
After the Biden administration lies about Trump not leaving a Covid plan, CNN story is labelled fake news by The Hill, Fox, and Politico.

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Biden administration lied. After the Biden administration lies about Trump not leaving a Covid plan, CNN story is labelled fake news by The Hill, Fox, and Politico. CNN ran a phony story from the Biden administration and even the MSM has joined FOX in calling it fake news. Junk Science man the fauch even admitted Trump had a plan and parts of it would be used.  See below.

CNN is under fire for publishing an anonymously sourced “scoop” that the Biden administration will have to “build everything from scratch” because there was no Trump plan to distribute coronavirus vaccines, when reality tells a far different story.

A CNN producer pushed the story from reporter MJ Lee as a “great SCOOP” on “how bad this situation is with vaccine distribution.” The story quoted anonymous figures with knowledge of the administration’s COVID-related work as saying there was “nothing for us to rework” and there was no plan at all: “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

Politico editor Sam Stein said the assertions in the story were “not true,” as a distribution plan was part of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed.

“Biden folks are spinning here or trying to lower the bar strategically,” he tweeted. “There was, indeed, a plan from Trump. I listened in on govs calls on vaccine distribution.




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