Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Military Woke Opinion

Is the left planning a coup d’état? NBC News.

Is the left planning a coup d’état? NBC News. According to NBC News, some may be. This is very scary. Who can forget the former Joint Chief of Staff when he said he would not oey Military orders from then President Trump.

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

How the Media covers a story.

How the Media covers a story.

Below is an article covered three different ways. From the Center, Right, and Left. I found this very interesting. If there’s an interest, I’ll be doing more of these comparisons.


Featured Coverage of this Story

Back Door Power Grab COVID Elections Faked news How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Medicine Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Oh, great! WEF to warn of a ‘Disease X’ with ’20x more fatalities’ than Covid-19

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual confab in Davos, Switzerland is set to kick off next week, and the program is rife with all of the usual suspects. Our aspiring global rulers are set to have a grand time once more calling for our collective enslavement, which of course is necessary for the “greater good.”

The 2024 program is one for the ages. Attendees will watch Pfizer’s Albert Bourla and Open AI’s Sam Altman talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). They’ll see depopulation advocate Bill “Bugman” Gates advancing the climate hoax. John Kerry will appear on four different stages to discuss the “energy transition.” We will also see Klaus Schwab sit down for a 1 on 1 with the second highest ranking Chinese government official.

But one panel in particular sticks out: Preparing for Disease X. The topic is both incredibly vague and incredibly disturbing.

The description for the discussion reads: “With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown ‘Disease X’ could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?”

The panel will feature a high-profile lineup that includes WHO director “Dr” Tedros and the chairman of AstraZeneca.

The concept of a Disease X was adopted by the World Health Organization in 2018. Tedros, Dr Anthony Fauci, Jeremy Farrar of the eugenicist Wellcome Trust, and many high profile individuals on the forefront of Covid hysteria policy have been involved in advancing the Disease X hypothesis over the years.

Now, it’s easy for normal people to dismiss this lunacy. But given the powerful, maniacal minds populating the Davos gathering, it’s worth maintaining a level of situational awareness surrounding these events, as they can often offer some insight into the unguarded mindset of these technocratic tyrants.

“No possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year”

On this topic, it’s worth recalling that another infamous predictive panel was announced at the 2019 WEF Davos conference. That panel concluded with the launch announcement of Event 201.

Event 201 was an amazingly predictive  “war game” simulation in which a fictional coronavirus passed from an animal reservoir to humans.

Just weeks before the onset of COVID Mania, some of the most maniacal, power-hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a “fictional” coronavirus with “no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year,” warning of a “similar pandemic in the future.”

Full story here

Sounds a bit familiar, huh?

Event 201 became known for its impeccable timing. Just weeks after the simulation occurred, full-blown pandemic hysteria broke out.

The 15 participants in the Event 201 simulation included an interesting bunch:

  1. George Gao, the director of the Chinese CDC
  2. Hasti Taghi, a vice president for NBC
  3. Avril Haines, the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  4. Chris Elias, a director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  5. Timothy Grant Evans, a former World Health Organization and Rockefeller Foundation official
  6. Lavan Thiru, the director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore
  7. Adrian Thomas, VP at Johnson & Johnson
  8. Brad Connett, the president of Henry Schein, Inc., a major distributor of health care products
  9. Jane Halton, an executive with Australia’s second largest bank
  10. Stephen Redd, a top CDC official
  11. Sofia Borges, a top official at the UN Foundation
  12. Eduardo Martinez, a senior executive at UPS
  13. Matthew Harrington, the COO of Edelman, a marketing and PR firm
  14. Martin Knuchel, a senior director at Lufthansa
  15. Latoya D. Abbott, a senior employee for Marriott International

Of those 15 players, 13 worked in the upper echelons of private organizations or government agencies that would almost immediately witness an exponential monetary benefit or the tremendous absorption of political power.

Will the global ruling class attempt to foment another worldwide hysteria at Davos 2024?



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Just my own thoughts

So how does 2024 close out politically if Republicans win the White House?

So how does 2024 close out politically if Republicans win the White House? President Joe Biden is all but a lock to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the second time, but he is facing down a long list of competitors. While this pack is led by former President Donald Trump, there are a host of other GOP contenders looking to usurp the lead from the former president. A number of independent candidates also remain in the race as well.

Here’s my fear if the Biden administration is out. The Administration would just give in at the border all together. I can even see them laying off border agents. Millions upon millions would cross. What say you?


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. The Courts

If True, Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee.

If True, Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee. If this really happened, this would hurt both cases. What I don’t get is this. This was a Federal Election. Why is a local county prosecutor filing charges, and why is this even in a local court?

Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered.

The committee aided Willis’ nascent probe even as it rebuffed the Justice Department’s requests for material in the separate federal criminal probe of Trump’s election subversion. At the time, one reason the committee was more inclined to cooperate with the Fulton County team than with the federal prosecutors was that federal prosecutors might have been required to disclose the evidence in ongoing criminal cases related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Jan. 6 committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) had previously described “staff-level contacts” between his panel and Fulton County prosecutors. In early April 2022 — nearly two weeks before the panel’s staff met with Willis’ team — Thompson told reporters he wasn’t aware of how extensive those contacts were. And on Wednesday, Thompson told POLITICO that he did not know about the in-person visit that spring.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Courts

Biden beaten again. Court rules leave dishwashers and washing machines alone.

Biden beaten again. Court rules leave dishwashers and washing machines alone. As most of you know, the Biden administration has led an assault on numerous products. Latest was dishwashers and washing machines.

In a ruling on Monday, U.S. Appeals Court Judge Andrew Oldham said that it was unclear whether the Department of Energy (DOE) had the statutory authority to regulate water use in such appliances, and that the new rules it had proposed might not lead to less water use.


Back Door Power Grab Commentary Education Links from other news sources. Plagiarism

Bill Ackman going after Plagiarism. At Universities.

Bill Ackman going after Plagiarism. At Universities. Below is one long tweet from a Billionaire who led the charge of Plagiarism. And yes his wife also admitted to doing it also. Unlike Gay who placed the blame on others, his wife immediately owned up to it. He did an article and most of MSM refused to post it. Business Insider did.

News – Insider (


(1) Bill Ackman on X: “Last night, no one at @MIT had a good night’s sleep. Yesterday evening, shortly after I posted that we were launching a plagiarism review of all current MIT faculty, President Kornbluth, members of MIT’s administration, and its board, I am sure that an audible collective gasp…” / X (


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach Gun Control Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Another win for the 2nd Amendment. Courts again block California gun law.

Another win for the 2nd Amendment. Courts again block California gun law. We see that the courts once more have stepped in and blocked California’s gun law against conceal and carry. California passed a law saying that it only stopped the carrying of guns (even if you had a permit to carry) in highly sensitive areas.

They picked 26 different areas. One exception would be for privately owned businesses that put up signs saying people are allowed to bring guns on their premises.” AP reported last month.

One judge ruled the law unconstitutional. Another court lifted the ban. But the 9th stepped in and again put the ban on the law again. So for now you can carry with a permit.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Opinion Uncategorized White Progressive Supremacy

DEI. Is it replacing Affirmative Action?

DEI. Is it replacing Affirmative Action? Affirmative action is still with us, especially with your Union companies. But DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) is the new flavor. It’s still Affirmative action, but taken to a new level.

Where Affirmative action was meant to give minorities a level playing field, it became a quota system to just bring people in regardless of qualifications. Again, look at the Unions.

In recent years, DEI efforts and policies have generated criticism, some directed at the specific effectiveness of its tools, such as diversity training, its effect on free speech and academic freedom, as well as more broadly attracting criticism on political or philosophical grounds. Just look at the former Harvard President.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Weaponization of the DOJ continues.

Weaponization of the DOJ continues. Yes my friends we are seeing a direct attack on the American way of Justice. Not only has the Biden Administration used the DOJ on Politicians, but also the ordinary Joe hag of donuts have been targeted.

Sadly, the DC US Attorney has said that they will go after those who were also outside the Capitol building. I have no issues with those who attacked the police, did damage, and forced their way in to be prosecuted. The punishment must fit the crime. A persons past criminal record ( if there is one ) must be looked at in sentencing.

But to charge those who were let in by the police and escorted around by the police made no sense. Also, to charge those outside is a far reach and makes no sense.