Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Harris Cartel

The hard hitting Interview with Kamala.

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The hard hitting Interview with Kamala.

They say that Harris will be doing a interview or press conference before the end of the month. I think it will be a interview because heaven forbid if a conservative reporter asks a question.

So Interview it is. And the person has to be of color. Probably female or a transgender male. So here’s what the questions may be.

1.Interviewer. Who does your hair? Harris. I can’t say.

2. Interviewer. How many pantsuits do you have? Harris. I can’t say.

3. Interviewer. Does your husband apologize for being white? Harris. Every day. Follow up. Why did you marry him? Harris. He’s rich.

4. Interviewer. Were you responsible for this economy? Harris. Only the parts that the press reported favorably. Interviewer. That was everything. Harris. Then I guess all the credit goes to me.

5. Interviewer. Final question. Harris. Sorry but your five minutes is up.




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