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More Union workers are supporting Trump than ever before.

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More Union workers are supporting Trump than ever before.

Maybe not the teachers or government workers, but the Joe bag of donut workers are. Even never Trumper pollster Frank Luntz is seeing it.

Why are Union Members Turning to Trump?

One of the key reasons cited by Frank Luntz for President Trump’s popularity among union members is that they feel their voices are not being heard by their union leaders. In his focus groups, Luntz found that many union members expressed frustration with their leadership, feeling that they do not truly represent their interests. This sentiment of being disenfranchised by traditional union leadership has driven many union members to look for alternative candidates who they believe will better advocate for their needs.

Moreover, President Trump’s focus on job creation and his efforts to renegotiate trade deals have resonated with union members, particularly those in industries that have been hard hit by globalization. Trump’s promises to bring back manufacturing jobs and protect American workers have struck a chord with many union members who feel that their livelihoods are at risk.




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