
Opinion. Here’s why people wonder about Georgia and the 2020 Elections.

Opinion. Here’s why people wonder about Georgia and the 2020 Elections. In case you haven’t seen it, the WP wrote a retraction two months later about the big lie. This wasn’t the first time, and knowing the left it won’t be the last.

The Washington Post made a massive correction Monday to a January report about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and a Georgia elections investigator, as the liberal paper admitted multiple quotes attributed to Trump based on an anonymous source were inaccurate.

Below is President Trumps response to the WP Lie.

And here’s the retraction.

Now the Georgia Secretary of State knew this was a lie and not what the President said. Why didn’t he correct the WP story?

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. OAN. Parallels being drawn between behavior of Biden and Cuomo

Original can be found here.

Reprint. OAN. Parallels being drawn between behavior of Biden and Cuomo. Two peas in a pod right? Of course we see similarities. I guess the only difference is that all the women that Biden harassed, none filed charges or pushed it. except for one. And she was dismissed.

Over the years, Biden and Cuomo have admitted they have crossed personal space, not as a means to flirt, but to form connections.

As Biden gave Cuomo a pass, the White House has continued to pivot.

“Of course, our objective, though, here continues to be to get the COVID pandemic under control, and we don’t want any state to be impacted negatively. We will continue to work with a range of governors, including Gov. Cuomo, who I would expect to join the call tomorrow,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated. “We’ll leave that up to him.”

Many have speculated Biden’s refusal to condemn Cuomo, as he too faces sexual assault claims.


Economy Politics

Is inflation heading our way? Economists think so.

Is inflation heading our way? Economists think so. In fact, many see inflation moving toward and perhaps a bit above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target rate that has been elusive for much of the past decade. The primary driver is an economic reopening fueled by more Americans getting vaccinated, which will cause upward price pressure in industries that were held back during the coronavirus pandemic.

Have you noticed how the price of gas has been rising? A dollar a gallon in my area. At the Fed’s meeting earlier this month, Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged that the economy could see some price pressures, perhaps from rising energy.




Great interview.Brilliant man.Honest observation worthy of serious action, decision and precaution.His diagnosis seems very logical.I am convinced that the manic nature of the market is reaching its climax and end is near.My gut feeling points that bubble explosion may coincide with the next stimulus..

“Act big” is the new slogan of the Biden administration. There is a need for large fiscal spending to ensure a full recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The Federal Reserve is on board. Its chairman Jerome Powell argued for the need for “patiently accommodative” monetary policy, a signal that the central bank is not planning to increase interest rates in the near future.

But some studies have shown that accommodative monetary policy has boosted asset prices, especially those of stocks and houses. Because the rich people own more assets than poor households, the wealth inequality in the U.S. may widen even further. Additional expansionary policies may lead to another wave of asset-price appreciation and wealth inequality increase.

Opinion Science

Opinion. Why the fauch just doesn’t get it. Most Conservatives don’t believe the lies anymore.

Opinion. Why the fauch just doesn’t get it. Most Conservatives don’t believe the lies anymore. For some reason the left just doesn’t see it. The fauch’s time has come and gone. He’s irrelevant. He was on several talk shows asking why the right doesn’t believe him and why President Trump won’t help him with his lying. Climate change causes Pandemic’s?

But let’s forget that nonsense. If President Trump erred, it was ever putting the fauch on the Operation Warp Team. The lies that man told was the second most reason so many died. First being Obama Biden not leaving enough supplies to battle the virus.

We now see that a large number of folks won’t take the vaccine. And the fauch wants Trumps help. How can he expect help when he’s lied so many times in the past?

What say you?

Life Opinion Politics

Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions.

Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions. Beaches will be packed, Restaurants will be filled. Outdoor concerts will be jamming, and you and the fauch will still be telling tall tales. What a joke these two are.

So according to Mutt and Jeff we’re supposed to continue to live in fear and poke our heads out on the 4th of July? Well Charles Payne says this.

And we have this from the Florida Governor.

DeSantis on Biden: We are not going to let him lockdown Florida

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declares he will oppose any moves by President Biden to lockdown the state again during a press conference in Brevard.

What say you?



Economy Opinion Politics

After four years of having an Adult for President, we now have this? Call 911.

After four years of having an Adult for President, we now have this? Call 911. I don’t know what that was last night, but for a few minutes, I was wondering if I fell asleep and was dreaming. First here’s the Speech.

I must admit I couldn’t watch it a second time. I’m still in shock from the live telecast yesterday. It’s as if the man had no clue about what’s happened. He refuses to take responsibility for leaving no Respirators or masks when He along with Obama left office.

This from the USA Today.

Our rating: True

We rate this claim TRUE because it is supported by our research. There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

Our fact-check sources:

Joe Biden gave no credit to all the folks who the past year have been doing an awesome job. These folks in the Trump administration ( under the direction of President Trump and Vice President Pence ) saved millions of lives. Even some of the folks in the Biden administration ( including the fauch ) have said what a success Operation Warp Speed has been and it’s still being used.

Biden and Harris both said they were left with a mess and no vaccine or plans. Oh really?

Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser to the White House’s Covid team, on Thursday credited the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed for spurring the development of a Covid vaccine at an unprecedented pace.

“We’re grateful for the work that came before us and are doing the best we can to continue it and accelerate it,” Slavitt said on Fox News. “I would absolutely tip my hat. … The Trump administration made sure that we got in record time a vaccine up and out. That’s a great thing and it’s something we should all be excited about.”

Below are videos who show President Trump and Operation Warp Speed getting the credit. Biden mentioned the three vaccines. What he left out was they were all developed under the Trump administration.

Corruption Economy

So what didn’t the MSM tell us about the $1.9 trillion dollar Turkey bill?

So what didn’t the MSM tell us about the $1.9 trillion dollar Turkey bill? Oh sure we hear the so called good stuff in the COVID bill. $1,400 checks, $300 a week extra in unemployment, and more money for COVID.  9% of the total bill. But what’s left out?

How many folks on the left knew that California with a 20 billion dollar surplus was getting over 20 billion from this bill? How many folks knew  that 86 billion was going to states for pension bailout? How many folks knew that the country unemployment is down to 6.2%? We’re 420 billion behind from when the virus started. But 1.9 trillion is being spent.

Finally one trillion from the previous COVID relief programs hasn’t been spent yet.


Education Opinion Science

How stupid is this? Ohio school district mandating double masks or CDC equivalent for in-person return



How stupid is this? Ohio school district mandating double masks or CDC equivalent for in-person return. The school’s double mask order comes after NIAID Head Dr. Anthony Fauci has flip-flopped on the issue, at first telling people they shouldn’t wear masks, then telling people they should wear one or two masks, then claiming “there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference.”

Here are the options.

Students and staff will have the following options when in-person classes resume on March 23:

  1. Wear disposable mask underneath a cloth mask
  2. Wear single 3-ply disposable or 3-ply cloth mask paired with a “mask fitter”
  3. Wear a single KN95 or N95 mask.
  4. Wear a single 3-ply mask made from non-woven, high-efficiency filter material

This website and the owners ask you to follow what your state mandates you to do. I MC do mask according to what my state requires me to do. I ask that you do the same.


Pancho ( Padilla ) Villa claims that in California a surplus isn’t a surplus when you have a surplus.

Pancho ( Padilla ) Villa claims that in California a surplus isn’t a surplus when you have a surplus. In a interview with PBS Pancho was asked about California getting all the billions when they had a significant surplus. He gave an answer that made no sense. Padilla said.

 “This supposed surplus in California that some of my Republican colleagues are pointing to is a false surplus. You don’t want to penalize states like California for doing the right thing early in the pandemic, looking at taking deep cuts, not just in the social service safety net, but even into state employee contracts, etc., that make it appear like there’s a surplus on paper. But the funding that this package is going to restore to states across the country will replenish those social service programs when they are needed the most.”

Padilla thinks that California has better things to spend their surplus on. Like taking care of the needs of the undocumented over it’s citizens.






Opinion Politics

House passes anti worker bill yesterday and my Congressman makes a fool out of himself. Approves pro-union bill despite dim Senate odds.

House passes anti worker bill yesterday and my Congressman makes a fool out of himself. Approves pro-union bill despite dim Senate odds. Tuesday along a mostly party line vote, the house passed a bill if passed and signed would raise pay,increase the workforce by 30-40% and destroy productivity. The video below shows my Congressman ( Tim Ryan-D-Ohio ) flapping his arms like a grounded loon. Obvious that he’s had some of his mothers DAGO Red. A homemade Italian wine made by and enjoyed by millions.

While Republicans have welcomed blue-collar workers drawn to the party by conservative cultural issues, many draw the line at measures that would expand the power of labor and could benefit their economic bottom line.

“I’ve heard Democrats argue that it’s the unions that built the middle class,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., the senior Republican on the House labor panel. “No, the unions didn’t build the middle class. Entrepreneurs and individual workers in this country built the middle class. And what this bill does is take away their freedom.”

Labor unions have long been a bedrock of Democratic support. But as the number of unionized workers has dwindled over recent decades, so too has labor’s power.

I’m sure this bill will crash and burn in the Senate.