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Biden says he will veto any cuts to Medicare, but yet he’s trying to cut Medicare Advantage.

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Biden says he will veto any cuts to Medicare, but yet he’s trying to cut Medicare Advantage. You may have heard him Tuesday night carrying on like a crazy person hollering and screaming about Republicans cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Well now we know who’s proposing the draconian cuts and trying to gut Medicare Advantage. Joe Biden. His boy Obama tried that and even the majority of Democrats had to remind him of his place.

Now the Biden  Administration and Democrats Want to Cut Overwhelmingly Popular Medicare Advantage Program. A new report on Medicare shows that enrollment in the popular Medicare Advantage (MA) program has grown across the board, showing that more seniors are choosing privately-run, innovative options every year.

A group of progressive House lawmakers wrote to CMMI calling for it to get rid of the model for similar reasons.

Progressive lawmakers have also floated potential cuts to MA to help pay for expanded Medicare benefits such as dental or vision benefits as part of the Build Back Better Act, which has stalled in Congress due to objections from key centrist Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia.

The Biden Administration itself is proposing major cuts to the Medicare Advantage program. It runs into the billions.

CMS’ final rate announcement will be released by April 4.




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