Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Harris How funny is this? How sick is this? Links from other news sources.

We found the perfect Democrat VP.

Views: 33

We found the perfect Democrat VP. Keith Olbeermann. Would they not make the perfect couple?

On Sunday, Alec Burleson hit a home run in the third inning of the Cardinals’ game against the Braves. As he was rounding the bases, Burleson and a couple of teammates in the dugout put a hand over their ears. They raised a fist in what appeared to be a tribute to President Trump’s reaction following his assassination attempt.

“On Monday, Olbeermann called the Cardinals “Nazis” and told MLB to seize the team. ban these guys from baseball for life, confiscate the team.



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Taxes

Joe and Kamala want the rich to pay their fair share. But they don’t.

Views: 22

Joe and Kamala want the rich to pay their fair share. But they don’t. Both pay less than what Joe wants the new rate to be. Now Joe paid around 23% and Kamala paid around 19% The new rate Joe wants?

Those making more than $400,000 a year would see their top tax rate on their income tax go up, from 37 percent to 39.6 percent. So the two didn’t even pay the 37%, so why raise it to 39?

Also Biden and Kamala paid 20% Capital gains tax. So will they pay the 39%?



It didn’t work the first time, why do they think it will work now? Joe and Kamala says we have no clue.

Views: 57

It didn’t work the first time, why do they think it will work now? Joe and Kamala says we have no clue. When the Biden folks first came in they claimed that there were no plans and needed to start from scratch. Then the fauch bitch slapped the Biden folks with this.

Dr. Anthony Fauci seemed to contradict reports that the Trump administration had no plan for widespread Covid-19 vaccine rollout, telling reporters in the briefing room, “we’re certainly not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in the distribution.”

He touted plans for community vaccine centers, pharmacy buy-in, and targeted use of the Defense Production Act, adding, “it’s taking what’s going on, but amplifying it in a big way.”

We covered this when they first tried this.

Even Pelosi got in on the lie.


But now they’re like chickens without heads and who do they send to push this lie?

“There was no national strategy or plan for [COVID-19] vaccinations. … We’re starting from scratch,” Harris said.

At a press conference last month Dr. Fauci said, “we certainly are not starting from scratch” on vaccine distribution.


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