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Why Donald Trump won’t be found guilty. Four other sloppy people did worse.

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Why Donald Trump won’t be found guilty. Four other sloppy people did worse. All five were sloppy and we know 100% what four did was illegal. Jury is out on the fifth. Who are they?

Both Clintons, Pence, Biden, and Trump. All had documents or Tapes that were Government Property. Bill had tapes that were government property and he used them for his book. Recorded folks without their knowledge.

Hillery had the illegal server and destroyed it plus erased the server. Pence had classified documents at his personal home, and Biden had classified documents all over the country.

Trump had classified documents he said he declassified. Bill Clinton didn’t claim that he declassified the tapes. Hillary, Pence and Biden did not have the authority to have those documents.

Five people who yes were sloppy in how they handled this. But for some reason only one was charged with crimes. The one who may have had a right to those documents. Donald Trump.





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