America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Medicine Science

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects?

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects? Of course if you didn’t get the jab, there was none. The most common side effects of a COVID vaccine are a sore arm and sometimes fever, chills, tiredness and headaches for a day or two, according to the CDC.

We all know that the main side effects are hospitalization, and sometimes death. The true numbers may never be released, but hopefully people will contimue to tell their story.

Tell us your story in the comments.

Child Abuse COVID Drugs Medicine Politics Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Covid-23 is HERE. “White Lung Syndrome” encountered in 150+ kids in Ohio and Mass*.

*Ohio has reported 142 cases in one county alone. Massachusetts hasn’t quantified them officially, but one doctor reported it as “a whole lot” of cases.

Experts say a mixture of several seasonal bacterial and viral bugs are hitting at once, putting pressure on hospitals.

A mystery outbreak of pneumonia has hit several parts of China, and now Ohio is the first American location to report an outbreak of the illness, with an ‘extremely high’ number of children being hospitalized.

The strain of pneumonia, now dubbed ‘white lung syndrome,’ has spawned 142 pediatric cases in Warren County since August.

Warren County Health Department said that not only is the number of cases above average, but it also meets the Ohio Department of Health’s definition of an outbreak.

This highlights the two locations where rises in pneumonia cases in children have been reported in the US so far. They are Warren County, Ohio, and East Longmeadow, in Massachusetts

Meanwhile, in western Massachusetts, physicians are seeing ‘a whole lot’ of walking pneumonia, a milder form of the lung condition, which is caused by a mixture of bacterial and viral infections.

Neither outbreak is being caused by a novel pathogen and not all of the pneumonia cases are being caused by the same infection. Experts say a mixture of several seasonal bacterial and viral bugs are hitting at once, putting pressure on hospitals.

It has raised fears that the outbreak that has overwhelmed hospitals China could hit the US this winter. Several European countries are battling similar crises.

SIDE NOTE: A recent ruling by a New York state appeals court effectively upheld the right of state officials to arbitrarily seize and detain pretty much any person they deem necessary.

And, of course, it’s in the name of public safety.

Outrage: Court Ruling Allows State to Seize Citizens for Indefinite Quarantine and Isolation – Due Process No More?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that nationally, cases are not out of the ordinary, but the spread of cases has raised fears that an outbreak can overwhelm American hospitals.

Dr Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, said: ‘I would caution against extrapolating one Ohio county to a country of 330million people.’

But he would not be entirely surprised if ‘some places in the US are above baseline’ this year, as it appears several bacterial and viral infections are rebounding post-Covid.

Officials in Ohio say that an investigation is ‘ongoing,’ but the illness does not look like a new disease, but rather several common infections hitting all at once.

Does anyone else find this suspicious? — TPR

According to the news outlet, so far, patients have tested positive for mycoplasma pneumonia, a bacterial lung infection that is mostly resistant to antibiotics, strep, and normally benign infection, adenovirus.

The ages of the patients range from 8 to 3, and there are several theories as to why children are more susceptible to the illness. Some suggest it is caused by lockdowns that have weakened the immune system or mask-wearing and school closures leaving children vulnerable during seasonal illnesses.

It is reported that bacterial respiratory infections usually flare up every few years, normally as people recover from waves of flu or other viral illnesses.

The Warren County Health District officials said that they believe the pneumonia cases are a large uptick of cases normally seen at one time rather than a new respiratory disease.

Officials also want to remind the public to take necessary precautions to protect their health, as many of us will be gathering with friends and family during the holiday season.

Doctors say the most common symptoms are fever, cough, and fatigue. Hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough, and staying up-to-date on vaccines will help decrease your chance of illness.

According to the news report, the county was first alerted to the increase in illnesses after schools were recording more children off sick than normal.

Ohio is not the only area outside of China to report an outbreak. The Netherlands and Denmark are also reported to have mysterious spikes in ‘walking pneumonia’ cases, most common in younger children.

The above image pictures the lungs during ‘white lung syndrome’ or acute respiratory distress syndrome, which is diagnosed via the white spots or opaque areas appearing in the lungs. The above patient was a 57-year-old man in 2014

It is unclear if any deaths have resulted from the illness and officials have not responded to requests for more information.

In Massachusetts, doctors say the main issue is RSV, a respiratory virus that kills more than 10,000 Americans each year, mostly young children and the elderly.

Dr Adalja believes the pneumonia outbreaks cropping up around the world could be due to the ‘cyclical’ nature of mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma goes through epidemic cycles every few years and that may be what’s occurring globally at the moment.’

He said China may be getting hit by a double-whammy of viral and bacterial infections. China is entering its first winter without pandemic restrictions and is reporting surges in Covid, flu, and RSV as well as mycoplasma.

The US, Canada and Europe — where Covid restrictions were lifted earlier — were hit by massive upswings in those viruses last year.

‘So what’s happening in China makes sense’, Dr Adalja said, adding: ‘Last year we were dominated by so much Covid, flu and RSV when we opened up.’

He said he thinks this year’s winter outbreak will be ‘less severe’ that last year’s, when thousands of children were hospitalized with RSV and flu.

If this is true, why didn’t we hear more about it last year? — TPR

But Dr Adalja admitted that lockdowns have contributed to the emerging global phenomenon.

“When children are born they haven’t experienced any infectious diseases so more of them you have in population so lower threshold for outbreak to start.

“That group of children born provide new people for illnesses. The pandemic allowed the number of these susceptible people to build up over the years.”

Mycoplasma pneumonia normally causes a mild flu-like illness, sometimes called ‘walking pneumonia’. Cases are most common in younger children.

Some antibiotics, such as penicillin, have no effect.

Strep also normally causes a mild illness and tends to leave patients with sore throats. It’s more common among those aged five to 15 years old.

And adenovirus, which has also been detected in patients in Ohio, causes symptoms similar to the common cold.

Dr Scott Roberts, an infectious diseases expert at Yale School of Medicine, Connecticut, said the uptick in cases was likely still being driven by weakened immunity in children.

“This is probably a recurrence of known pathogens that are hitting us a bit harder because of low immunity to them.”

He suggested children’s immune systems could still be suffering from the effects of Covid restrictions which blocked their exposure to ‘good germs’ for building immunity. He also pointed out that immunity wanes over time.

It comes after the Netherlands and Denmark also said they were recording mysterious spikes in pneumonia cases, many of which are being attributed in part to mycoplasma.

China has been recording a surge in childhood cases of pneumonia since May which only came to light LAST MONTH.

Naw, there’s nothing suspicious about this new outbreak, is there? — TPR

Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Will this go anywhere? Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship.

Will this go anywhere? Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship. Another lawsuit against one of the COVID 19 drug makers. This time it’s Pfizer.

We have this from the governor.

In a press statement, Paxton claimed that his office would look into whether or not “profit motive or political pressure” played a role in any “pandemic interventions forced on the public.”

“The development of the Covid-19 vaccine, and the representations made by and knowledge of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, are of profound interest to the public’s health and welfare. This investigation aims to discover the truth,” said Attorney General Paxton in the news release.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Corruption COVID Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York.

Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York.

Madame Lockdown Speaks!. By Ann Coulter.

I’ve just finished reading the hilariously terrible book “What’s Left Unsaid” by Melissa DeRosa, secretary to former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (New York) that is so unself-aware, so arrogant, so embarrassing that I have to review it.

I only read it in the first place because I wanted to interview Cuomo on my Substack, figuring that after his defenestration, he’d be a fun interview. But I’m willing to sacrifice that possibility just to wallow in the awfulness of this book. (Plus, recent press reports say he’s thinking of running for mayor of New York, so it’s topical.)

Most dumbfounding, DeRosa brags about Cuomo bullying everyone into implementing his tyrannical COVID policies — all of which, as we now know, accomplished absolutely nothing (other than causing half a million New Yorkers to flee the state, making 2020-2021 New York’s largest single-year population loss in history).

— First, Cuomo bulldozed the legislature into giving him emergency powers to “institute mass quarantines, order businesses to close, suspend laws and issue sweeping directives.”

His COVID diktats did squat to slow the spread of COVID, but they did destroy businesses, annihilate cultural institutions, kill budding careers, stunt children’s educational development and delay urgent medical care, among other things. (What’s the word for that, again? It begins with an “A” … describes a strongman …)

— Next, Cuomo closed all public colleges in the state and browbeat private universities into doing the same.

In the first year of the pandemic, there were a grand total 648 deaths among 15-to-24-year-olds in the entire country — and we don’t know what other health problems those kids had. Cuomo ruined hundreds of thousands of young lives for no reason.

— Then, he badgered Mayor Bill de Blasio into shutting down public schools in New York City — over the objections of the (wildly left-wing) mayor and the teachers union. As DeRosa puts it, both “were adamantly opposed to closing schools in the city, no ifs, ands or buts about it.”

One week after the governor had demanded that de Blasio close the schools, DeRosa writes, “the governor was done waiting.” He peremptorily called into a local TV station and simply announced that the city’s public schools were closed.

This was the single worst decision made during COVID, as even The New York Times has admitted. The little tykes were at essentially zero risk from COVID. But shutting down schools did irreparable harm to their cognitive and psychological development. 

— Next, Cuomo bullied President Trump into sending the military to convert the Javits Center and the USS Comfort into field hospitals for New York City.

“’This will get Trump’s attention,’” Cuomo predicted of his op-ed. “The piece ran [in the Times] the next day under the headline: ‘ANDREW CUOMO TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: MOBILIZE THE MILITARY TO HELP FIGHT CORONAVIRUS.’”

A kazillion dollars later, it turned out these temporary hospitals were completely unnecessary. They were shuttered after about a month, at which time the Javits Center had a grand total of 72 patients for its 2,500 beds.

— Finally, Cuomo demanded that upstate hospitals send all their ventilators to New York City, leaving upstate residents high and dry. He even forced recalcitrant private hospitals to relinquish their ventilators by calling the CEOs and threatening: “I will personally pull your operating license.”

Everyone now knows that ventilators were wildly overused and killed a lot of patients because COVID confused the oxygen readings, meaning the mechanical breathing tubes were unnecessary.

It could be argued that some of these policies were not known to be utterly catastrophic when Cuomo imposed them. But 1) That’s why it’s not a good idea to give one man the authority to “institute mass quarantines, order businesses to close, suspend laws and issue sweeping directives”; and 2) Now that we do know, why would you write a book reminding everyone that it was your boss who forced these policies on the public? It’s like bragging that he was the guy who made doctors give Thalidomide to pregnant women.

DeRosa seems quite pleased with herself for her own contribution to New York’s ludicrous COVID rules. She was the one, for example, who pushed for a quarantine on travelers from states like Texas, Florida and Arizona.

To his credit, Cuomo initially rejected the idea, saying, “Isn’t that exactly what we opposed back in March when Rhode Island threatened to quarantine New Yorkers?” To his discredit, he then acceded to Madam Ceausescu.

DeRosa was also the one whose bright idea it was to wreck New Yorkers’ 2020 Christmas holidays by insisting on a 10 p.m. curfew on bars and restaurants. She says she’d have preferred to “unilaterally close all bars, restaurants and other State Liquor Authority–licensed establishments” but was worried that “there would be no public buy-in.” (You think?)

To really nail down the nuking of everyone’s holidays, she also “advocated that we limit indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences to no more than 10 people.”

Again, at first, Cuomo objected, on the grounds that the idea was insane, but quickly deferred to his drunk-with-power assistant.

Amazingly, DeRosa still doesn’t understand the virus she dedicated a year of her life to suppressing. In humble-brag fashion, she recounts her conversation with a senior health official early in the pandemic:

Health official: “'[A]ccording to top medical professionals at the CDC and WHO, by all accounts, this virus acts like, well, the flu,’ he said.

“’The flu?’ I asked, honestly confused.

“’Yes, the flu; that’s what the federal government is saying.’

“’Okay, accepting that premise, can I ask you a stupid question?’ I went on. [This is always the tip-off that sheer brilliance is coming.]

“’Of course.’

“’Isn’t the major difference between this and the flu that the flu has a vaccine?’”

Although the “health official” agreed (naturally), that was a stupid question. A vaccine is not the main difference at all. The difference is: Our immune systems were familiar with the flu but had never encountered anything like COVID before.

The 1918 flu virus is still in circulation, and yet 50 million people don’t die of it every year because our immune systems recognize it. Now that we’ve all been exposed to COVID, it is just like the flu. (Also, FYI, only about half of adults in America get the flu shot anyway, and its effectiveness, year to year, is a crapshoot.)

Finally, it’s nice that DeRosa’s COVID lockdown was a blast, but kind of annoying to have her tell us about it. While poor families were jammed like sardines into tiny living quarters for a year, DeRosa spent her lockdown living like a queen.

She moved into the “Princess Beatrix suite” at the governor’s mansion, which, she says, had “a large bedroom and a separate sitting room with its own fireplace. There was an en suite bathroom, multiple closets to hang my perpetually wrinkled clothing in and an antique vanity.”

While gyms were closed throughout the state, she worked out in the mansion’s gym every day. While pools were closed and gatherings of more than 10 people banned, she regularly worked, dined and hung out by the mansion’s pool.

Once a week, DeRosa helicoptered with the governor to New York City. Whizzing through the city in the governor’s car one day, she describes the deserted streets of the once-bustling metropolis as “haunting and yet somehow beautiful.”

I’m sure little Pedro, who spent his lockdown in a one-bedroom apartment with his abusive father, drunk mother and seven siblings, appreciates these poetic reflections on the empty city created by you, Melissa. It makes you sound like a really swell person.

Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Medicine Science Uncategorized

Side effects of the vaccinated who got the jab vs side effects of the unvaccinated WHO DIDN’T.

Side effects of the vaccinated who got the jab vs side effects of the unvaccinated who didn’t. This is a no brainier.

  • Pain, swelling, and redness on the arm where the shot was given.
  • Tiredness, headache, muscle pain.
  • Chills.
  • Nausea.
  • Fever.
  • Side effects they DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT.. This from the CDC.
  • Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Reports of Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Myocarditis and Pericarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) after COVID-19 Vaccination
  • And of course sickness, hospitalization, and death.
  • Side effects on the unvaccinated.
  • Sickness, hospitalization, and death.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Public Service Announcement Science Tony the Fauch Uncategorized Warfare White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab.

Winning. Only 14% of Americans get the latest jab. If you want or did get the latest jab, that’s fine. But don’t come crying when you get side effects, hospitalization, and of course death (of course it’s too late then).

The loons over at VOX call it a miracle drug. But what they and the CDC leave out is that since the so called miracle drugs arrived, more Vaccinated folks are getting COVID, Hospitalized, and dying.



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine Public Service Announcement

Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children.

Story’s we missed. Yes Virginia the vaccinated children were more vulnerable then unvaccinated children. There have been numerous studies on this, but one we missed was one that was buried on the NIH site.

In this study, which only allowed for the calculation of unadjusted observational associations, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.

Now odds are that there are other studies posted on the NIH that shows other incidents where the vaccinated children suffered greatly. Sadly we won’t know until there’s a Republican in the White House.

“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.

Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

How can this be? Antibodies Protect Against COVID-19 Reinfection.

How can this be? Antibodies Protect Against COVID-19 Reinfection. It’s good to see that the NIH at least admits that antibodies do work for those who had COVID. Their own study actually proves it. So why would the antibodies not work for those who haven’t had COVID?

In April of 2021 I had the one and done JJ jab and my antibodies and T-Cells have continued to go up. And guess what? No COVID. My family doctor and a scientist friend of his at Johns Hopkins both agree. We have this from the NIH.

About 3% to 4% of people with negative antibody tests got COVID-19 in each time period. But those who had antibodies were less likely to have COVID-19 as time went on. Only 0.3% of the people with antibodies had a positive COVID-19 test more than 90 days after. Those without antibodies were 10 times more likely to get the disease.



Climate "change" Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. WOKE

How the political establishment sponsor the protests they want, suppress the ones they don’t, and tread carefully when their clients go off-message.

How the political establishment sponsor the protests they want, suppress the ones they don’t, and tread carefully when their clients go off-message.

A brief consideration of how the German state has treated climate, pandemic and pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic COVID Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine MSM Public Service Announcement Reprints from others.

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys.

Surge in Vaccine Lawsuits Forces Biden Admin to Hire More Attorneys.


The administration of President Joe Biden is hiring additional attorneys to help handle the workload from vaccine lawsuits after seeing a spike in people filing claims.

The COVID-19 pandemic thrust the potential side effects of vaccines into the spotlight, prompting fierce debate about whether the benefits outweigh the potential negative outcomes. While COVID vaccine side effects have been limited, several lawsuits from plaintiffs who have experienced adverse effects have attempted to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable.

A job posting on LinkedIn from the Department of Justice advertised for a trial attorney to specialize in cases related to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The legislation provides compensation to those injured by certain vaccines.

It’s unclear if the attorneys the Biden administration is hiring will be responsible for COVID-19 vaccine claims. COVID-19 vaccines are covered under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), not the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), according to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Vaccines covered under the VICP include tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella, and polio.

Newsweek has reached out to the Department of Justice on Monday via media form for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

The position posted online advised applicants that they will have to handle heavy caseloads and work on cases that involve complex scientific issues that require expert witnesses. Since most cases are resolved without a trial, attorneys should be prepared to engage in settlement and damage negotiations, according to the posting.

vaccine lawsuit doj
A man gets a monkeypox vaccine at a clinic in California on August 9, 2022. The Biden administration has seen an increase in vaccine lawsuits and is hiring more attorneys to handle the influx of cases.PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Adverse side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine are rare, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although some have died from them. Myocarditis, among the side effects, is most common in young males.

People who were negatively affected by the vaccine have expressed frustration with getting compensation from the U.S. government. In a recent lawsuit in Louisiana, plaintiffs called the process unconstitutional and a “black hole” in the judicial process. The lawsuit argues that the CICP provides “no timeline” for resolving their cases and one plaintiff had their case denied. The plaintiffs allege the COVID-19 vaccine led them to experience Bell’s palsy, brain blood clots, vascular inflammation and heart palpitations.

The CICP was created in 2005 and was used to deal with claims resulting from public health emergencies like anthrax exposure and the Ebola virus. It offers limited compensation, according to Reuters, and doesn’t have the option to provide compensation for damages or legal fees.

Unaccustomed to handling a large volume of cases, the program was flooded with more than 12,000 COVID-related claims. Only 32 had been deemed eligible for compensation and 1,129 had been denied as of October, according to Reuters.

Petitioners argued they didn’t have the opportunity to review evidence used against them or engage in other basic practices that would be afforded them in a trial. There are no hearings in CICP cases, and the decision is made by unidentified officials based on what a claimant submits.

Frustrations with vaccine injury compensation suits isn’t something unique to COVID claims. Attorneys and activists for years have been pushing for reform, pressing for the hiring of additional staff to handle the VICP cases. As of October, there was a backlog of nearly 4,000 claims, according to Bloomberg. Lawyers working on the cases hope Congress will pass legislation to reform how vaccine injuries are handled and for people to take action against pharmaceutical companies, not just the government.

“‘This is the first domino to fall,” David Carney, a Green & Schafle LLC attorney representing people injured by vaccines, told Bloomberg. “We’re going to start to see a windfall.”