
Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination.

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Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination. A paper was published by Scientific Reports on Nov. 21.

This was no small sample. 246,113 matched individuals were used in this study. One study that proves what many doctors and scientists have been saying.

People who received a vaccine were nearly five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for COVID-19 during the Delta era and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19 during the Omicron era, researchers in Estonia found.

The vaccinated were also seven times as likely to be admitted to a hospital for COVID-19 amid the spread of the Delta variant and two times as likely to be admitted to a hospital during the Omicron period, when compared with the naturally immune, the researchers found.

From: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in individuals with natural, vaccine-induced and hybrid immunity: a retrospective population-based cohort study from Estonia

Figure 2

Cumulative risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2, according to cohort and period (overall, Delta, Omicron). (a) Cohort 1—natural and no-immunity (A overall follow-up period; B Delta period; C Omicron period). (b) Cohort 2—hybrid and natural immunity (A overall follow-up period; B Delta period; C Omicron period). (c) Cohort 3—natural and vaccine immunity (A overall follow-up period; B Delta period; C Omicron period).

Study can be found here.

Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in individuals with natural, vaccine-induced and hybrid immunity: a retrospective population-based cohort study from Estonia | Scientific Reports (





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