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Did you see Bidens Hate Speech Yesterday?

Views: 35

Did you see Bidens Hate Speech Yesterday? Yesterday Biden showed his hatred for half of all Americans. What a speech. Not one word about what he’s done to grow the economy and unite all Americans.

Now Joe most likely united the hate mongers with his half truths and lies about January 6. Except for the white and black trash outthere, who believed hom?


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Winning. Court to hear case on Special Prosecutor Smith.

Views: 29

Winning. Court to hear case on Special Prosecutor Smith. We have this from Breitbart.

The court made the announcement after an explosive amicus brief filed by attorneys for former Attorney General Ed Meese arguing that Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is unconstitutional and so the court must reject his prosecution against Trump.

Meese, joined by Steven Calabresi, the co-chairman of the Federalist Society, and Gary Lawson, a prominent constitutional law professor, argues essentially that Garland improperly appointed Smith to an office that does not exist with authority Garland does not possess.

If the court rules in favor for Meese and the others, it will go to the Supreme Court. If successful, the prosecution’s case is done.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption

Trump Family $7.8 Million VS. Biden Family $20 Million.

Views: 11

Trump Family $7.8 Million VS. Biden Family $20 Million. Yesterday a supposed major scandal broke. The Democrats revealed that 20 countries gave Trump $7.8 million. Forget Biden and his $20 million.

First Trump lost a third of his wealth as President. And that he also did not take the $4 million dollar salary. Plus that $7.8 million dollars? That’s what they paid to stay at Trump Property Hotels.

Forget the fact that the Trump family didn’t own all the hotels. But here’s what the great expose left out. The profits Trump made from the properties was given back to the Treasury. And before Trump was President, those 20 country diplomats were staying at the hotels.

Now the Trump family was operating a legitamate business. What type of business was the Biden cartel operating? Atty. Morriss gave Hunter Biden $4.9 million. What did he get in return? Millions of dollars doing business with the US government.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Why the Georgia ruling has national implications.

Views: 20


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Economy Education Links from other news sources.

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap.

Views: 9

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap. Yes my friends, we have the latest U-Haul flight list just out and guess who’s on top of that list? California is not the place to be.

For the fourth year in a row, liberal California topped U-Haul’s Growth Index list for having the largest net outbound movers in 2023. Don’t fret, the undocumented and Hamas supporters won’t abandon you.

U-Haul publishes its Growth Index report every year, analyzing the difference between the number of one-way U-Haul trucks coming into a state or city and those leaving. If a mover relocates from California to Texas, for example, that would be calculated as Texas’s gain.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics White Progressive Supremacy

Another Democrat Politician claims that Blacks too stupid for Voter ID. Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows

Views: 20

Another Democrat Politician claims that Blacks too stupid for Voter ID. Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows. This time the loon from Maine claims that Voter ID laws are signs of White Supremacy. In plain English that means that Blacks are too stupid to apply for an ID card.

I guess that means that after they got a drivers license or applied for welfare, they forgot how to use those ID’S to vote. Like the Black man in California who has his white wife mail in his ballot.

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows made the claim while giving testimony to the legislature in April 2021, expressing her opposition to proposed state laws that would require voters to show photo identification to cast a ballot.

“Passing these bills would mean putting into statute discriminatory practices rooted in White supremacy,” Bellows said during her testimony. “Today, voter ID laws are the new means of voter suppression.”


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Progressive Racism The Courts The Law

The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860. Democrats Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States.

Views: 23

The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860. Democrats Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States.

Not much has changed since 1860 with the Progressive Democrats. They still have Blacks packed in large cities, tell them how to vote, who to vote for, and deny them voter ID. Some in states  like California won’t even allow a Black man to vote in person.



Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources.

Progressive Pro Hamas group shows support for another Progressive Terroist group. Houthis

Views: 18

Progressive Pro Hamas group shows support for another Progressive Terroist group. Houthis. Yes my friends, it looks like our American Progressives have teamed up not only with Hamas, but now the Houthis. Man aren’t those three groups special.

A pro-Hamas rally held at Columbus Circle in New York City Sunday featured a chant in support of Yemen-based Houthi terrorists who are waging war on Red Sea shipping in support of Hamas. Video of the rally shows a woman dressed in terrorist garb leading a crowd of several hundred also dressed in terrorist garb and waving Palestinian flags in a chant of, “Yemen, Yemen, makes us proud! Turn another ship around!”


Censorship Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Work Place

Moms Face Bias from AI Resume-Screeners.

Views: 15

Moms Face Bias from AI Resume-Screeners. A recent study shows that Fortune 500 companies who are using AI to screen job applicants are getting short changed. Why you ask?

The AI screeners are listing women who have taken maternity leave or childcare leave. The AI listed that as a Liability. So, odds are that these women might not be hired even if qualified.

These AI programs are used by Fortune 500 companies to screen resumes and match potential applicants with open positions, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.The researchers analyzed three “large language model” advanced AI programs: ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Bard.

The researchers found that as information such as maternity leave and breaks taken from work for the sake of child care were added to the resumes, that information had a significant effect on how the resumes were read by the AI screening programs.



Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources. WOKE

Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch found out what going WOKE does to the bottom line.

Views: 35

Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch found out what going WOKE does to the bottom line. Don’t let anybody fool you. A corporations first loyalty is making money for the stockholders.

This social loyalty to the bottom of the barrel gets you nowhere. The WOKE crowd doesn’t care. Look what going WOKE did for Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch.

As sales began to plummet, Brendan Whitworth, the CEO of Anheuser-Busch, addressed the controversy on April 14, claiming the company “never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people.”

By May, Anheuser-Busch had dropped $27 billion in market value and sales were down nearly 30% compared to the previous year.

In July, the company announced it was laying off hundreds of workers. In its third quarter, the company suffered a 13.5% decline in U.S. revenue and a 17.1% decline in North American sales volume.

Target’s stock took a hit and its sales experienced a downturn in its second quarter. CEO Brian Cornell acknowledged the impact the fallout had on sales in a call with reporters in August, FOX Business reported.

“Finally, people are seeing that when companies get involved in these social and political issues that have nothing to do with their mission and their stock price plummets — that’s bad for these companies, that’s bad for people relying on them just to make them money so they can retire with dignity,” Frericks said

Disney’s stock price is down over 5% year to date compared to the benchmark S&P 500, which is up more than 13% in that same period. Meanwhile, Disney shares have dropped over 29% in the past five years and have traded near nine-year lows in October.


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