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Why Donald Trump won’t be found guilty. Four other sloppy people did worse.

Views: 84

Why Donald Trump won’t be found guilty. Four other sloppy people did worse. All five were sloppy and we know 100% what four did was illegal. Jury is out on the fifth. Who are they?

Both Clintons, Pence, Biden, and Trump. All had documents or Tapes that were Government Property. Bill had tapes that were government property and he used them for his book. Recorded folks without their knowledge.

Hillery had the illegal server and destroyed it plus erased the server. Pence had classified documents at his personal home, and Biden had classified documents all over the country.

Trump had classified documents he said he declassified. Bill Clinton didn’t claim that he declassified the tapes. Hillary, Pence and Biden did not have the authority to have those documents.

Five people who yes were sloppy in how they handled this. But for some reason only one was charged with crimes. The one who may have had a right to those documents. Donald Trump.



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Pence got one thing right. Biden blew it when it came to COVID.

Views: 12

Pence got one thing right. Biden blew it when it came to COVID.

Let’s face it, Pence is not going to be the Republican nominee, but he does have firsthand knowledge of some of the White House policies and procedures.

The left was screaming about needing the vaccines. Even claimed that the vaccines would prevent COVID ( We found out more vaccinated started dying than the unvaccinated under Biden. ).

So, this happened according to Pence. 

The Biden administration, after taking office in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, “dropped the ball” after the previous administration left it with the tools to keep up with the fight, former Vice President Mike Pence, who is campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination, said on Newsmax Saturday.

“It’s remarkable to think that that the Biden administration, in their first year of COVID, tragically lost more Americans to the COVID pandemic, [even] with all of the tools that we left behind, than we lost in a year when we began with no tools whatsoever,” Pence said on Newsmax’s “America Right Now.”

Instead, under President Joe Biden, “they defaulted into vaccine mandates, and they dropped the ball on testing,” said Pence. “They dropped the ball on therapeutics, so there’s a lot of lessons to be learned.


Just my own thoughts

Just my two cents. Phony prosecutor has no case on Mar-a Largo so he’s trying to build one on that to do about nothing rally back on January 6th.-2021.

Views: 18

Phony prosecutor has no case on Mar-a Largo so he’s trying to build one on that to do about nothing rally back on January 6th.-2021.

I’m thinking that this is what’s going to happen. Since Trump had a legal right to the documents at Mar- a Largo and Biden had top secret documents illegally in various locations the investigations will go nowhere. Prosecutor will say something like this.

Joey boy is remorseful and had no idea how those documents got in those various places. Hollywood thinks Trump planted them so we’re investigating that. Joey boy did no wrong.

Trump claims he declassified the stolen documents so at this time we’re only looking into Hollywood’s claim that Trump planted them. We should be done in 2024  depending on who the Republican nominee for President is.

Then the Prosecutor will move on to January 6th. And we know how that one will go.



Pardons for the innocents.

Views: 69

Pardons for the innocents. There has been talk about Presidential pardons. Who will President Trump pardon next, and can he pardon himself. Some say yes he can pardon himself. For sure he can pardon the family and his past and present cabinet members.

While presidents signing divisive pardons in the twilight of their administrations has become something of a Washington ritual, Trump is said to be considering an unusually high number of interventions in the cases of aides, friends and family members he believes have been unfairly imprisoned, indicted or put at legal risk.

Let’s be realistic if somehow the illegitimate elect Joe Biden is declared the winner, He’ll allow the loons on the left to go after everyone associated with the President. So here’s my solution.

First the President pardons the whole family. Then his past and present cabinet members and department heads. Then himself. But to make it official, resign two days before the inauguration. President Pence than pardons President Trump. Problem solved.


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