
Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran.

Views: 12

Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran. When FBI Director Gray and DNI director Ratcliffe reported that Russia, China, and Iran were trying to influence our elections, what did the Democrats and the MSM say? See we told you that the Russians were trying to influence the elections and they’re for President Trump.

Now it was reported that Russia was putting out misinformation about both candidates and China and Iran were putting out misinformation only about President Trump. But if you only followed MSM you just heard about Russia. Why?

Leftists and MSM feel that China and Iran are their friends. They ignore the fact that Russia has mutual arms pacts with China and Iran. We have this from our colleague Catherine Herridge.

Catherine Herridge: Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January.

So with all the evidence that shows that Iran, China, and Russia are tied together at the hip, why does Joe Biden think that they’re our friends?




What if Seven states said you cheated? PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, and NM send two sets of delegates.

Views: 35

What if Seven states said you cheated? They send two sets of delegates. That’s what. PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, and NM sent two sets of delegates. They saw the voter fraud and phony ballots. I say let Congress sort it out. Here’s a fact GP STATED.

So the Biden folks, the Democrat Party, Big Media, Big Tech, China and other foreigners can make the silly and refuted claim that Biden won the election.  But we all know they are dishonest and have no respect for America or its Constitution.



Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team.

Views: 138

Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team. OK let’s say that Biden somehow is declared the President. The RNC, Trump, and any other organization must be ready to respond. Biden signs an executive order on Friday afternoon, the team is in federal court on Monday morning. Also make it multiple courts. East, West, Midwest, and down South. Force them to respond on multiple fronts.

Biden is a illegitimate President. A war was waged for four years on a legitimate President. Return the favor.

No charges ever proved, and an impeachment rejected by the Senate.



Mnuchin stops Biden from spending money like a drunken sailor. Mnuchin plans to move $455B in coronavirus relief out of Biden’s reach

Views: 81

Mnuchin stops Biden from spending money like a drunken sailor. Mnuchin plans to move $455B in coronavirus relief out of Biden’s reach. Knowing that Biden might act as if it was the Obama administration 2.0, 455 billion was moved to the General Fund. That way Congressional approval would be needed to access it.

So if Joe wants it to go to say free college, or undocumented  immigrants, or the green deal, odds are he would not get it. What a smart move. Democrats are crying the blues.

Democrats quickly condemned the move, with Bharat Ramamurti, a former adviser to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who now serves as a member of the congressional commission charged with overseeing the funds, calling it “illegal.”

“This is Treasury’s latest ham-handed effort to undermine the Biden administration,” he tweeted Tuesday. “The good news is that it’s illegal and can be reversed next year. For its part, the Fed should not go along with this attempted sabotage and should retain the CARES Act funds it already has.”

A Treasury spokesperson, however, rejected that analysis and said Mnuchin’s decision was legal under the CARES Act, which provided the original funding.

Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee applauded Mnuchin, saying that he was following both the law and Congress’ intent.



Thanks Joe Biden. Disney announces more layoffs.

Views: 23


Thanks Joe Biden. Disney announces more layoffs. We were told that it would be 28,000. But now it jumped to 32,000. But what does Joe Biden say?

I’m going to fix the economy. Odds are the only thing that he can do is ask the companies to reopen, or make everyone a essential worker. But until then, workers will suffer because of this panic Joe and his allies in the MSM created.

Hopefully this doesn’t effect Florida.

What say you?



My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus.

Views: 58

My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus. I don’t care if he is declared the winner. He’s not the President. He would just muddy the waters. Let me explain.

The President has a team in place. What happens when Joe listens to his so called experts and it differs. I know he’s doing that now and parroting what the President is saying and has said in the past. But here’s the issue.

Joe having access to the government experts would allow him to make unverifiable comments that he would claim he got from the government scientists. And of course the MSM would go along with Joe. So he must be kept in the dark.

Listen. We don’t need the President saying and doing one thing, and Biden and his so called scientists saying and wanting to do another. So if he’s declared the winner, you brief him January 19th.

What say you?



Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch.

Views: 19

Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch. I’m sure that by now your state has some type of Thanksgiving restrictions. Or I should say they want to put some type of restrictions on you. Well you have Biden, Obama, and the Fauch to thank. Let me explain.

Obama gave Biden the responsibility of running the countries swine flu epidemic. Results are frightening. First year over 65 million folks got it. After eight years of mismanagement, almost 200,000 died. And that’s with a vaccine. In the first year testing was stopped. Against the advice of the CDC and the doctors and scientists.

And what can be said about the fauch? A man who hasn’t practiced medicine in how many years? Try 36 years. So excuse me if I don’t use him as my go to guy. Has contradicted himself numerous times. Everyone else is wrong, but he’s always right. According to himself.




Megyn Kelly is telling it like it is. Finally.

Views: 73

Megyn Kelly is telling it like it is. Finally. For so long she was butt hurt cause of what happened in 2015. Is this a little too late? Maybe. But the message is truthful, and that’s all that matters now.

Some on the left and the MSM is not going to listen to 71 million legal voters. Megyn let some tweets fly.



OMG.  How many people will die from the Biden Super Spreader Saturday night?

Views: 17

OMG.  How many people will die from the Biden Super Spreader Saturday night? This is not fake news, this is the real deal. Last night Joe Biden held a super spreader in Wilmington, Delaware. People on top of each other some masked, most only inches apart.

Even Jake Tapper at CNN saw the possible spreading of this deadly virus.  Again how many will die? How soon the MSM and the Biden folks forget. We have a Pandemic folks. Just how many people will die because of the Biden celebrations? Definition from Webster below. The Biden Super Spreader.




su·​per-spread·​er | \ ˌsü-pər-ˈspre-dər
variants: or superspreader
plural super-spreaders or superspreaders

Definition of super-spreader

: an individual who is highly contagious and capable of transmitting a communicable disease to an unusually large number of uninfected individuals Health authorities are watching uneasily for an event that could reverse their apparent success in containing the U.S. outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome: the arrival of a so-called super-spreader.



Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski.

Views: 23

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski. The private email from Khanna, which Roberts had scrubbed for personal contact details, counter the narrative from Democrats that Bobulinksi is part of a Russian disinformation campaign, as his colleague Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed.

Bobulinksi said during a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he spoke out about the Biden family’s business dealings because he wanted to clear his and his family’s name.

He began speaking out after the New York Post obtained and published Hunter Biden emails that included his name, and the Biden campaign and Schiff began claiming it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. He further said he asked the Biden campaign and Schiff to retract their statements, but they ignored him, forcing him to speak out.


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