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Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

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Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

So, Harris had a huge crowd in a Wisconsin high school gym. Huge. Bigly. 3,000 people. Counting the MSM. She also had a few things to say that need fact checked.

She claims to have shut down Trump University done as AG. She was AG starting in 2011. Trump University shut down in 2010. I guess the folks at Trump University saw her coming.

The billion-dollar oil profit she said Trump was giving to big oil. WP wrote that Trump was talking about relaxation of taxes and regulations.

Harris also suggested that Trump “intends to cut Social Security and Medicare”. However, Trump’s policy platform states he would not introduce cuts to Social Security or Medicare. Point 14 of the agenda says his administration would “fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.”

Biden Harris administration has cut Medicare Advantage the past two years and starting next year those on Social Security will see their Medicare Advantage go up almost $400.00.




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