Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others. Science

You make the call. Vaccinated Up to 15X MORE LIKELY Than Unvaxxed to Develop Heart Inflammation Requiring Hospitalization: Peer Reviewed Study That’s what happens when you listen to a guy who hasn’t practiced medicine since the 80’s

Views: 27

You can find the links and the original articles here.

The whole article can be found here.

From the *peer-reviewed study, which was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):

Question  Is SARS-CoV-2 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination associated with risk of myocarditis?

Findings  In a cohort study of 23.1 million residents across 4 Nordic countries, risk of myocarditis after the first and second doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines was highest in young males aged 16 to 24 years after the second dose. For young males receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, data were compatible with between 4 and 7 excess events in 28 days per 100 000 vaccinees after second-dose BNT162b2, and between 9 and 28 per 100 000 vaccinees after second-dose mRNA-1273.

Meaning  The risk of myocarditis in this large cohort study was highest in young males after the second SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose, and this risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.


Importance  Reports of myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination have emerged.

Objective  To evaluate the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination by vaccine product, vaccination dose number, sex, and age.

Design, Setting, and Participants  Four cohort studies were conducted according to a common protocol, and the results were combined using meta-analysis. Participants were 23 122 522 residents aged 12 years or older. They were followed up from December 27, 2020, until incident myocarditis or pericarditis, censoring, or study end (October 5, 2021). Data on SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations, hospital diagnoses of myocarditis or pericarditis, and covariates for the participants were obtained from linked nationwide health registers in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

Exposures  The 28-day risk periods after administration date of the first and second doses of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, including BNT162b2, mRNA-1273, and AZD1222 or combinations thereof. A homologous schedule was defined as receiving the same vaccine type for doses 1 and 2.

Main Outcomes and Measures  Incident outcome events were defined as the date of first inpatient hospital admission based on primary or secondary discharge diagnosis for myocarditis or pericarditis from December 27, 2020, onward. Secondary outcome was myocarditis or pericarditis combined from either inpatient or outpatient hospital care. Poisson regression yielded adjusted incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and excess rates with 95% CIs, comparing rates of myocarditis or pericarditis in the 28-day period following vaccination with rates among unvaccinated individuals.

Results  Among 23 122 522 Nordic residents (81% vaccinated by study end; 50.2% female), 1077 incident myocarditis events and 1149 incident pericarditis events were identified. Within the 28-day period, for males and females 12 years or older combined who received a homologous schedule, the second dose was associated with higher risk of myocarditis, with adjusted IRRs of 1.75 (95% CI, 1.43-2.14) for BNT162b2 and 6.57 (95% CI, 4.64-9.28) for mRNA-1273. Among males 16 to 24 years of age, adjusted IRRs were 5.31 (95% CI, 3.68-7.68) for a second dose of BNT162b2 and 13.83 (95% CI, 8.08-23.68) for a second dose of mRNA-1273, and numbers of excess events were 5.55 (95% CI, 3.70-7.39) events per 100 000 vaccinees after the second dose of BNT162b2 and 18.39 (9.05-27.72) events per 100 000 vaccinees after the second dose of mRNA-1273. Estimates for pericarditis were similar.

Conclusions and Relevance  Results of this large cohort study indicated that both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. For individuals receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose. These findings are compatible with between 4 and 7 excess events in 28 days per 100 000 vaccinees after BNT162b2, and between 9 and 28 excess events per 100 000 vaccinees after mRNA-1273. This risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.



Opinion Elections Reprints from others.

Hate group leader has Charges Dropped. Memphis BLM Founder Convicted of Illegal Voter Registration, Will Not Have to Serve Her Six Year Sentence.

Views: 46

The whole article can be found here.

Charges have been dropped against the founder of Black Lives Matter Memphis who was convicted of illegal voter registration, despite the fact that she was already sentenced to six years in prison.

Moses was sentenced to six years and one day in prison in January for her 2019 scheme. Tennessee prosecutors dropped all charges against Pamela Moses on Friday.After being granted a new trial, prosecutors opted to drop the charges entirely — claiming that the 82 days she served in prison was sufficient.

The good news is that this person is not able to vote till she has completed half of her sentence, including any probation or parole.



Politics Uncategorized

In case you missed it, I have a newsletter.

Views: 60

I’ve decided to play with the big boys and girls. I’M writing on a social venue called Substack. How big is Substack? 24.7 MILLION  VIEWERS A MONTH. As of September the last time published. And I was excited when my one article got over 2,000 viewers in 2 days.

But the reason I’M writing is to ask you folks to sign up for my newsletter. They go straight to your e-mail box. To sign up just click on the subscribe button on the bottom of the page of any article here on looking. The subscribe button is on top if you’re on News with Analysis. The button in this article is only to show you what it looks like. Josh’s Newsletter is what it’s called. You can comment and up vote if you wish. And yes my lurkers come there several times a day, and yes they have tried to get me banned there also.


Reprints from others. Politics

Joe Biden and his administration are refusing to apologize for smearing Border Patrol agents. SMH.

Views: 26

Original can be found here.

The White House is refusing to apologize after Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, and several top Democrats and administration officials smeared Border Patrol agents with false claims that were “whipping” migrants.

On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that the results of its investigation into the allegations found no border patrol agents were guilty of whipping migrants crossing the Southern border in September 2021.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to respond to the reports showing the agents involved with the accusations were cleared of criminal wrongdoing.

Before the investigation had even begun, Biden and other administration officials said the agents were guilty of “whipping” or “strapping” the migrants, despite having no evidence to support the claims.

Jen Psaki refused to respond to report that the agents were cleared of any wrongdoing


Uncategorized Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

“Defeat the Mandates”

Views: 15

Defeat the Mandates is a reprint from the FLCCC Alliance.

Nearly 25,000 people gathered on Sunday, April 10 at the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Los Angeles. While some mandates are dropping across the country, there are vaccine mandates that remain in schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and corporations across the country. The concerns over these mandates are over immoral restrictions on the way doctors treat their patients with COVID, persistent scientific censorship by Big Tech, the medically unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination of children, the silencing of scientific debate, and the extension of the Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1st for the coronavirus pandemic.

FLCCC physicians Drs. Pierre Kory, Paul Marik and Flavio Cadegiani took part in the rally, exhorting attendees and online viewers to rise up and #LetDoctorsBeDoctors.

Written highlights of our physicians’ speeches are HERE.

Video clips of the speeches are HERE.

This week, Del Bigtree breaks down the Defeat The Mandates rally on The Highwire.

“It’s no business of the federal government or agencies to tell doctors how to practice medicine.” —Dr. Paul Marik

“The world has gone mad… It’s from unrelenting propaganda and censorship of good information.” —Dr. Pierre Kory

“This goes beyond political parties, political orientations, or anything else. This is a time for us to be one — fighting for the truth.” —Dr. Flavio Cadegiani


All the big forces and all the flawed men couldn’t put Humpty TOGETHER again.


“When it comes to the TOGETHER trial however, there has been a distinct signal of concern. According to one site cataloguing the online effort to understand the trial, there are currently 43 distinct concerns that have been raised about the trial, most of them with real validity…” —Substack author Alexandros Marinos

Read this article in its entirety. The issues in the trial that have been exposed, says Marinos, are “deeply related to a central failure of the protocol of the TOGETHER trial.”



How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Senate Republican Group Hammers Democrat Tim Ryan for Continuously Being ‘Two-Faced’

Views: 15

Tim Ryan for years has been two faced. Also would claim as something he got for his area when he had no part. His last election he won, but lost in his home district where he lives.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a video on Wednesday hammering Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) as being a “two-faced” that answers to his party leadership and not his Ohio constituents.

The NRSC, the Senate Republican-aligned campaign arm working to elect Republicans to that body, released a video showing Ryan running in the Ohio U.S. Senate Democrat primary going back on his work to work on behalf of Ohioans, not the leadership in DC.

The roughly 30-second video shows clips of Ryan saying, Ohioans “don’t want a senator who’s got to go kiss someone’s ring or kiss someone’s rear end” before cutting to a clip of the congressman sucking up to House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stating, “Schumer’s here, and I want to make sure he’s my future boss. So I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

Another part of the video showed Ryan saying, “I’m not someone who’s going to toe the line for my political party… So you got to be able to tell your own party, which I have, and tell the Democrats, ‘no.’” But, the Senate hopeful was also shown saying, “I want to make sure he’s my future boss… I gotta suck up a little bit here.”

The NRSC displayed the stark difference of what Ryan is saying at different parts of his career, calling him “two-faced,” most likely looking to question what the congressman would do as a senator. The end of the video shows, “Tim Ryan… answers to Democrats, not Ohioans.”

Ryan, who’s running for the U.S. Senate seat that could decide the fate of the who is in the upper chamber majority past the midterm election, has also expressed interest in getting rid of the filibuster rule, which has been a long-sought out plan from the far-left.

The Democrat told MSNBC that the filibuster rule — requiring 60 votes to pass legislation giving the minority party a chance to argue the legislation instead of sidelining them — that the Senate is “broken.” He went on to say, “I’m sorry it has come to this point, but we don’t have an honest broker on the other side, and America can’t wait any longer.”

The NRSC also displayed that Ryan has a history of flip-flopping and going where the money is.

The Democrat’s campaign ran ads on Facebook that hit Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for not wanting to pass the Democrat’s partisan reconciliation package, but days later look accepted $5,000 from Manchin’s leadership PAC, Country Roads, and accepted $10,000 from another PAC founded by Manchin and nine other Senate Democrats, ModSquad.

In another instance, Ryan — who was at one point trying to distance himself from President Joe Biden while even campaigning with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — tweeted in support of “what Democratic leadership looks like” when jobs are added to the market, but rescinded the statement when the “economy has not been great” and in a “tough slog for a long time.”




Life Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Warning to the undocumented coming to Florida. Don’t

Views: 28

We recently have seen where the Governor’s of Texas and Florida are sending the undocumented to DC and Delaware. Let Biden take care of them. Well some are saying they are leaving DC and going to Florida. Well we have this from the governor.

“To those who have entered the country illegally, fair warning: do not come to Florida. Life will not be easy for you, because we are obligated to uphold the immigration laws of this country, even if our federal government and other states won’t,” the Executive Office of the Governor of Florida exclusively told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“Florida is not a sanctuary state, and our social programs are designed to serve the citizens of our state. The governor will protect the sovereignty of the state of Florida,” the statement continued.



Just my own thoughts Reprints from others. Uncategorized

What is Freedom?

Views: 45

I came across this video by the owner of Egard Watches.



Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion

Another case of American Heroes cleared of any wrong doing. This time in Buffalo.

Views: 21

Once again the good guys win out. Last year Buffalo’s finest were not found guilty. Now a state arbitrator cleared this fine gentlemen of any wrong doing. I found this article in my daily NY Post.

A state arbitrator ruled Friday that Officers Aaron Torgalski and Robert McCabe didn’t violate department use-of-force guidelines when they pushed longtime activist Martin Gugino, 75, to the ground during a George Floyd protest outside City Hall in June 2020, the Buffalo News reported.

Torgalski and McCabe were suspended without pay and faced felony second-degree assault charges, but a grand jury declined to indict them in February.


Uncategorized Child Abuse Opinion Science Sexual Abuse

If you have to be an adult for voting, drinking, and tobacco, why not a sex change?

Views: 29

So think about it. We have laws that stop people from doing things before adulthood. Drinking, Smoking, Voting, serving in the Military, etc. Why not make it illegal for a child to have a sex change operation till they reach adulthood? 18-21. Even then they’re still very immature.

You have Progressives who have no problem with teaching 5-8 year olds about transgender and being gay. I just wonder if their parents taught them about that. Odds are no, So why force something like this on children?

Also is it something the government should pay for? Is this something that schools should be teaching? I can see it now.  Class instead of learning how to read and write, we will discuss why you should or should not have a penis or vagina.



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