Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Immigration Lies Links from other news sources. Un documented. Uncategorized

Biden continues to lie. Now claims that the man who was a crusader against the undocumented got him involved in politics.

Views: 9

Biden continues to lie. Now claims that the man who was a crusader against the undocumented got him involved in politics. Biden now claims that Cesar Chavez got him involved in politics.

He has previously claimed he got involved in politics because of civil rights, voting, the environment, Vietnam, redlining, white supremacists, a highway, being a public defender, Bull Connor’s dogs, and much more.

Interesting that now Ceaser Chavez is why he got involved. What do we know about him?

Beginning in the spring of 1974 Chavez led a systematic attack on undocumented workers coining his crusade as the “Campaign Against Illegals.” Chavez’s UFW campaign circulated a petition calling for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and INS to enforce immigration laws and to “remove the thousands of illegal aliens now working in the fields.” Frustrated with the INS’s lack of action, the UFW had volunteers that tracked down illegals and informed the INS of their places of unemployment and homes. By the summer of 1974 the UFW had reported more than 5,000 undocumented workers to the INS. Despite the UFW’s efforts the Border Patrol reported the arrest and removal of only 195 “illegals.

Furthermore, the UFW formed a militia coined as the “Wet Line” to guard the Arizona-Mexico border with a few hundred goons in which they claimed to have semi-succeeded in policing several miles. The militia was headed by Chavez’s own unscrupulous cousin Manuel Chavez.  The Wet Line lasted until at least 1975 where the militia men roamed freely intercepting undocumented immigrants and beating them. Chavez did everything in his power to hold back the mighty wave of undocumented immigrants from Mexico because as the Fresno Bee reported.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. The Courts The Law Un documented.

Supreme Court for now tells Texas to do the job the feds refuse to do. Arrest the undocumented.

Views: 4

Supreme Court for now tells Texas to do the job the feds refuse to do. Arrest the undocumented. Looks as if the Democrats will have to figure out another way to get the undocumented to vote.

Supreme Court lifts stay on Texas law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants at border.
A 6-3 Supreme Court decision on Tuesday lifted a stay on a Texas law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants suspected of crossing the border illegally while a legal battle over immigration authority plays out.

The law allows police in counties bordering Mexico to make arrests if they see someone crossing illegally.  It could also be enforced elsewhere in Texas if someone is arrested on suspicion of another violation and a fingerprint taken during jail booking links them to a suspected re-entry violation. It likely would not come into play during a routine traffic stop, he said.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources.

Biden with the man who made him rich and will create a bloodbath on our auto industry.

Views: 12

Biden with the man who made him rich and will create a bloodbath on our auto industry. It’s a known fact that China is building factories in Mexico. Factories to build Electric cars. What do you think happens next? Let the Chinese tell you.

Xiaopeng in a letter to XPeng employees obtained by CNBC last month. Xiaopeng suggested that “a bloodbath” is coming for the American auto industry this year.

China seeks to deliver a “brutal knockout round” against its Western competitors, including the U.S., in the global EV market, Xiaopeng said.

CNBC reported:

“This year also marks the beginning of a fierce competition that may end in a ‘bloodbath’ (or as I prefer to call it, the brutal ‘knockout round’).

Now maybe you understand what Trump meant about a bloodbath.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Climate "change" Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Winning. For now. Court halts SEC climate disclosure rule.

Views: 12

Winning. For now. Court halts SEC climate disclosure rule. The Biden Administration has been using the SEC and other government agencies from moving forward with exploration, drilling, etc. All in the name of the phony climate change. Well the 5th Circuit stepped in.

A federal court on Friday halted a new federal rule that would require publicly traded companies to reveal climate change-related information.

A panel of Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judges issued an order that pauses the rule as litigation against it plays out. Vote was 3-0.

The rule in question, from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), requires companies to disclose what risks, if any, the changing climate poses for their business.

It also requires some large and mid-sized companies to disclose how much carbon dioxide they are directly emitting and how much comes from their energy use.


America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. MSM Opinion Politics

Case to watch. Biden social media case heads to Supreme Court.

Views: 11

Case to watch. Biden social media case heads to Supreme Court. Even MSM has admitted that federal officials in the Biden administration have mettled in social media and how they should ban or delete what they think is misinformation. This from The Hill.

The Biden administration’s legal battle over social media content moderation will reach the Supreme Court on Monday, when the justices are set to hear arguments over whether federal officials violated the First Amendment by urging platforms to remove posts they deemed false or misleading.

Two Republican attorneys general brought the case in a challenge to the administration’s efforts to curb misinformation online — an effort they described as a government “campaign of censorship.” They purported federal officials “coordinated and colluded” with social media platforms to “identify disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content.”

Now the government lost before the 5th Circuit. Found that the White House, FBI and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention crossed the line into coercion.  After rehearing the case, the panel ruled that CISA did overstep also.



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Daily Hits. Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

10 stories last week that should have been major news.

Views: 38

10 stories last week that should have been major news. Vigilant Fox does this weekly special. I just changed the title.

#10 – Secret recording catches Pfizer saying the quiet part out loud.

#9 – Boeing whistleblower John Barnett said before his death: “If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

#8 – Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC and Department of Education.

#7 – Joe Rogan warns we are empowering ‘evil’ with terms like ‘minor-attracted person.’

#6 – New study unearths alarming findings for people who got vaccinated after COVID infection.

#5 – Judge who refused to remove Fani Willis from her junk RICO case against Trump donated to Fani Willis’s campaign.

#4 – 16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports

#3 – Trudeau’s Canada threatens life sentences for “hate.”

#2 – Dr. Pierre Kory reveals why Big Pharma is ‘terrified’ of Vitamin D.

#1 – Australian government introduces frightening legislation to parents resisting the New World Order.


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Lies Links from other news sources. MSM

No VirginiaTrump was talking about the car industry, not getting rid of the seven cats and five dogs.

Views: 21

No VirginiaTrump was talking about the car industry, not getting rid of the seven cats and five dogs. So Trump talks about a bloodbath in the auto industry and the MSM blows it into a great big lie.

Below is what was said at a Saturday rally for Bernie Moreno. And no for my lurker loon, you will be able to keep your seven cats and five dogs. But please change the litter box more than once a month

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial “bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the country with their products.

The comments came at an Ohio rally hosted by the Buckeye Values PAC where he discussed the possibility of an increasing trade war with China over auto manufacturing in general and electric vehicle types in particular. Trump said:

If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now … you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected.

Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it […] It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.


Biden Cartel Commentary Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

What say you? Income-based electric bills.

Views: 18

What say you? Income-based electric bills. California average is $.35 cents per kilowatt. National average is $.18. I’m paying $.05.

California residents might find their electric bills looking a little different in the new year.

Typically, electricity bills reflect the amount of electricity a specific household uses. But, after Assembly Bill 205 passed last year, California could see electricity charges based off of income level instead.

The state’s three largest electric utility companies, Southern California Edison Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, all proposed the plan, saying that low-income customers could save approximately $300 a year under this new law.

Alternatively, California households earning more than $180,000 a year would end up paying an average of $500 more a year on their electricity bills, according to the proposal.

PREVIOUS COVERAGECalifornia electric bills may soon be income-based

Here’s a breakdown of the proposed rate restructuring for SoCal Edison customers, based on income:

  • Above $180,000: $85/month
  • $69,000 – $180,000: $51/month
  • $28,000 – $69,000: $20/month
  • Less than $28,000: $15/month

The plan will break down monthly bills into a fixed rate, plus a reduced usage charge based on consumption, according to officials.

Supporters of the bill believe it to be a possible solution to many moderate and low-income families getting priced out of California by rising housing costs. Opponents worry the law could weaken incentives to conserve electricity or raise costs for customers using solar energy.

The California Public Utilities Commission’s deadline for deciding on the suggested changes is July 1, 2024, although officials said implementing it will still take some time before California residents see any changes to their electricity bills.


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach January 6 Links from other news sources.

House May Refer January 6 Committee Members for Prosecution.

Views: 34

House May Refer January 6 Committee Members for Prosecution. After all the phony claims, destroying evidence and not adding evidence to the report, it’s time for charges to be filed.

House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) said Wednesday that he may refer members of the January 6 Committee to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution for hiding and destroying documents.



Biden Cartel Commentary Drugs How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine

WOW!.Now we know where all the Adderall went. Joe Biden.

Views: 12

WOW!.Now we know where all the Adderall went. Joe Biden. You must have heard about the Adderall shortage. Well, a doctor in Beverly Hills explains it.

Dr. Carole Lieberman, a Beverly Hills forensic psychiatrist, suggested that Biden may have been on Adderall or another stimulant during his speech, as reported by The Washington Times. Lieberman said the volume and speed of Biden’s voice and his use of hand gestures were indicative of stimulant use.



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