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Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

Pennsylvania Woman Working for Far Left “New PA Project” Charged with Registering Dead and Non-Existent Voters. And they still lost.

So what happens when you register dead folks and ghosts? You still lost, but maybe now you’ll go to jail. Another case of the left caught ch

Pennsylvania officials charged Jennifer Hill on Thursday for registering dead and non-existent people to vote in Pennsylvania.

Hill, 38 of Collingdale, worked for the New Pennsylvania Project or New PA Project. She was arrested on Thursday.

According to officials Hill filed more than 300 voter registration forms using an app provided by the Pennsylvania Department of State, but 129 of those were rejected as invalid. She was also caught registering her dead father and a dead acquaintance to vote in the 2024 election.


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