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White House BARS New York Post From Attending Joe Biden’s Only Public Event On MAY 8

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The Biden White House barred the New York Post from attending Monday’s event in the South Court Auditorium as prosecutors consider charges against Hunter Biden.

On Monday, Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg delivered remarks on flight delays and cancelations from Biden’s fake White House set in the South Court Auditorium.

Biden mumbled through his remarks before shuffling away and refusing to answer questions.
Only 30 reporters were present.

The White House press office blocked the New York Post from attending Biden’s only public event for the day.

According to The Post, there were 20 empty seats in the South Court Auditorium on Monday, but their request for a press credential was still denied.

The New York Post reported:

The White House press office barred The Post from attending President Biden’s only daytime public event Monday as federal prosecutors near a decision on criminally charging first son Hunter Biden for tax fraud and other crimes.

The Post has closely covered the president’s ties to his relatives’ foreign dealings and first reported in October 2020 on files from Hunter’s abandoned laptop that link Joe Biden to ventures in China and Ukraine.

Biden, who falsely characterized The Post’s reporting as Russian disinformation, appeared with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to talk about airline policies in the White House-adjacent Eisenhower Executive Office Building

In a Monday email, White House staff informed The Post: “We are unable to accommodate your credential request to attend the Investing in Airline Accountability Remarks on 5/8. The remarks will be live-streamed and can be viewed at Thank you for understanding. We will let you know if a credential becomes available.”

The email does not claim that the exclusion is due to “space limitations” — an excuse that was used until recently to justify the press office’s mysterious prescreening of reporters let into large presidential events, which under past administrations were open to all journalists on White House grounds.

In the same room this February, Biden chose to answer The Post’s query about whether his family’s links to China compromised his ability to steer US policy. He fumed about the lack of “polite” reporters and stormed out.

The Post has the fifth-largest news website by US readership — or fourth when excluding aggregator MSN. It is the nation’s second-most-read newspaper online and as of last year, The Post had the fifth-largest print circulation.

In June 2022, 73 journalists representing nearly two-thirds of White House briefing room seats signed a letter demanding the end of the mysterious prescreening process for events. But the unprecedented access restrictions remained in place, and press officers refused to explain the criteria for selection even to leaders of the White House Correspondents’ Association.

The White House did not respond to questions from The Post about the exclusion from Monday’s presidential event. At least two other journalists were initially barred, but the press office relented and let one of them in.

Empty seats at the press conference.

In addition to prescreening reporters let into Biden’s events — which critics say sets a troubling precedent for press access — the White House moved Friday to close a longstanding legal loophole that prevented authorities from stripping reporters of press badges and unveiled a formal process to do so.

Less than 1/3 of the White House press corps were present. WHY?

It’s obvious what the criteria for admittance are:

  • Do you report things contrary to or supportive of the narrative?
  • Do you ask hard or softball questions?
  • Are you reporting on the Biden crime family or just handwaving it away as “disinformation”?

And while holding airlines responsible for at-fault delays is a good idea, when will Pete Buttigieg be held accountable for the delays HE caused? Oh, wait…



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