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Say Hey Kid Willie Mays. Dead at age 93.

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Say Hey Kid Willie Mays. Dead at age 93. One of my heroes growing up. The man could play centerfield like no other. Back in the late 50’s and early 60’s, folks were saying how Willie and Mickey Mantle may catch and pass the great Babe Ruth. Had Willie not missed two years because of Military service he would have.

The center fielder, who began his professional career in the Negro Leagues in 1948, was baseball’s oldest living Hall of Famer. His signature basket catch and his dashes around the bases with his cap flying off personified the joy of the game. His over-the shoulder catch of a long drive in the 1954 World Series is baseball’s most celebrated defensive feat.

Mays died two days before a game between the Giants and St. Louis Cardinals to honor the Negro Leagues at Rickwood Field in Birmingham, Alabama.


Complete article can be found here.




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