Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Here’s how you nail Biden and investigate him.

Here’s how you nail Biden and investigate him.

Allan Dershowitz came up with a brilliant idea on how Biden’s alleged crimes could be investigated. He was on with Hannity the other night.

“I agree that it’s a Biden,” Dershowitz responded. “It’s a scandal that alleges serious matters against the president.”

“And the matters would be bribery, and then according to James Comer, with all these shell corporations, that turns out to be true, nine Biden family members being enriched, including grandchildren.

“Look, the other thing that Congress can do, Congress can appoint a special counsel,” Dershowitz added. “Now, he would have subpoena power under the Justice Department. If the congressional committee feels there’s no sufficient investigation, they can conduct an investigation by hiring an outside counsel. That’s within their power.”


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Emotional abuse Government Overreach History How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Never forget. The killing of 13 American Military Personal at the hands of the Biden Administration.

Never forget. The killing of 13 American Military Personal at the hands of the Biden Administration. It’s been two years now that 13 American soldiers and almost 200 civilians died because of Joe Biden.

Bragging about his success in Afghanistan. FOX Photo.

Remember that the suicide bomber was released from Bagram Air Base prison. If we had not abandoned that airbase the deaths would not have happened. And how about the testimony from our sniper?

Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, a U.S. Marine Corps sniper who served in Afghanistan during the surrender to the Taliban forces, testified before Congress earlier this year. Vargas told Congress that he was denied permission to shoot the suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

Over the communication network we passed that there was a potential threat and an ID attack imminent. This was as serious as it could get. I requested engagement authority while my team leader was ready on the M110 semiautomatic sniper system.  The response: Leadership did not have the engagement authority for us. Do not engage. I requested for the battalion commander, lieutenant Colonel Brad Whited, to come to the tower to see what we did.  Wile we waited for him psychological operations individuals came to our tower immediately and confirmed the suspect met the suicide bomber description.

He eventually arrived, and we showed him our evidence, the photos we had of the two men. We reassured him of the ease of fire on the suicide bomber. Pointedly, we asked him for engagement authority and permission. We asked him if we could shoot. Our battalion commander said, and I quote, “I don’t know,” end quote. Myself and my team leader asked very harshly, “Well, who does?  Because this is your responsibility, sir.”

He again replied he did not know, but would find out. We received no update and never got our answer. Eventually, the individual disappeared. To this day, we believe he was a suicide bomber. We made everyone on the ground aware operations had briefly halted, but then started again. Plain and simple, we were ignored. Our expertise was disregarded. No one was held accountable for our safety.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

The Censorship Industrial Complex strikes again.

The Censorship Industrial Complex strikes again.

It’s not going to stop until we’re all silenced

Anti-imperialist website Mint Press News has had its TikTok account deleted without warning or explanation. This comes after it had previously between de-platformed from PayPal and had its money withheld, with apparent involvement from the US and British governments.

So far I’ve heard crickets from the so-called “left” and from the “free speech absolutists” on the right about this TikTok ban. It’s incredibly depressing that nobody gives a shit about free speech anymore, unless it means free speech for people who think exactly like them.

You shouldn’t have to agree with Mint Press News on any issue to understand how wrong this is. In a free society, everyone gets the opportunity to speak and you get to decide what you do and do not agree with. If people are taking it upon themselves to decide on your behalf, you should be concerned.

As Christopher Hitchens famously said:

“To whom do you award the right to decide which speech is harmful, or who is the harmful speaker? Or to determine in advance what are the harmful consequences going to be, that we know enough about in advance to prevent? To whom would you give this job? To whom are you going to award the task of being the censor?

“To whom you would give the job of deciding for you? Relieve you from the responsibility of hearing what you might have to hear? Do you know anyone? Hands up, do you know anyone to whom you’d give this job? Does anyone have a nominee?”

Imagine being such a child, you think someone should be assigned the role of deciding what information you are and are not exposed to. Imagine thinking the best people to decide are the people who jailed Julian Assange for exposing their war crimes. Imagine accepting that war criminals should be your censors.

If I achieve one thing with my insignificant blog, it’s to remind my readers just how important free speech is (something we used to understand) and how you only empower the establishment when you passively accept their censoring.

Now I don’t know about you, but the moment the government tells me I’m not allowed to read something, that’s exactly what I’m going to read because I want to know what they’re hiding from me.

You might argue a TikTok ban is not government censorship, it’s a private company imposing its rules, but in the case of the Censorship Industrial Complex, the government and corporations go hand in hand. They are parts of the same establishment.

If you doubt this, just look at the Twitter files and the Facebook files which show how the US government pressured these companies to censor information it acknowledged was true.

Do you need to be protected from the truth now? I don’t know about you, but I’m more concerned about the lies of the government, and there is no legal obligation for the government to tell the truth. There are no consequences when they lie. It’s okay for them to lie and it’s not okay for us to tell the truth. Don’t you love living in a free society?

Left wing voices are being picked off, and it’s not just the so-called “hard left” who are being targeted, it’s the “soft left” too.

Dr Julia Grace Patterson, who is not remotely hard left by any stretch of the imagination, has pointed out how much harder it is for progressives to reach their audience now. Same goes for all of us on the left.

“Why is it getting harder and harder for progressive campaigners to speak to people on Twitter? Many of us are losing followers or some of our posts aren’t visible.”

Dr Patterson is the founder of Every Doctor, an organisation founded to fight NHS privatisation, and therefore an enemy of both Labour and the Tories. You don’t have to be one of those scary “hard left” types who are accused of supporting dictators in order to become a target. You just have to give a shit.

We’re being shadow-banned for demanding better and pointing out inconvenient facts. There is no room for people who want positive change on social media. The only positivity that’s allowed is the positivity where you pretend everything’s more or less fine.

Neoliberals are ensuring their critics are disappearing from the internet because they’re losing the argument and the establishment will never accept losing the argument. Once it feels the narrative is slipping from its grasp, it will resort to authoritarian measures to regain control.

If you use Substack Notes, you might be familiar with CJ Hopkins, a satirist who was recently prosecuted in Germany for using a swastika on his book cover. The swastika was not used to promote nazism as you might assume, it was used to mock the government on the cover of his satirical book.

While it’s illegal to use the swastika in Germany to promote nazism, there are many books in Germany with swastikas on their covers. This is because it’s fine to use swastikas when you’re educating people or criticising nazism. It’s just not fine when you’re comparing government officials to nazis. If you were to apply this standard in the US, just think how many Biden supporters would go to jail for comparing Republicans to nazis.

I understand Hopkins has been given the option of paying a €3,600 fine or spending 60 days in prison for political satire. If you’re not concerned about this, I’m afraid you are your own worst enemy.

The Censorship Industrial Complex has sprung up to ensure we don’t see political change across the western world. The billionaires must remain in control, the mass privatisation (looting) must continue, and the so-called left-wing parties must lower the public’s expectations until we accept staying poor forever. It’s the faux left’s role to convince the public it’s unrealistic to want better than austerity. Sir Keir Starmer would be a perfect example of this.

The neoliberal argument relies on easily disprovable lies and every time an anti-establishment voice is censored, it makes neoliberal lies harder to challenge.

A problem on the left is that if someone doesn’t meet our purity test, we don’t speak out. There is this weird thing where unless we’re in full agreement with someone, we accept that censoring them is fine, or at least not serious enough for us to care. This mindset is exactly what is enabling us to be picked off.

I have highlighted three individuals/organisations in this article and guess what? I don’t agree with them on some issues, but that doesn’t matter! It wouldn’t matter if I agreed with them on zero issues. In a free society, everyone has the right to speak, even the people you dislike.

You should always be more concerned about people doing the silencing than you are about the people speaking. History shows us the censors are never on our side.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Inflation Staying Above 2% ‘Well Beyond 2025’ Is ‘in the Cards Now in Terms of the Forecast.

Inflation Staying Above 2% ‘Well Beyond 2025’ Is ‘in the Cards Now in Terms of the Forecast.


During an interview with Bloomberg on Friday, Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President Loretta Mester stated that she doesn’t want to entertain inflation remaining above 2% for longer than needed due to under-tightening and she wouldn’t want to see the timeline for inflation getting back to 2% “pushed out well beyond 2025, which is kind of in the cards now in terms of the forecast.”

Mester said, “We’re going to get more data in before September, of course. But when you think about sort of what has changed between June and now, we have a bit stronger growth than a lot of us had thought. We have gotten inflation down. But, as the chair said, two months’ data is not enough to be convinced that it’s coming down. And, then we have higher long-term rates, which is going to put some downward pressure on inflation. That said, in my view, I think that really under-tightening would be a worse mistake than over-tightening a little bit, because we can course-correct that. Under-tightening means that inflation could remain higher for longer than 2% for a little bit longer. And I don’t think that’s something I would want to entertain. The way I think about it is, I look at sort of our time path for getting inflation back to 2%, I wouldn’t want to see that pushed out well beyond 2025, which is kind of in the cards now in terms of the forecast. So, I’m going to be very cognizant of that when I put in my new forecast for the next meeting.”


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Corruption Faked news Government Overreach Media Woke Politics Reprints from others. WOKE

Our Disinfo-nation: the new censorship is here to stay

The list of topics on which the government and mass media feel called to protect us from ‘disinformation’ is very long.

Corruption How sick is this? Politics WOKE

Chilling: Dr. Jordan Peterson Forced to Undergo “Reeducation” to Retain License over Social Media Posts

Dr. Petterson annoyed the left; now he must be “reducated.” Sounds like Communism to me.

Canadian Medicine Becomes a Dictatorship.

or TGP

The Ontario College of Psychologists has ordered professor Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo a “reeducation training program” because of his social media posts.

The statements Peterson made on social media​ did not relate to the practice of psychology but rather his opinions on gender ideology, the medical mistreatment of minors with regards to trans surgery, climate hysteria and criticizing Canadian Prime Minister Justing Trudeau.

The complaints were made by members of the public, not by any individuals who Dr​.​ Peterson has ever treated.

Before the verdict, Peterson said, “The decision of an Ontario court re the allegations levied against me by @CPOntario is due tomorrow. I stand by what I have said and done and wish them luck in their continued prosecution. They’re going to need it. I tweeted and otherwise expressed my opposition to trans surgery butchery, @JustinTrudeau and his minions, and the lying climate apocalypse-mongers. All that’s looking pretty good from my end. And if I can’t express such opinions in Canada, I will let the world know.”

It seems non-patient complaints — and NO patient complaints — are enough to lynch a Best-Selling Author | Clinical Psychologist | #1 Education Podcast creator

Although Peterson applied for a judicial review, saying the professional body had no say in his personal online commentary, the application was dismissed by The Ontario Divisional Court.  CBC reports that the ruling asserts that “the college’s decision falls within its mandate to regulate the profession in the public interest and does not affect his freedom of expression.”

Peterson told CBC News, “I’ll comply with their regulations, but I’m not going to do it in secret… And the reason I’m not going to do it in secret is because I don’t believe I’ve done anything wrong.”

The cost of the “reeducation” would be on Peterson to pay, and these “consultants” charge an hourly rate of $225 PER HOUR.

The Post Millennial reports:

The College required in January that Peterson “…work with either Dr. Erika Abner, LLM, LLB, Ph.D, or Gail Siskind, RN, MA, to review, reflect on, and ameliorate [his] professionalism in public statements,”and to “complete the Coaching Program within six months of receiving the ICRC Decision in this matter.” The cost would be on Peterson to pay, and these consultants charge an hourly rate of $225 per hour. The program could be extended at the discretion of the coach if Peterson’s progress was not to their liking.

Peterson would like to keep his professional licensing in Ontario, stating “I deserve it. I earned it. I haven’t done anything to justify suspending it, and I don’t want to give the hyenas their bones.” He refused to comply with the demand that he undergo this reeducation.

An online petition has been organized calling on the Ontario College of Psychologists to rescind their unreasonable, undemocratic, and punitive decision to sentence Dr. Jordan Peterson to mandatory “re-education.”





Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Emotional abuse Links from other news sources. The Courts

Jim Crows back. Liberal Democrats lock up Black Man in Georgia.

Jim Crows back. Liberal Democrats lock up Black Man in Georgia. For those who were to young, Jim Crow laws were laws that Progressive Liberal white Democrats passed to keep the black man down. They’re back. And showing up in Georgia.

Back Door Power Grab Corruption Crime Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Just my two cents. Why affirmative action DA wants to move up all 19 cases.

Just my two cents. Why affirmative action DA wants to move up all 19 cases. Willis was thrown a curve ball when co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro’s Wednesday request for a speedy trial.

Willis filed a motion Thursday in response to co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro’s Wednesday request for a speedy trial. She had initially requested to set the trial for March 4, 2024, just one day before Super Tuesday.

Now Chesebro made a brilliant move. He can request a speedy trial. Willis cannot. She knows that with the Chesebro trial she has to present all her evidence upfront.

This gives the other Defendents including Trump enough time to prepare for what she has. If she doesn’t reveal all her evidence, she can be found in violation.

Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Democrat lawmakers defend character of Republican official facing investigation related to Trump-Georgia case.

Democrat lawmakers defend character of Republican official facing investigation related to Trump-Georgia case.

EXCLUSIVE: Democratic lawmakers in Georgia are coming to the defense of Republican Lt. Gov. Burt Jones, who is facing an investigation into his role in the alleged attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state by former President Donald Trump and his allies.

Speaking with Fox News Digital, three Democratic state senators attested to Jones’ character and willingness to work across the aisle for Georgians as lieutenant governor and as a state senator prior to his election, but would not take sides specifically on the expected special prosecutor that will be looking into his involvement in the Trump case.

“I can’t speak to any investigation because it’s not my judgment to make, and I don’t know the details,” state Sen. Josh McLaurin told Fox. “My experience with Lieutenant Governor Jones has just been serving in the Senate, where he has been straightforward in his communication and willingness to work with members of the minority party.”

State Den. Derek Mallow echoed McLaurin, telling Fox he “wholeheartedly” believed in the separation of powers between the judiciary and legislative branches of the state government and wouldn’t comment on any pending legal matters, but stressed Jones’ willingness to work with Democratic members of the legislature.

Republican Georgia Lt. Gov. Burt Jones

Burt Jones, then-Republican candidate for lieutenant governor speaks as Republican Governor Brian Kemp listens at a press conference on November 7, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)

“For me personally I watched my city and county go to blows over lost negotiations and I met with the lieutenant governor after I introduced my study committee to ask him to allow the senate to study the issue,” he said, referencing a specific piece of legislation.

“He not only agreed but allowed me to chair the committee. Even on issues we may disagree on I have never been silenced at the well or ignored for the opportunity to speak, and he has been straightforward on that and many other issues to me,” he added.

State Sen. Freddie Powell Sims agreed, touting her ability to work with Jones to get things accomplished for the good of all Georgians, especially the citizens of her largely rural southwest district, but also wanted to avoid commenting on any ongoing legal processes.

“Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones was a colleague, as well as a friend, prior to his election as lieutenant governor. We were always able to work together — in spite of political differences — for the good of all Georgians, especially matters that directly impacted District 12. As lieutenant governor, Burt Jones has continued to work with me based on the challenges and needs of District 12 constituents,” she said.

Atlanta Capitol building

The Georgia state Capitol in Atlanta. (Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

“He has always been a gentleman and committed family man. My conversations with the lieutenant governor have seldom involved political context or strategies, probably due to the vast differences that we exude. But those political differences never intervened when making certain that Georgians were cared for,” she added.

Jones, seen as a likely front-runner in the race to replace current Gov. Brian Kemp in the 2026 election, was one of the 16 so-called “fake” electors who claimed Trump won Georgia and attempted to conduct a secret meeting at the State Capitol on Dec. 14, 2020, in an alleged effort to overturn President Biden’s victory in the state. Three of the 16 were indicted alongside Trump last week on allegations of forgery, false statements and impersonating a public officer, among other crimes.

Jones was excluded from the investigation that led to the indictments after Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney ordered District Attorney Fani Willis to drop him in July 2022 because she hosted a fundraiser for Democrat Charlie Bailey, who was running against Jones for lieutenant governor in the general election that November.

As a result of that order, Georgia Prosecuting Attorneys Council Executive Director Pete Skandalakis decided to wait until an indictment was handed down before choosing to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Jones.


Former President Donald Trump

Former U.S. President Donald Trump gestures to the crowd at a campaign event on July 1, 2023 in Pickens, South Carolina. (Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

In an exclusive interview with Fox last week, Jones hit back at the targeting of him and his role in connection with Trump’s alleged effort to overturn the state’s election results, as well as the indictments brought against the former president and others.

“I haven’t done anything wrong, and the people who are being indicted in Fulton County, I don’t think they’ve done anything wrong, either,” Jones said. “They were expressing their opinions in a lot of cases, and for them to be charged and booked and fingerprinted, as if they’re common criminals is something that I just — it’s a little disturbing, to be honest with you.”

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Economy Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

What part of the more you go to wind and solar, the more expensive it gets?

What part of the more you go to wind and solar, the more expensive it gets? We keep on seeing how the fanatics keep on pushing alternative fuels to replace fossil fuels. But this energy saver is far from it. Just ask New York. 

A recent report by the state Public Service Commission’s staff found the transition is already increasing utility bills. National Grid electric customers in upstate New York saw 9.8 percent of their bills go toward climate investments in 2022; for Con Edison customers in New York City, it was 4.4 percent. That amounts to an average of about $9.40 out of a $96 monthly bill for upstate Grid customers and $7.90 out of a $182 monthly bill for Con Ed customers.

Or ask New Jersey. And this was before he set even more ambitious clean energy targets this year.

A study released by the state’s utility regulators last summer found Murphy’s clean energy policies could increase rates by 10 percent to 20 percent unless people use less energy, buy an electric car and rip out their natural gas appliances to install new electric appliances.

Or how about Washington state? Washington state’s first auctions under a new cap-and-trade program have raised significant revenue. But the program has been linked to rising fuel prices in the state, with farmers saying they’re getting hit despite an exemption in the law.

Finally, California. Programs increase gas costs between 22 and 44 cents per gallon, Newsom is now in the midst of implementing an anti-price gouging law targeting oil and gas companies. How will that work with more and more corporations leaving.

Renewables are not reliable and are more expensive. Regardless of what state you live in, what’s happened to your electric bill since 2021.