MSM and Progressives upset that Musk did to hate speech journalists, what Twitter in the past did to Conservative thought. Before Musk took over, Twitter was shadow banning and outright those from the right who had opposing views. Not a word from MSM. But now that their writers are doxing folks, the MSM are doing articles about how unfair Twitter is. Don’t you just feel so bad? This from FOX.
After several prominent media critics of Twitter owner Elon Musk were banned from the platform without explanation on Thursday, an explanation was eventually offered.
In a series of tweets, Musk said the journalists — including CNN correspondent Donie O’Sullivan, New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, The Intercept journalist Micah Lee, Mashable writer Matt Binder, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and former Vox journalist Aaron Rupar — allegedly violated the platform’s new policy not to share location information.
Musk defended his decision to suspend the journalists and said they would remain off the platform for seven days.

The second installment of Elon Musk’s so-called “Twitter Files” shed light on the company’s practices of secretly “blacklisting” certain tweets. (Getty Images)
Hours later, Musk polled his 121.6 million followers on whether the journalists should be reinstated.