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Why the Delaware Supreme Court ( or the federal courts ) need to allow the Biden Senate papers to be viewed.

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Why the Delaware Supreme Court ( or the federal courts ) need to allow the Biden Senate papers to be viewed. In case you missed it, the Delaware Supreme Court said no when it came to Joe Biden’s 1,850 boxes of his time in the Senate. 

In 2012, when Biden was vice president, he gave his alma more than 1,850 boxes of archived papers and 415 gigabytes of electronic records from his 36 years in the Senate. The donation is subject to a gift agreement that prohibits the records from being made publicly available until two years after Biden “retires from public life.”

Now Biden is still in public office, but back in 2016 Biden left public office. The request was made after he had been out of office for almost four years. Those Senate records should have been unsealed.

Also we may find out about the different charges of sexual harassment that have been made against Joe over the years. Hopefully this is taken to the Federal courts.




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