Biden Cartel Corruption Opinion Politics

Now this is news. Jonathan Turley Responds to Devon Archer Testimony. Not some to do about nothing protest in 2021.

Views: 24

Now this is news. Jonathan Turley Responds to Devon Archer Testimony. Not some to do about nothing protest in 2021. Jonathan was all over the other day talking about one of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington.

Never in this countries history have we seen such open corruption by a political figure. What’s amazing is that this family has been doing it for four decades.


Turley on all of this.  it is still a crime to lie to Congressional investigators, you don’t need to put him under oath. What we now know very clearly is the president has been lying. He has been saying for years he hasn’t discussed the business dealings of his son, he has had no involvement or knowledge. That was previously contradicted. People forget about people like Tony Bobulinski, who said he actually is who actually sat down with the vice president and discussed business with the vice president. There are audiotapes of the president discussing business dealings in the press. This further demolishes those denials but the question is now: why was the president lying? It is fairly clear now he was part of the brand and the brand was influence peddling. He was the object of the influence peddling. It was influence and access to him, and the way you sell it is to have him pop into meetings and dinners showing I’m a phone call away, so you can ink that deal with my son.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

The rest of the story. Democrat congresswoman lashes out at Biden over ‘shameful’ Space Command decision: ‘I expected more’.

Views: 39

The rest of the story. Democrat congresswoman lashes out at Biden over ‘shameful’ Space Command decision: ‘I expected more’. The Space Command HQ was to be moved to Alabama. In a survey of locations, the present location was picked fifth.

“Huntsville finished first in both the Air Force’s Evaluation Phase and Selection. The GAO did the survey to see what location would be the best. Was it political? Three red states with four locations scored higher than Colorado.

Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., released a statement late Monday sharply attacking Biden over the decision, calling it “shameful” and accusing him of bowing “to the whims of politics over merit.”

“This Administration’s decision to keep Space Command in Colorado bows to the whims of politics over merit. Huntsville’s merits won this selection process fair and square,” Sewell said. “In three separate reports, Huntsville reigned victorious, whereas Colorado did not come in second or even third.”

“This reversal is as shameful as it is disappointing. I expected more from the Biden Administration. A decision of this magnitude should not be about red states versus blue states, but rather what is best for our national security. To be clear, the Alabama Congressional Delegation stands united in opposition to this decision,” she added.


Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Links from other news sources.

Referring to Joey Boy as The Big Guy.

Views: 12

Referring to Joey Boy as The Big Guy. On more than one occasion Biden has been mentioned as The Big Guy. Breitbart did a nice job of pointing out at least five different occasions.

An FBI informant form publicly revealed Thursday shows Zlochevsky referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy.” Zlochevsky is the founder of Burisma Holdings. An FBI informant claimed in a FD-1023 form that Zlochevsky bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $5 million each.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley said the leadership of the DOJ’s criminal investigation of Hunter Biden for alleged tax and gun violations prevented subordinates from investigating the “big guy.”

Hunter Biden’s business partner, James Gilliardubbed Joe Biden ‘the big guy’ in a 2017 email. Gilliar used the monicker for Joe Biden in his May 13, 2017, email to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, who confirmed “the big guy” was a reference to Joe Biden. The 2017 email revealed a business deal between Bobulinski, the Biden family, and high-ranking members of the Chinese Communist Party would include 10 percent “held by H for the big guy?”

An executive at wealth management company Glenmede Trust Company, Geoff Roger, used the monicker in an email to Hunter Biden about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance at a dinner at Whitehall Neck Sportsman Club, a private club in Delaware in 2013.

Hunter Biden used the “big guy” monicker in a 2014 email to Chuck Harple, a trade union lobbyist, with whom Hunter Biden hoped to set a meeting between the head of the North American Building Trades Union and Joe Biden. The email came after not receiving a response after using an official channel.

So we see that Joe’s been referred to as The Big Guy since 2014.


Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Elections Government Overreach

Stop the Presses. Thanks to Jack Smith, Trump trial in Florida will be after the elections.

Views: 34

Stop the Presses. Thanks to Jack Smith, Trump trial in Florida will be after the elections. First I figured that with the judges ruling that Smith had to reveal his 84 witnesses, I would think that Trumps attorneys would want to depose them. How long would that take?

I was involved in a case where three people were deposed. Took six months. Now with the new charges, Smith will have to reveal his witness list, and I’m sure there will be deposition hearings for them.

Finally with the new charges, I’m sure Trumps new lawyers will ask for more time to prepare. So I doubt that this case will be not heard in May like the judge said.


Biden Cartel Links from other news sources. The Courts

How many times does the Senate have to be warned? You don’t tell us what to do.

Views: 379

How many times does the Senate have to be warned? You don’t tell us what to do. A conservative Supreme Court justice has issued a harsh rebuke against leftist lawmakers in Congress trying to implement an ethics code for the Court.

What part of this doesn’t the left get? “I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” Alito said. “No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court — period.”

According to the Washington Post, Michael Mukasey, who served as attorney general under President George W. Bush, agreed with Alito in his assessment of the issue.

“A law compelling the court to adopt such a code, or purporting to impose one legislatively, would violate the principle of separation of powers, and would also be unworkable inasmuch as there is no authority other than the justices themselves to apply such a code,” he said to a Senate committee.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Crime Facebook Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

The Facebook Files: The Effort To Censor Vaccine Information.

Views: 30

The Facebook Files: The Effort To Censor Vaccine Information.

OAN’s Roy Francis
2:00 PM – Friday, July 28, 2023

Republican Representative Jim Jordan released what he called “smoking-gun documents” on social media proving that Facebook had been censoring Americans on behalf of the Biden Administration.


Posting to Twitter, Jordan (R-Ohio) said that he has internal documents that were obtained only after Mark Zuckerberg was threatened to be held in contempt, which “PROVE” the censoring across the social media platforms due to “unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.”

“Never-before-released internal documents subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee PROVE that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policies because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House,” Jordan wrote.

He went on to explain that during the first half of 2021, Facebook executives were “facing continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the [Biden] White House” according to an email from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg.

Jordan went on to say that the White House had wanted a meme removed from the platform.

Facebook employees had informed the White House that removing content like the meme would be an incursion in “traditional boundaries of free expression in the U.S.” However, Andy Slavitt, a Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden ignored the warning and the First Amendment altogether.

The Biden White House also demanded to know why a video from Tucker Carlson had not been removed from the platform. Even though Facebook had replied and gave them the reasons why they could not remove the video, Biden eventually went on to publicly denounce the social media platform claiming that they were “killing people.”

In August of 2021, Facebook started working on changing its policies in order to “be more aggressive against misinformation.” The Facebook leadership said that the change in policy stemmed from the increasing pressure by the Biden administration.

In the second batch of files released by Jordan on Friday, he showed that in the summer of 2021 Facebook was working with the White House in order to “push for Americans to get vaccinated” and to “get Facebook to more aggressively police vaccine-related content, including TRUE content.”

In July 2021, Facebook’s head of Global Affairs was asked why they had been censoring the COVID lab leak theory. The answer was because of pressure from the Biden administration.

After President Biden claimed that Facebook was “killing people” because Americans were hesitant to get vaccinated after seeing vaccine related content online, Facebook employees were upset.

However, the comment by the president had caused Facebook to “re-evaluate its policies about COVID-19 content.”

Jordan goes on to explain that the administration wanted almost all information about the vaccine removed from the platform unless it agreed with their stance. This included jokes and true information alike.

In August 2021, Facebook’s leadership once again agreed to further change their content moderation policy because of mounting pressure from the administration.

Jordan ended his thread saying that the documents show how the Biden administration is working to “censor speech” and that he will be releasing even more documents in the future.


Biden Cartel Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Biden Admin Withholding Funds from Schools with Archery/Hunting Programs.

Views: 37

Biden Admin Withholding Funds from Schools with Archery/Hunting Programs.

A FOX News report claims that the Biden Administration is withholding funding for schools that have archery and/or hunting programs.

According to FOX News, there are certain funds earmarked for archery and hunting programs via the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. But the Biden Administration is allegedly claiming the gun control package Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) helped secure in the summer of 2022 “[precludes] school hunting and archery classes…from receiving federal funding.”

The gun control package, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), amended a subsection in the ESEA to prohibit any act to provide dangerous weapons or pay for “training in the use of a dangerous weapon.” Cornyn is now trying to get the amended language reinterpreted.

He wrote a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, saying:

We were alarmed to learn recently that the Department of Education has misinterpreted the BCSA to require the defending of certain longstanding educational and enrichment programs — specifically, archery and hunter education classes — for thousands of children, who rely on these programs to develop life skills, learn firearm safety and build self-esteem.

Cornyn added, “The Department mistakenly believes that the BSCA precludes funding these enrichment programs. Such an interpretation contradicts congressional intent and the text of the BSCA.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) was a signatory on the letter with Cornyn.

Cornyn spoke at the Texas Republican Party Convention after the gun control package he negotiated passed Congress, and the audience booed him.


AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010 and holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe.



Biden Cartel Child Abuse Corruption Emotional abuse How sick is this? Just my own thoughts MSM Progressive Racism

How sick is this? Biden finally admits to having another granddaughter.

Views: 34

How sick is this? Biden finally admits to having another granddaughter. What an ass. It’s been what? Three years that Conservative Media has been reporting that Joe and Jill had another granddaughter, but the MSM and al of the Biden’s refused to acknowledge this beautiful little girl.

But not until a few weeks ago when Maureen Dowd came forward and blasted Grandpa Joe did others say oh yeah Joe got another one. So I guess now this is supposed to make things right.

“I watched as you told the nation that you had six grandchildren and you loved each one of them,” she wrote. “I believe that. What I cannot believe and what I find unconscionable is that you refuse to admit or accept the fact that there is a beautiful little 4-year-old girl living in Arkansas by the name of Navy Joan who is your seventh grandchild.”


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Facebook Faked news How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

The Most Embarrassing “Facebook Files” Revelation? The Press, Exposed as Censors.

Views: 9

The Most Embarrassing “Facebook Files” Revelation? The Press, Exposed as Censors.

The “Facebook Files” show the press is part of the censhorship establishment, but that’s not the worst part

The most embarrassing revelation of the “Facebook Files” released by House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan yesterday (described in more detail here) involves the news media:

In one damning email, an unnamed Facebook executive wrote to Mark Zuckerberg and Cheryl Sandberg:

We are facing continued pressure from external stakeholders, including the White House and the press, to remove more Covid-19 vaccine discouraging content.

We see repeatedly in internal communications not only in the email above, but in the Twitter Files, in the exhibits of the Missouri v Biden lawsuit, and even in the Freedom of Information request results beginning to trickle in here at Racket, that the news media has for some time been working in concert with civil society organizations, government, and tech platforms, as part of the censorship apparatus.

In the summer of 2021, the White House and Joe Biden were in the middle of a major factual faceplant. They were not only telling people the Covid-19 vaccine was a sure bet — “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” is how Biden put it — but that those who questioned its efficacy were “killing people.” But the shot didn’t work as advertised. It didn’t prevent contraction or transmission, something Biden himself continued to be wrong about as late as December of that year.

If you go back and give a careful read to corporate media content from that time describing the administration’s war against “disinformation,” you’ll see outlets were themselves not confident the vaccine worked. Take the New York Times effort from July 16th, 2021, “They’re Killing People: Biden Denounces Social Media for Virus Disinformation.” You can see the Times tiptoeing around what they meant, when they used the word “disinformation.” In this and other pieces they used phrases like, “the spread of anti-vaccine misinformation,” “how to track misinformation,” “the prevalence of misinformation,” even “Biden’s forceful statement capped weeks of anger in the White House over the dissemination of vaccine disinformation,” but they repeatedly hesitated to say what the misinformation was.

Any editor will tell you this language is a giveaway. Journalists wrote expansively about “disinformation,” but rarely got into specifics. They knew that they couldn’t state with certainty that the vaccine worked, that there weren’t side effects, etc., yet still denounced people who asked those questions. This is because they agreed with the concept of “malinformation,” i.e. there are things that may be true factually, but which may produce political results considered adverse. “Hestiancy” was one such bugbear. Note the language from the unnamed Facebook executive above, which describes the press lashing out “Covid-19 vaccine discouraging content,” not “disinformation.”

This is total corruption of the news. We’re supposed to be in the business of questioning officials, even if the questions are unpopular. That’s our entire role! If we don’t do that, we serve no purpose, maybe even a negative purpose. Moreover, think of the implications. News outlets wail about “disinformation” when they’re aware the public has tuned them out. When people don’t listen to reporters, it’s usually because they suck. You can do the math, as to why the current crop embraces censorship. A more embarrassing outcome for our business would be hard to imagine.


Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Politics Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection.

Views: 18

Biden Administration Refuses to Provide Robert Kennedy, Jr. with Secret Service Protection. Robert Kennedy, Jr. announced Friday on Twitter that the Biden Administration has still not provided his campaign with Secret Service protection. Robert says after several requests they have received no response after 88 days!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Twitter: “Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection.  But not me.   Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.  After 88-days of no response and after several…” / X





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