
Now will he go after the main hate group out there? Biden publicly condemns Antifa following criticism from the right.

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Now will he go after the main hate group out there? Biden publicly condemns Antifa following criticism from the right. Finally after all these months Joe Biden condemned part of his base, Antifa.

Joe Biden countered criticism that he’s been soft on aggressive protesters, arguing he’s disavowed antifa while President Trump hasn’t distanced himself for its far-right counterparts.

Back in 2017 President Trump has condemed the hate groups from the right. But to this day Joe refuses to recognize that this has been done. Why is that Joe?

The 2020 Democratic presidential nominee and two-term vice president was asked whether he denounced antifa, a left-wing protest movement that says it opposes fascism but that critics say is actually an effort to foment violence.

“Yes, I do — violence, no matter who it is,” he told Lancaster, Pennsylvania-based NBC affiliate WGAL on Sunday.

Now America is waiting to see if he will also condemn BLM, A VERY LARGE PORTION OF HIS BASE.

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