America's Heartland Black Supremacy How funny is this? How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Uncategorized

But, but some of my best friends are white.

Views: 26

Swoopes made some off the wall coments, then tried to walk them back.
What was sad is that Swoopes played the race card that white progressives make when they’re called out. Swoopes comments were reversed. I grew up in a mostly white town, I went to mostly white schools, and my best friend’s white.



Emotional abuse How funny is this? Life Links from other news sources.

A real stress breaker. NYPD Dance team.

Views: 9


A real stress breaker. NYPD Dance team. The team isn’t an official part of the department, but that didn’t stop the plenty of reactions dunking on the dancing itself. When I saw this, I had to agree with a person on X who said something about defunding the police.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) defended the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) dance crew after a viral video of the team performing last week sparked online criticism.

“This team SERVES and protects! Honored to join the NYPD Dance team at City Hall. I think it’s so important that our women and men in uniform have outlets like this to express themselves and bond. They work hard on the clock and dance hard off the clock — like true New Yorkers,” Adams wrote Tuesday on X, formerly Twitter.




Commentary How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Sports WOKE

Actress who didn’t get a part in Yellowstone goes after the program, KC Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers.

Views: 17

Actress who didn’t get a part in Yellowstone goes after the program, KC Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers. Some no n ame oscar nominated actress who couldn’t get a part on the hit show Yellowstone went after the show and the KC fans for their Indian inspired Tomahawk chop.

She also went after the San Francisco 49’ers for using the name 49ers. Claimed Indians were mistreated. Why go after Yellowstone? “Delusional! Deplorable!” she responded when asked about the way Yellowstone portrays the west. “No offense to the Native talent in that. I auditioned several times. That’s what we had.”

And then the Chiefs. There are many ways that you could interpret the name “chief.” It’s not just the name that bothers me. It’s hearing that damn Tomahawk chop. Every time, it’s a stark reminder of what Hollywood has done to us, because the Tomahawk chop directly ties to the sounds of old Westerns where we were not playing ourselves, or if we were, we were merely backdrop actors. It’s this ‘claiming’ of that sound and saying it’s in ‘honor’ and the commodification of who we are as people. It’s great to love the game and your players, but it still hurts.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism. Reprints from others. Satire Stupid things people say or do. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Friday Funnies.

Views: 8

Friday Funnies.

I consider Tucker a mentor of sorts. I strive to be more like Tucker.

Brought to you by Google.

The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.

“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”

The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:

“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”

Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.

Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.


Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources.

Get this lady on the talk show circuit. A white Kamala.

Views: 9

Get this lady on the talk show circuit. A white Kamala. She does Kamala better than Kamala. Thw X video below is really funny. Close youe eyes and listen to it.

Her name is Eksa Kurt and the late night shows won’t come knocking down her door, but they should.

You won’t see her on Saturday Night Live or the Daily Show, because those ‘comedy’ shows don’t make fun of Democrats. Only Republicans can be used as a punchline.


Biden Commentary How funny is this? Links from other news sources.

Biden speaking with the dead.

Views: 12

Biden speaking with the dead. Joe did it again. He called upon the dead to have a conversation with. First it was the former President of France. Now he spoke with the former Chancelor of Germany.

X (

The man’s power is amazing. Who knew that Joe could call the dead back from the grave? Being that Joe’s such a big fan of China, is Mao next? I’m not making this up.


Biden Commentary Daily Hits. How funny is this? Links from other news sources.

Biden and his sharp Brain based Cognitive Abilities.

Views: 22

Biden and his sharp Brain based Cognitive Abilities. Recently folks have mentioned that Donald Trump is starting to resemble Joe Biden when it comes to Cognitive abilities. Trump has been tested. Biden refuses to mention if he has. Below is the definition of Cognitive abilities.
The list is endless.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control How funny is this? How sick is this? Immigration January 6 Journalism. Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Media Woke Medicine MSM Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Science Stupid things people say or do. Terrorism The Border The Courts The Law theft in office. Transgender Trump Un documented. Uncategorized Warfare Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE Work Place

Weaponization of Government. New series.

Views: 15

Weaponization of Government. New series.

By MC.

I’ll be starting a new series on how Government is using its powers (Sometimes unconstitutionally and possibly illegally). Some of the articles will be in my own words (with sources) and some will be the reposting of articles from others.

I’ll be looking at local, state, and federal. Also, I’ll be looking at the educational system. Hopefully you will be shocked that this is going on. So, let’s see where this takes us.

If you have some ideas or have stories of weaponization, please feel free to comment or send me a link.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Commentary Corruption Debates Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do. Trump White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Left and Right Disagree on “Racism” Definition.

Views: 22

Left and Right Disagree on “Racism” Definition.

For conservatives, the definition of “racism” encompasses a narrower range of thought and behavior than it does for leftists or progressives. Conservatives see racism as an endorsement of one’s own racial group’s superiority, a belief about another racial group’s inferiority, or harmful behavior directed at someone specifically because of their race. Conservatives often require a higher standard of proof, relying on explicit evidence rather than implicit assumptions to charge someone with racist behavior.On the other hand, progressives define racism as not necessarily being limited to conscious intent, but as encompassing unconscious bias fundamental to everyone’s cultural upbringing and reaffirmed through systemic structures designed to support white people. They perceive racism as built into people’s way of being or seeing in the world. Therefore, progressives may charge someone with racism without explicit evidence the behavior or remarks of the accused were based on race, due to their belief that racism can operate as unconscious bias. Because progressives perceive many fundamental societal structures as built on systemic racism — meaning certain groups have more power than others — they view racism as linked to power, holding the belief that disadvantaged groups cannot be racist toward groups that have power.In the case of Trump’s tweets, the right sees a lack of explicit proof that Trump views the Squad as inferior due to their race, or denies that he criticized them based solely on their race and not their ideas. Progressives, on the other hand, perceive Trumps’s attempts to curb illegal immigration and the “go back” remarks as evidence of unconscious bias against immigrants and people of color.

We break down the differing “racism” definitions and hundreds of other terms in more detail in the AllSides Red Blue Dictionary. Understanding what other groups mean when they use certain terms can help us to appreciate other people’s worldview — even when we disagree.

Julie Mastrine is the Director of Marketing at AllSides. She has a Center bias.

This piece was reviewed by Samantha Shireman, Information Architect at AllSides, who has a Lean Left bias. It was also reviewed by AllSides Daily News Editor Henry Brechter, who has a Center bias.


Commentary Green Energy How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Public Service Announcement

What a joke. Solar battery power that lasts four hours.

Views: 23

What a joke. Solar battery power that lasts four hours. 118 million of our tax dollars were spent to build a battery storage plant that can supply 65,000 homes with energy for four hours.

The state has 6,617 megawatts of storage capacity.They say the state will need 52,000 megawatts of storage capacity to meet its goal of running entirely on clean energy by 2045. And this storage unit is 68.8 mega watts of power, at a cost of 118 million.

Tim Mann shows off some of the more-than 15,000 batteries that make up the new Stanton Battery Energy Storage plant in Stanton, CA, on Wednesday, December 6, 2023


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