Uncategorized Biden Pandemic Corruption Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. White House officials resist Biden’s push to purge Trump appointees.

Views: 37

Original article is here.

Reprint. White House officials resist Biden’s push to purge Trump appointees. Many of these folks are former military personal. Spicer graduated from the US Navy War college. He also served 22 years in the Navy.

White House officials appointed by the 45th president are resisting Joe Biden’s push to force them out of office. Reports on Wednesday found the Biden administration told Trump appointees to either resign from military academy boards or face termination.

The move would reportedly affect up to 18 officials including Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer and Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought. Vought has already released a statement saying he’s serving a three-year term and Biden has no authority to remove him.

Conway also responded to reports saying she’s not resigning, but Biden should instead.

Meanwhile, Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated, “I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified, or not political, to serve on these boards, but the President’s qualification requirements are not your party registration, they are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.”

Critics added the dismissal of Trump officials from the military advisory boards is disappointing and against tradition.





Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Economy Education Opinion Politics

My two cents. So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us?

Views: 27

So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us? Joe said he would bring us back better. He brought us back alright, but he left out the better. He was going to create millions of new jobs, get rid of COVID, end the war in Afghanistan with his 300,000 man army, and fix what he saw as a broken economy. So how did this work out?

Inflation, price increases, begging OPEC for oil, ( since he froze drilling and shut down the pipeline ). Oh and more people tested positive for COVID this holiday than last year. And there was no vaccine this time last year.


Corruption Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

My two cents. Secretary of State Blinken and his buds the Taliban say you need papers to leave the fun spot called Afghanistan.

Views: 27

My two cents. Secretary of State Blinken and his buds the Taliban say you need papers to leave the fun spot called Afghanistan. You may of heard that Americans and their allies want out of this fun spot. But the Taliban say not so fast. Are they saying show me the money?

Secretary of State Blinken is going along with his allies who say this. “Blinken at presser in Doha effectively denied reports that Taliban was blocking Americans from departing via charter flights out of Mazar-i-Sharif but that some folks in the group without valid travel documents meant Taliban had not permitted the planes to depart,” Hümeyra Pamuk, a Reuters reporter tweeted.

So Blinken hook line and sinker is buying the story from his new best friends the Taliban. What say you?



Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Opinion Politics

Joe lies and what did you think would happen?

Views: 25

Joe lies and what did you think would happen? What happened 8-26-2021 will go down as a day that Americans must never forget. Joe lied and our soldiers died. Is this the icing on the cake?

We’ve had one major screw up after another. The opening of our southern border. The loss of thousands of good paying jobs with the closing of the pipeline and banning of fracking and drilling. The out of control inflation. COVID mess, begging OPEC to produce more oil. And the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.

What do all of these screw ups have in common? Biden saying the buck stops with me. But it’s Donald Trumps fault. SMH.


Corruption Biden Pandemic COVID Science

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. No jab for you.

Views: 76

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. A third shot has no science behind it.This is one of those occasions where junk science needs to be debunked. As I’ve said in the past, I’ll only write about COVID when there is something worthwhile.

Now real scientists and medical experts ( not 80 year old junk theorists). Don’t see the science behind a third shot. Now there is some data for moderate to severely immunocompromised, Dr. Chatterjee said. Federal health officials on Friday approved giving booster shots to such people – which include cancer and HIV patients and people who have had organ transplants – after data suggested they don’t produce an adequate immune response after getting two doses.



Corruption Opinion Politics

What we witnessed yesterday was shameful. Biden makes an ass out of himself.

Views: 71

What we witnessed yesterday was shameful. Biden makes an ass out of himself. If you watched SJ ( Saigon Joe ) it was gut wrenching. The way he lied and said the buck stops here, but blamed everyone but himself was so sickening. Watch the video below. This is a Joe Biden supporter.



Zeller said Biden should “own their deaths too” and told Williams, “I feel like I watched a different speech than the rest of you guys. I was appalled.”

I have been personally trying to tell this administration since it took office, I have been trying to tell our government for years that this was coming. We sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us. They didn’t plan for the evacuation of our Afghan wartime allies. They’re trying to conduct it now at the 11th hour. The thing they were most concerned about was with the optics of the chaotic evacuation. Well, they got exactly what they were most concerned of by failing to do what was right when we could have done it.

Instead of evacuating people safely over the course of a few months, this is what we get with Joe Biden. In July Congress gave Biden the OK to evacuate.


Corruption Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Sexual Abuse Stupid things people say or do.

Put your pants on Hunter. Newsweek. Hunter Biden Laptop Video Sparks Tidal Wave of Jokes, Outrage.

Views: 23

Original article is here.

Newsweek has contacted Hunter Biden’s lawyer and the White House for comment.

Put your pants on Hunter. Newsweek. Hunter Biden Laptop Video Sparks Tidal Wave of Jokes, Outrage. Hunter Biden has come under fire again after the release of a video that purportedly shows the president’s son telling a woman that Russians had stolen one of his laptops for blackmail.

The clip, obtained by the Daily Mail, shows Hunter Biden telling an unidentified sex worker in January 2019 about an incident the previous year: when he was passed out in a pool in Las Vegas and a computer was stolen from him by Russian drug dealers.

In the lead-up to the 2020 election won by his father Joe Biden, a number of damaging stories emerged after Hunter Biden reportedly left a different laptop at a Delaware repair shop—an incident he has said he does not remember. The Mail reports that the January 2019 video was filmed on the Delaware laptop.

If Hunter Biden’s account of the 2018 incident is accurate, this would mean he had lost three computers likely to contain sensitive information: one in Las Vegas, one in Delaware and one reportedly seized by federal agents.

“They have videos of me doing this,” he said during the video, which lasts 3 minutes and 40 seconds. “They have videos of me doing crazy f****** sex f******,” Hunter Biden told the woman, according to the Mail.


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Opinion Politics

So what are my medical sources Part 2.

Views: 51

So what are my sources Part 2. I received an e-mail from a person who doesn’t post here, and wont. But they wanted proof of at least one statement I MADE IN PART 1. So what better proof than John Hopkins Doctors and Scientists giving us a break down of how the agency the fauch works for researched COVID and Masks for children.

Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere, on the theory that masks can’t do any harm.

That isn’t true. Some children are fine wearing a mask, but others struggle. Those who have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask fogs their glasses. (This has long been a problem for medical students in the operating room.)

Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. And masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are used for too long. And the fauch calls himself a medical expert. look at what the NIH SPENT ON COVID RESEARCH AND MASKS FOR CHILDREN.

From John Hopkins

Of the $42 Billion 2020 NIH annual budget, 5.7% was spent on
COVID19 research

Public health research was underfunded at 0.4% of the 2020 NIH

Only 1.8% of the 2020 NIH budget was spent on COVID19 clinical

Average COVID19 NIH funding cycle was 5 months

Aging was funded 2.2 times more than COVID19 research

By May 1, 2020, 3 months into the pandemic, the NIH spent 0.05%
annual budget on COVID19 research

Of the 1419 grants funded by the NIH:
NO grants on kids and masks specifically
58 studies on social determinants of health
57 grants on substance abuse
107 grants on developing COVID19 medications
43 of the 107 medication grants repurposed existing drugs

So explain to me how the fauch can even comment on masks when his own organization did no studies, no science.

Nuff Said.





Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Reprints from others.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulags.

Views: 16

Original NBC article is here.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulag. For Joe this must seem like the good old days when they caged children. But now two folks come forward.

Two more whistle blowers have come forward to allege that children were mistreated by contractors and senior federal employee managers at a Department Health and Human Services migrant shelter in Fort Bliss, Texas, earlier this year, and also say HHS told them to downplay hundreds of Covid infections among children held at the facility.

“Covid was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees. Hundreds of children contracted Covid in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced,” the whistle blowers, Arthur Pearlstein and Lauren Reinhold, said in a federal whistle blower complaint filed Wednesday

But at the end of their service, they said, federal detailees were regularly given written instructions from HHS public affairs that told them, “when asked, to make everything sound positive about the Fort Bliss experience and to play down anything negative.”



Corruption COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail.

Views: 17

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail. Well it looks as if Nancy got into her husbands Dago RED again. Remember how those on the far extreme said that the lush had no control over the Capitol Police. Some went as far as to exonerate her from her criminal acts on January 6th.

Well she’s having the Capital police arrest staff and visitors who follow the science. Show up without masks. Members of Congress will be turned in to Sargent of Arms. So how does someone without authority able to do that? Yet thousands are crossing our southern border untested, unmasked and definitely NOT social distancing 🤔 Forkin hypocrites 🙄


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