Daily Hits. Economy Links from other news sources. Opinion Reprints from others.

Winning. Worldwide Oil and Gas Companies are expanding. Screw wind and solar.

It does my heart good to see that companies worldwide are expanding production of oil and gas. We have this from our friends at Breitbart.

A German non-governmental organization (NGO) called Urgewald, which monitors carbon emissions, presented a report at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt that said nearly all of the oil and gas companies in the world are planning significant expansions over the next few years, in a dramatic rebuttal of the climate change movement’s demand for zero emissions.

“The outcome of our calculations is truly frightening: oil and gas companies’ short-term expansion plans are not in line with the net zero emissions course put forward by the IEA (International Energy Agency),” said Urgenwald’s Fiona Hauke.

Music to my ears.


Master of Truth. A writer who has captured the imagination of many.