Biden Pandemic Censorship COVID Drugs Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell — “I’m a Cancer surgeon, we don’t do parasites,”

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell — “I’m a Cancer surgeon, we don’t do parasites,”

Do you remember that drug that the MSM and government officials with ties to drug companies producing gene therapy shots derided as a “horse dewormer”?

It now turns out that it has multiple anti-cancer effects.

From articles in The Vigilant Fox and The Epoch Times

“I was as astonished as anyone might be that ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent,” says cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy.
She’s observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late-stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking ivermectin.
One patient with stage four prostate cancer tried all the traditional protocols like chemotherapy and radiation before being told that there was nothing left that his doctors could do. He started taking ivermectin as a last resort. In a few short months, he had made a stunning recovery.
Within six months, the metastatic lesions began to disappear, and in less than a year, “he was out dancing for four hours” three nights per week, according to Dr. Ruddy.
A similar scenario unfolded for another man named Eddie. He was also in bad shape.

Eddie was diagnosed with two unresectable esophageal tumors that surgeons wouldn’t go near. He was a smoker, couldn’t swallow, and had lost 40 pounds in a year and a half.

“Within a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow. He had gained six pounds. His voice was better,” reported Dr. Ruddy.

Several weeks later, Dr. Ruddy told Eddie, “You need to get a scan.”

Guess what happened?

“We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. Gone. The problem was that he had sold his fishing boat. That was the biggest problem. He was getting better. His tumor was gone. Now he’s got to buy another fishing boat … I was like, ‘Well, now, that’s interesting.’”

There was also a third case, explained Dr. Ruddy.

After observing several cases like this, Dr. Ruddy launched a multicenter observational study on how repurposed drugs like ivermectin impact cancer survival rates.
Why would an anti-parasitic medication like ivermectin work on cancer? Are these isolated cases, or are they indicative of a major breakthrough? She’s on a mission to find out.
See the full interview on EpochTV here:
Related:  FLCCC Launches Observational Cancer Study Focused on Repurposed Drugs
Another article, featuring patient pictured below
Paul Mann and Dr. Kathleen Ruddy at a FLCCC Alliance conference. Mann contacted Dr. Ruddy when traditional cancer treatments had been exhausted for his case of metastatic prostate cancer. Ivermectin brought him back from the brink. (Photo by Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

California. Censorship Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Journalism. Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. MSM

Stories that the California MSM ignores.

Stories that the California MSM ignores.

  1. Will 2024 Be The Year of the Second CA Taxpayer Revolt?
  2. Living in CA Imposes a $26,478.72 “Cost-of-Living Penalty” on Typical Middle-Class Family
  3. Primary Surprise: CA Republicans Have a Path to End the Democrats’ Super-Majority in 2024
  4. WATCH: Gas Prices Will Hit Record High — CA Gas Tax is Highest in Nation!
  5. DeMaio Files Brief with Supreme Court Defending CA Taxpayer Protection Initiative
  6. Reform California Endorses Financial Literacy Ballot Initiative to Replace Woke Curriculum in California
  7. WATCH: Can a New Ballot Measure Fix CA’s Woke School Curriculum?
  8. Carl DeMaio Proposes “California Secure Borders” Initiative to Combat Illegal Immigration
  9. WATCH: Democrats Want to Penalize Crime Victims, but the ‘Make Crime Illegal Again’ Initiative Can Stop the Insanity

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

When Politifact gets it right.

When Politifact gets it right. They are a far left fact checker, but at times they do get it right. Below are a few times. What say you?

In an April 26 interview on “The Howard Stern Show,” Biden told the talk radio star that he got arrested decades ago while protesting in defense of civil rights. False.

“Snickers bar, they did a thing, and it’s like 20% less for the same price.” False. Mars Inc., the company that makes Snickers bars, rebutted Biden’s claim in a statement shared widely on X.

“I have created over 15 million jobs since I have been president.” False. The nation has seen employment increase by about 15.37 million jobs since he was inaugurated — but claiming credit by saying he did it is an exaggeration.

“Other than Herbert Hoover, (Trump is) the only other president who lost more jobs than created in his four- year term.” This needs context. The pandemic wiped out the first three years of job gains under Trump. Almost 58% of the lost jobs were back by the time Trump left office in January 2021.

“We have got 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what their average federal tax is? 8.3%.” False 735 billionaires IRS data from 2019 shows that the top 1% of taxpayers paid an average federal income tax rate of 25.6%, or about three times more than the White House’s estimate.

“We can further reduce the deficit, which I have been able to reduce.” False. The deficit remains higher under Biden than it was before the pandemic. The deficit in 2021, 2022 and 2023 under Biden was higher than in each of Trump’s first three years.

“We have the strongest economy in the world. Let me say it again, in the world.” False. Italy and Canada achieved a lower inflation rate than the U.S. (In Canada’s case, it was just 0.02% lower.)

” 65% of the American people think they’re in good shape economically. They think the nation’s not in good shape, but they’re personally in good shape.” False. This was a poll of Michigan voters, not voters across the country, as Biden said.

“The idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee for bouncing the check, well, I changed that. You can’t charge more than 8 bucks for that. Or your credit card, your late payment, $35.” False. It was only an idea he proposed. Shot down in the courts.

Inflation “was 9% when I came to office.” Pants on fire false. When Biden was inaugurated, year-over-year inflation was about 1.4%. His policies took it to 9.2%.



America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware.

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware. So what happens next? I have to believe that this Beach rally has the left scared big time.

Trump needs to hit Virginia Beach, Ocean City Maryland, and even Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Rallies in those areas would bring in folks from border states like NY, and PA. in the east, plus your southern states. It forces Biden to spend money in areas where he normally would not.

The 45th president added that New Jersey and Virginia are also in play as he looks to defeat Democrat President Joe Biden in a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 general election.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Censorship Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

CNN analysist gets it right. NY City prosecutors are politically motivated against Trump.

CNN analysist gets it right. NY City prosecutors are politically motivated against Trump. Not often when we see the extremists on the left call an Ace an Ace, but one dude at CNN got it right.

Many Americans see this as a way to keep Trump off the ballot and hamper him in his bid to become president again.

“This happens to be true. In my opinion, I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump. A majority of Americans are skeptical that Trump will be able to get a fair trial according to a CNN poll. ” CNN host Fareed Zakaria said.


Anti Semitic Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

No Virginia, The law breaking act that Biden did is not the same as what Reagan, Trump, and Bush’s did.

No Virginia, The law breaking act that Biden did is not the same as what Reagan, Trump, and Bush’s did. Fanatics are trying to compare what Biden did illegally to what other Presidents did legally.

Reagan, Bush’s, and Trump operated within the law, which requires the president to notify Congress of sales or pauses in weapons delivery. Biden did not follow the procedures of the Impoundment Control Act (ICA), keeping Congress in the dark.

Biden’s decision to withhold arms is being interpreted as a betrayal, both because he has long touted his pro-Israel credentials, and because he made specific promises to Israel to ensure that it could defeat and destroy Hamas.

So while it is true that Reagan — and other U.S. presidents — have used pressure on Israel, including the delay or denial or arms, it is unprecedented to do so while Israel is still under attack and Israeli hostages are still in captivity.


Anti Semitic Biden Biden Cartel How sick is this? Links from other news sources.

Biden offers to stab his ally Hamas in the back if Israel doesn’t attack Rafah.

Biden offers to stab his ally Hamas in the back if Israel doesn’t attack Rafah. Seeing that he may lose thousands of Hamas supporters who may get killed and not be able to vote, Biden is going to throw some of the Hamas folks under the bus.

The Biden administration has reportedly offered Israel intelligence on the whereabouts of Hamas leaders in tunnels underneath Gaza — if Israel ends its ongoing attack on the last Hamas stronghold in the Gaza town of Rafah.

The Washington Post reported on Saturday: “The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.”

Abortion rights? Commentary Links from other news sources.

Katie Britt and her awesome piece of legislation.

Katie Britt and her awesome piece of legislation. In case you forgot, she was the Senator who gave the awesome rebuttal to Bidens State of the Union speech. She got all the old white progressive supremacist broads adult diapers in a tizzy.

Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) and 10 other Senate Republicans are introducing legislation Thursday providing various prenatal and postpartum support for women. What does it do?

  • The bill would require states to apply child support obligations during pregnancy and would launch a website —— with resources related to pregnancy, including information about adoption agencies, but not abortion clinics.
  • It would also provide grants to anti-abortion non-profits that assist women through their pregnancies and after birth.

America's Heartland Commentary Links from other news sources. Trump

Sights and sounds of Trumps rally yesterday.

Sights and sounds of Trumps rally yesterday.

We’ve seen the numbers posted anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000. By far the largest political rally in the state of New Jersey. What I saw was amazing to draw such a crowd in a blue state. Below are the sights and sounds from that rally.

Biden Cartel California. Hate Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others.

Mad Maxine Thinks Trump Supporters Are Training for a Massive Attack on (Democrats)

Mad Maxine Thinks Trump Supporters Are Training for a Massive Attack on (Democrats)

for Western Journal

California sure has a way of finding the worst possible candidates to represent them in Congress.

Many are the most extreme kind of leftists who saw Donald Trump’s presidency as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

Like, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, who, in a recent interview on MSNBC, spouted an unhinged conspiracy theory about evil Trump supporters.

As seen in a clip shared to the social media platform X by RNC Research, Waters spoke to Jonathan Capehart on his show, “The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart.”

According to Mediaite, Waters’ unhinged rant was prompted by a question from Capehart regarding Trump’s recent Time interview.

In that interview, according to Capehart, Trump said, “He would not seek to overturn or ignore the Constitution’s prohibition on a third term.”

“Should the American people believe that? Do you believe that?” Capehart asked.

Waters answered, “No! Absolutely not. As I said, you can’t believe anything that Donald Trump has to say. Donald Trump will do any and everything that he can possibly get away with.”

Not a promising start, but, as seen in the video, it got worse.

Waters continued her fear-mongering, saying, “This is a man who we better be careful about. And I tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to ask the Justice Department, and I’m going to ask the president, to tell us what they are going to do protect this country against violence if he loses.”

Considering the violence of the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 and the violence of the protests currently raging on college campuses against Jewish students, perhaps Waters should be more concerned about violence coming from her own party.

Regardless, Waters pressed forward, apparently getting carried away by her imagination the more she allowed herself to spout this shameless, panic-inducing rhetoric.

She told Capehart, “I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with, who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting … what communities they are going to attack.”

Once upon a time, Waters’ delusions might have landed her in an asylum.

First off, training camps up in the hills? Where did she get that idea?

Second, in accusing the right of threatening violence if they didn’t get their way, Waters had absolutely no place to talk.

As The Daily Wire reminded their readers, Waters herself has been guilty of encouraging violence and harassment against members of the former president’s cabinet.

Back in 2018, Waters, spreading the false claim that Trump was inciting violence, said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Finally, there was absolutely no proof for what Waters’ said, in any context.

Trump has always condemned violence against his political opponents.

Even with the whole Jan. 6 insurrection, no honest observer could truly say he incited violence or anything remotely resembling a coup.

Waters, ignoring her own history of encouraging harassment, was merely engaged in a baseless attempt to whip up voters against Trump.

That said, there was probably no amount of proof that could be presented to Waters that would make her change her mind.

Like the rest of the liberal establishment, she has decided that Trump and his supporters are a bunch of feral monsters.

Waters and her Democrat friends know they can’t convince voters to vote for Biden on his merits, so they must dissuade them from voting for Trump with lies and fear.