Just look at the rates of booster administered. This must be causing some heartburn among the public health administrative set.

Concentrating on the pediatric population (kids)…
In babies and kids up to four years old, only 0.6% are fully vaccinated. About 5% have completed the primary series and 9% to 11% have had at least one dose.
The 5-11 year olds also are no longer getting vaccinated. Less than 5% have had a booster and only 33% have completed the 2-shot series.
It is believed that not being able to do extracurricular activities without vaccination, caused the 12-17 year olds to get vaccinated. But the good news is that only 8% have been boosted.
Frankly, these numbers are extraordinary. Parents are no longer vaccinating with this experimental vaccines.
The vast majority of adults have not had a booster!
I think we all deserve a big thanks for spreading the message. This is a world-wide group effort to fight big pharma and big government(s) controlling the narrative and we are winning!
The Five Eyes Alliance must be gritting their teeth!