
How we take it back in 2022 and 2024. Republicans need to realize one thing. The Democrat party is united when they cheat.

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How we take it back in 2022 and 2024. Republicans need to realize one thing. The Democrat party is united when they cheat. Does that mean that we cheat also? Absolutely not. We do what our Moderate brothers and sisters did in California. We throw their hate and cheating back in their face. So here are some easy steps to follow.

First we continue to go diverse. We don’t change the message, we just add more diverse messengers. In the past we just looked at Blacks. But we only attracted wealthy Blacks. In Southern California, the message was tuned into Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Women. And not just married white women. Our diverse candidates won and they all had a Conservative message.

Second we make it local. All politics are local regardless of race. Be it Councilman, Mayor, Congressman, or Senator. And yes President. MSM sold their soul to the Democrats on a national level. Just look how they hid all the Biden Gaffs, Obama -Biden virus, China gate, and Hunter Biden scandal. Use local television, radio, and print media.

Finally put a label on the Democrats and make it stick. The Republicans of Southern California were great using this. Democrats were the party of socialism, defunding the police and abolishing private health insurance. Also remember that over 99% of all rioting started when hate groups like Antifa and BLM rioted.




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