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Business is booming over at Twitter.

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According to Musk, Business is up.

Investor slides shared by Musk say that the daily inflow of new users has reached two million, while “user active minutes per day” likewise reached eight billion. The company now has more than 250 million monetizable daily active users, Musk says. All three metrics exceed previous company records.

Purported hate speech impressions have been lower since Musk acquired the platform. Musk, who claimed he purchased Twitter to promote free expression and peaceful dialogue across the political spectrum, revealed last week that the company is still defining hate speech with “the same list of terms” implemented before the acquisition.

Musk also hinted at a number of new offerings from “Twitter 2.0,” including enhanced video content, long-form tweets, encrypted direct messages, and entertaining advertisements.

Musk has remarked that widespread coverage of the acquisition and his subsequent attempts to reform the company, including negative reports from mainstream outlets, has contributed to usage reaching record levels. He said his number-one priority is the removal of child exploitation ( I think I know of 4 or 5 people who were part of this. White Progressives. ) content from Twitter, which previous management neglected to accomplish. Several advertisers paused campaigns on the platform two months ago after a report showed that child sexual abuse material had appeared alongside major advertisers’ profiles.

I have seen my likes and followers grow, so I’m happy the direction Twitter is going in.




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