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Over two million undocumented are caught at the US-Mexico Border for fiscal 2023. Not happened since fiscal 2022.

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Over two million undocumented are caught at the US-Mexico Border for fiscal 2023. Not happened since fiscal 2022. Yes my friends the past two years are record breakers.

Early data from the Department of Homeland Security has revealed that over 2 million undocumented immigrants were caught making their way into the United States via the southern border in Fiscal Year 2023. This marks the second highest annual total on record, the first being FY2022 with 2.2 million apprehensions.

Those figures only account for migrants who were detected as they crossed into the country via unofficial channels. They do not include the tens of thousands of asylum seekers who are processed at official ports of entry, or those who managed to bypass Customs and Border Patrol agents entirely.

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