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They marched against Justice Kavanaugh and on college campuses and nothing was done. They marched on Schumer and 200 arrests.

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They marched against Justice Kavanaugh and on college campuses and nothing was done. They marched on Schumer and 200 arrests.

Isn’t it strange that protestors were marching on Justice Kavanaugh’s house, nothing was done. Marched on college campuses and again nothing. But when they march on pro Hamas supporter Chuck Schumer there were 200 arrests made.

What was different? Oh Schumer is a Democrat who doesn’t lift a finger to stop these hate groups. Maybe this was his goal. Also what’s different with this group is that there’s folks in this protest who are Jewish.

Protesters were either standing or sitting in the street with their arms linked together as they chanted, “Cease-fire now” and “Let Gaza live,” footage from the group shows.

Authorities arrested the throngs of protesters without incident and led them onto MTA buses that were being used to transport them to booking, according to photos and video at the scene.




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