of Houston. %$#&*(*&^^%. Hopefully not. So trash mouth and all, Ms. Lee is retiring from Congress and running for mayor of Houston. Below is her platform.

I don’t want you to do a goddamn thing. I want you to have a f*cking brain. I want you to have read it. I want you to say, Congresswoman, with such and such date. That’s what I want. That’s the kind of staff that I want to have. So some stupid other motherf*cker did it. And, and I don’t have the information. Nobody sent me the information. I need to, uh, ensure my, um, schedule and, uh, you know, if, if Boo Boo did it, shit a** did it, f*ck face did it. And nobody knows a goddamn thing in my office. Okay? Nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get it on the calendar, imprint it in your brain, or send me the information back saying, “Congresswoman, I made sure that the Ovide Ducantell event that you gave me, uh, for a so-and-so date at seven is on the f*cking calendar.” Not to, oh, Jerome has it.

Sheila Jackson Lee • 1:02 – 1:33

Okay. So when I called Jerome, he only sitting up there like a fat a** stupid idiot talking about, uh, what the f*ck? He doesn’t know. Okay? Both of y’all are f*ck ups [inaudible]. It’s the worst sh*t that I could have ever had put together. Two g*ddamn big a** children f*cking idiots serve no goddamn purpose. Ain’t managing nobody. Nobody’s respecting them. Nobody gives a sh*t about what you’re doing and you ain’t doing sh*t. And this is an example of it. I gave it to Jerome. This is not child’s work.




Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Weekend Funnies: Drama, Drama, Drama

Views: 24


Everyone Is looking To be offended”


Biden Cartel How funny is this? Politics Trump

Will step climbing be added to the regular Olympics?

Views: 8

Will step climbing be added to the regular Olympics?

Nuff said.



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