Will I-95 Highway Collapse Be Blamed on ‘Climate Change’?
If only Republicans had not stood in the way of the Green New Deal, we’d all be driving flying solar cars…
I woke up this morning to the news that a section of I-95 in Philadelphia had collapsed Sunday morning. Within a few moments, I saw a tweet saying, in essence, “No, folks, this was not ‘climate change.’” My tweet, in response, was, “Please, for the love of God, tell me that the #I95Collapse hasn’t been blamed on #ClimateChange.”
So far, I have not seen any indication that it has, but would it be such a stretch? How many absurd things are blamed on climate change each week? Each time you hear one, you think, Can people really be this gullible and programmable? And, of course, the answer is a tragic yes.
Perhaps descent into questions over whether there really was a truck underneath the collapsed section will forestall any descent into a climate-change debate. Either way, I can, without even trying especially hard, think of several ways that people can (and may yet still) find a way to drag climate change into this:
Climate change has caused Pennsylvania to be especially dry, which made the fire burn hotter.
Climate change has caused increased precipitation in Pennsylvania in recent years, causing more frost heave, weakening the section of highway.
Climate change has caused an increase in storm activity, which has battered our nation’s roads. It’s a miracle all our highways haven’t collapsed yet!
Not enough money has been spent on study of how climate change impacts freeway infrastructure.
Climate change has caused erratic weather, which has increased tectonic stress, thus causing micro-quakes along fault lines, further stressing overpass pylons.
If we really cared about climate change, we wouldn’t have trucks full of ‘petroleum products’ driving around everywhere!
So much money is being spent to save us from the ravages of climate change that there isn’t enough left over to repair our nation’s infrastructure.
You can play the game at home with your family. Bonus points for the first person who comes up with absurd things like, If only Republicans had not stood in the way of the Green New Deal, we’d all be driving flying solar cars, and would not even need highways at all. (Absurd until you realize that someone out there is actually going to say something just like this. Probably AOC, at some point.)
This is not actually a game, however.
I recall the first time I truly realized just how crazy people were getting—when I heard the 2005 tsunami being blamed on “changes in deep ocean currents caused by global warming.” It does not matter if a “scientist” says something like this, either. Scientists cannot be trusted any more than the average Twitter user can. Especially not at this point, when there is so much funding and mainstream ‘respect’ to be had by saying the ‘correct’ things about climate change.
Back in 2005, I thought it was all quite silly. Now it appears that climate change is going to be the crowbar used to take our money, take our stoves, and concentrate us into 15-minute camps. Which means that every gullible rube, virtue-signaler, and Matrix-addled narrative-repeater out there is pushing us that much further down the road to serfdom every time they robotically repeat this kind of programmatic nonsense.