
Twitter is Running Promoted Posts Attacking Owner Elon Musk – Is anyone surprised?

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Tesla and SpaceX owner Elon Musk reached a deal last week to purchase Twitter social media platform for $46 billion.

Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, posted this tweet following his purchase of the historically left-wing platform.


Of course, this angered the Communist left in America. Serial liar Barack Obama warned that something must be done to fight the scourge of disinformation. A few days later the Biden regime acted and announced a new disinformation czar. The official director of the program has been wrong about most major issues for the past several years. She is actually a queen of disinformation.

Now it appears Twitter is running promoted tweets attacking their new owner.

This paid tweet was posted over the weekend.

This tweet was >paid< for by journey ranger.

Anything to make money before the new boss shows them the door.



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