How funny is this? COVID Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Emerald Robinson kicking Psaki’s Ass.

Views: 33


Who can forget The Circle Back Girl running from the podium?

1) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Biden had invited China to interfere in our power grid within days of taking power?

That was me. Psaki’s still checking on that one.

2) Who was the only reporter to ask Biden regime spokesperson Jen Psaki why Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was on extended family leave in the midst of the worst supply chain crisis in the history of the United States?

That was me. (That one actually became a funny skit.)

3) Who was the first reporter in the White House briefing room to ask the Biden Administration about its terrible poll numbers?

That was me.


4) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to question the science surrounding kids wearing masks for COVID?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

Lord, grant me the patience that Jen Psaki has with Newsmax staffer Emerald Robinson



5) Who was the only reporter in the White House briefing room to ask why the Biden Administration forced the DOD to work on “domestic extremism” while Afghanistan collapsed?

That was me.

6) Who was the only reporter to ask the Biden Administration when NSC Advisor Jake Sullivan would step down because of the Durham investigation into the Russia Hoax?

That was me.

Twitter avatar for @TheFirstonTVThe First @TheFirstonTV

Psaki hurries away and WH cuts livestream as reporter tries to ask a question.



7) In September, I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki why the Biden Administration wanted to get involved in the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments for various states. It was all about attacking Florida Gov. DeSantis of course —and everybody knew it.

8) Who can forget when Jen Psaki ran away from the White House podium when I asked why Dr. Fauci had been lying to the American people about his role in funding the creation of the COVID-19 virus?

Twitter avatar for @RushieMahaMaha Rushie @RushieMaha

“Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson asked Psaki about the documents recently published by The Intercept on financing the improvement of the functionality of the coronavirus in the laboratories of Wuhan. Psaki chose to run away.” @worldawakening



9) Who can forget the time in October when I asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether Hunter Biden had finally sold his interest in various Chinese business assets that he had no business owning in the first place? First, Psaki tells me that I need to go ask somebody else. Then she complains that I’m yelling at her because she can’t answer the question honestly.

Twitter avatar for @TPostMillennialThe Post Millennial @TPostMillennial

Emerald Robinson challenges Psaki over Hunter Biden’s potential divestment from China




10) Finally, do you remember when I asked Jen Psaki about the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Lab of Virology, and I was branded a “conspiracy theorist” for asking the question?

Remember that? I do.

Here’s the video.

Twitter avatar for @atruparAaron Rupar @atrupar

“I’m sorry, Emerald, I think you’ve had plenty of time today” — Psaki ran out of patience with a Newsmax staffer’s conspiracy theories



Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption ever day like me?

Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.

The corporate media is completely corrupt. They just got exposed for taking the Biden regime’s money to push the deadly vaccines on your family without disclosing it! There’s a word for that — and the word is: propaganda.

If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.

I’ve got your back.

Do you have mine?


Uncategorized Opinion Politics

Let’s just send the weapons we had in Afghanistan to the Ukraine. Oh wait we can’t. The Taliban has them.

Views: 75

If only we had removed all the weapons, aircraft, armour, etc. from Afghanistan, Ukraine would have a much better fighting chance. But Joe decided that the Taliban  was unbeatable, so he sounded the retreat. Let’s hope he doesn’t do the same in the Ukraine.

What say you?


Economy Opinion Politics

Democrats show their support for Mother Russia. Vote down bill that promotes American Energy.

Views: 9

The Republicans introduced the “American Independence from Russian Energy Act” . Very simple. Buy and explore American energy sources and ban the Russian and their allies energy sources.

All Republicans except for Matt Gaetz. voted for the bill. Gaetz felt the bill would open up drilling along the Florida coast. Republicans on the floor voiced near-unanimous support for the measure, with Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) describing U.S. reliance on Russian oil and petroleum products as “unconscionable.”

The Democrats were only interested in green energy. The vote was 221-202. This was on February 28th. 

The Republicans tried again on March 17th. Again the Democrats showed their support for Mother Russia.



Politics Reprints from others.

Australia to boost military forces by 30% amidst increasing threats.

Views: 32

Whole article can be found here.

Now we know that there are loons on the left who look to Socialist China as our friends, and ignore the fact that they’re Russia’s number one ally. But Australia is acting now.

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday that Australia is likely to boost its military force by 30% till 2040, stating this to be the biggest military build-up in the past 40 years since the Vietnam War.

The Australian government proposed to add approximately 80,000 uniformed personnel to its military force, considering the increase in risk posed by China and Russia. The estimated cost of the entire military build-up strategy is AU$38 billion or US$27 billion.

Morrison also added that some of the newly recruited troops would support a future nuclear-power submarine fleet as committed by Australia as a part of the new Australia-United Kingdom- US defence alliance (AUKUS).




Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

Thailand to pay $45M over vaccine side-effects.

Views: 33

Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) has so far paid 1.509 billion baht ($45.65 million) as compensation to 12,714 people who developed side-effects after they received Covid-19 vaccines.

The NHSO on March 9 reported that from May 19, 2021 to March 8 this year, a total of 15,933 people had filed complaints of negative reactions to Covid-19 vaccines. The NHSO said 2,328 complaints were rejected after it ruled that the side-effects were not related to the vaccinations.

Of the rejected cases, 875 complainants are appealing against the earlier decision of the NHSO. It added that 891 cases were pending consideration.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Health reported on the morning of March 10 that in the past 24 hours there were 22,984 new patients who tested positive for Covid-19, 47 of whom have arrived in Thailand from abroad.

The death toll increased by 74, while 24,161 patients recovered and were allowed to leave hospitals. The cumulative number of cases in the country stands at 3,111,857, of which 888,422 (28.55 per cent) were recorded this year alone.

The health ministry had reported on the morning of March 9 that another 55,820 people were given their first Covid shot in the last 24 hours, 18,227 their second shot and 88,932 a booster, bringing the total number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered nationwide to 125,199,011.



Elections Opinion Politics

He’ll need more than this. Beto O’Rourke comes out against critical race theory in schools

Views: 12

So one of the left wing loons is against CRT being taught in schools. What a better question is this. Do you subscribe to CRT? Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke became one of the first Democratic Party leaders to explicitly come out against critical race theory (CRT) in schools.

A member of the audience asked if O’Rourke supported CRT in schools, to which the gubernatorial candidate said, “No, I don’t think [CRT] should be taught in our schools.”

Beto says this now, but the fact is that he’s in denial about CRT being taught in the schools. The left has a habit of saying one thing to get elected, but does something different when elected.



Uncategorized How sick is this? Stupid things people say or do.

Here’s why California shoots itself in the ASS. California county rejects Exxon Mobil plan to truck oil

Views: 13

We cut off Russian oil and Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors does this. ExxonMobil’s request to set up interim trucking routes to transport oil — a crucial step toward allowing three dormant 1980s-era drilling platforms to resume production — was rejected by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors on a 3-2 vote.

So you see that California has the nations highest gas prices, and Santa Barbara won’t allow Exxon to get the oil out. This stops them from doing what Joe said was needed. Ramp up oil production. Oh wait he meant from Venezuela or Iran.

The Pipeline ruptured in 2015 and until repairs can be made Exxon ran through all the roadblocks put in front of them and secured all the needed permits. Still they were denied.

“We disagree with the decision, which disregards our employees, contractors and countless others working in California’s oil and gas industry who depend on these jobs to support their families,” ExxonMobil said in a statement. “ExxonMobil has met all of the requirements for issuance of the permit, which has gone through extensive environmental review and public comment.”


Uncategorized Reprints from others.

Did You Catch Me on Infowars With Alex Jones And War Room With Steve Bannon?

Views: 52

Emerald was my favorite when she was the White House Reporter for Newsmax. They didn’t renew her contract. You may enjoy her interviews and thoughts on different issues of the day. She’s also a writer on substack as am I. Difference being that she’s a Journalist and investigative reporter.

Just a quick note: I was the last guest on War Room with Steve Bannon yesterday morning and then I was the featured guest on Infowars with Alex Jones.

On all the shows, I discussed my latest Substack essay Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers which has nearly 300,000 page views and counting!

Check out my War Room appearance with Steve Bannon.


And here’s a link to my appearance on Infowars with Alex Jones.


And I talked with Jesse Kelly about the undeniable voter fraud in Wisconsin in 2020 last week too.

And I was a guest on the Steve Deace Show on Blaze TV last week too.


Crime Opinion Progressive Racism The Courts

Winning. Former Cop Found Not Guilty of Wanton Endangerment in Raid That Left Breonna Taylor Dead

Views: 14

Justice was served. A Kentucky jury on Thursday cleared a former police officer of charges that he endangered neighbors when he fired shots into an apartment during the 2020 drug raid that ended with Breonna Taylor’s death.

The panel of eight men and four women delivered its verdict about three hours after it took the case following closing arguments from prosecution and defense attorneys. Hankison was shaking and visibly relieved after the verdict. Taylor’s sister, Juniyah Palmer, shook her head.

Asked what might have swayed the jury, Attorney Mathews replied, “I think it was absolutely the fact that he was doing his job as a police officer. … The jury felt like you go out and peform your duty and your brother officer gets shot, you got a right to defend yourself. Simple as that. “


Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

Where’s Fauci? Infamous bureaucrat now relegated to obscure shows and local TV. Fauci recently appeared on a show called “Woke AF.”

Views: 26


This first appeared on The Dossier on  Substack on March 3rd.

If you’re looking for the infamous Dr Anthony Fauci, you might want to check your local television stations, or some random YouTube channels, because the man has seemingly joined the primetime cable milk carton.


COVID Mania has become deeply unpopular with the American people, and a Democratic polling firm recently convinced the Biden Administration and its allies in Congress to drop the hysteria. With midterms around the corner, and trouble raging in Eastern Europe, it was time to put the kibosh on all of it.

And with the memo came the simultaneous sidelining of Dr Fauci.

But given his love for television appearances, the NIAID chief has taken desperate measures to try to remain relevant. And by desperate, I mean DESPERATE. You’ll see what I mean in just a moment.

I had to dig pretty deep to find some of his recent media appearances, but I didn’t want to let you all down, so I persevered through the interwebs to find evidence of Fauci’s existence.


He recently appeared on an online streaming show called “Woke AF” (As F**K),  in which he expressed his disdain for the unvaccinated. In a clip featured by the show host on Twitter, Fauci rants that the unvaccinated have no respect for greater society. Fauci, who comes off as a broken man, channeled plenty of his regular pseudoscience, claiming that the unvaccinated “give the virus the opportunity to circulate among us.”

I also found a recent Fauci appearance on a D.C. local TV channel. In it, Fauci demands “money now” for his government department, seemingly trying to shake down lawmakers for his pet projects.

Twitter avatar for @JessiTurnureJessi Turnure @JessiTurnure

Dr. Fauci told me “we need money now,” said things like clinical trials can’t go forward without it. But Republicans are making it clear to the White House they won’t consider additional funding until they get more info on the relief Congress already approved. #NexstarDC


In another recent local TV hit, Fauci demands that people continue to adopt the COVID hysteria mindset. “I don’t think people should get the impression that we’re saying that this is all over,” a visibly distraught Fauci told the host. “We’re going to be dealing with SARS-CoV-2 for quite a while.”

Twitter avatar for @SamManningNewsSamantha Manning @SamManningNews

Here in DC – the mask mandate was lifted this week. More places are seeing pandemic restrictions relaxing. But will it last? Today I asked Dr. Fauci about what we can expect for life moving forward.


In late February, Fauci appeared on a YouTube comedy show to answer questions about COVID-19. No, there was no comedy involved.

The other day, the White House COVID Task Force did a livestream social media presentation, featuring Fauci, on the steps ahead with COVID-19. Demonstrating Americans’ clear lack of interest in COVID Mania, the stream only accumulated about 7,000 views.

And that’s pretty much it. Perhaps Fauci can now get back to doing whatever he does for his day job.

The NIAID’s “Dr Fauci In The News” website, which throughout COVID Mania, has tracked hundreds of its directors major media appearances, has not posted a new appearance since February 17.

It appears that Fauci’s time in the spotlight is over, and judging by his dejected state in recent media appearances, he knows it too


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