Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Drugs Immigration Links from other news sources. Polls The Border The Law Un documented.

Build it and they will not come. Latino Support for Deportations, Border Wall Surged at Least 10 Points Since 2021.

Build it and they will not come. Latino Support for Deportations, Border Wall Surged at Least 10 Points Since 2021. Even Latinos don’t want the undocumented here. Look at what a Axios (of all people) poll found out what needs to be done.

The poll found that among Latino adults:

  • Thirty-eight percent support deporting illegal aliens, up ten points (28 percent) since President Joe Biden assumed office.
  • Forty-two percent support securing the southern border by building a wall, up 12 points since 2021.
  • Sixty-four percent support allowing a president to close the borders if migrants are invading the nation.

Trump was right and this poll seems to back him up. Trumps policies are registering among voters.

Biden Cartel Commentary Drugs How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Medicine

WOW!.Now we know where all the Adderall went. Joe Biden.

WOW!.Now we know where all the Adderall went. Joe Biden. You must have heard about the Adderall shortage. Well, a doctor in Beverly Hills explains it.

Dr. Carole Lieberman, a Beverly Hills forensic psychiatrist, suggested that Biden may have been on Adderall or another stimulant during his speech, as reported by The Washington Times. Lieberman said the volume and speed of Biden’s voice and his use of hand gestures were indicative of stimulant use.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Drugs Elections Government Overreach Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Politics Reprints from others. The Border Unions

‘Dear Joe…’ Border Patrol Union Unleashes on Biden in Short But Hard-Hitting Open Letter

‘Dear Joe…’ Border Patrol Union Unleashes on Biden in Short But Hard-Hitting Open Letter

The Western Journal

Biden to blame. Gif.

Sometimes less says more. The Border Patrol Union proved it Monday with a social media post on X.

The union shared a very concise letter to President Joe Biden.

Fewer than 50 words, the message was short but sweet and to the point.

“Dear Joe, You OWN this catastrophic disaster at the border – lock, stock and barrel,” the union wrote on the National Border Patrol Council account. “You created it. You nursed it along. You encouraged it. You facilitated it. It’s all yours. Don’t run from it now like a coward. Signed, The BP agents you’ve thrown under the bus.”

I guess there is no arguing who owns this issue in the eyes of the Border Patrol agents. It can’t be passed off as former President Donald Trump’s by the current administration anymore.

Nor should it be. The Biden administration unleashed the kraken on the United States, with almost  9 million illegal immigrants infiltrating this nation since Biden’s inauguration.

Biden has welcomed the invasion with open arms, fanning the flames every step of the way. He’s done everything he could to assist in drowning our nation under the weight of this invasion. Illegals are receiving free everything while Americans look on in disgust. The evidence is clear.

Illegals are receiving free food, free healthcare, free lodgings, free medical care, free diapers, free relocation travel, and free money. The list continues. Whatever they need, it all comes free. He’s forced Americans to pay for all of it while they are barely getting by. And then those same illegal immigrants threaten Americans with words of pure hatred, warning us of what is to come. It worsens by the day.

And now that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has refused to allow the invasion to continue in his neck of the woods, the cartels have figured out how to carry on smuggling illegal immigrants through southern California and Arizona. The influx is simply changing course but not lessening.

According to a Fox News report from Feb. 1, over 71 percent of illegal entries are now happening through California and Arizona rather than Texas.

Where the Border Patrol’s Del Rio Sector, which covers part of the Texas border with Mexico (including hard-hit Eagle Pass), was averaging 3,000-4,000 illegal migrants invading our nation at their border per day in December, that number has reduced to 200, Fox reported.

It shows that effective policing of the border can provide huge results. But as the cartels are not only persistent but also rather well-versed in the best possible ways to get around these impediments, they are coming up with their own solutions.

It’s like watching water find its way through the cracks. This water, however, is tainted with violence, crime, perversion, and death.

More than 8.9 million illegal immigrants have arrived into the United States since Biden took office. This number is larger than the population of Arizona.

The one man who has promised to stop them, Democrats are attempting to bury in trumped up lawsuits and corrupt criminal cases. That speaks volumes.

The fact that the Border Patrol Union stood up and called Biden out is a very good sign for the United States in the face of this atrocity. It’s a sign of how strong resistance remains to the Biden administration’s rampant lawlessness.

The union — which endorsed Trump in both 2016 and 2020 — has locked horns with Biden many times over the course of his benighted administration. In 2021 it was blasting Biden’s approach to border security as a crisis, and that was when the invasion was in its infancy.

That was the same year the Border Patrol was the subject of an attack that included Biden himself over a hoax story about agents on horseback using whips against illegal immigrants from Haiti.

Now, with the 2024 election approaching, it seems that Border Patrol agents are drawing their own line in the sand, sending a powerful message that they stand on the right side of the Constitution. They see how wrong and corrupt the current president and his administration is.

I liken it to them saying, “Don’t count on us to be complicit without speaking our truth. That ship has sailed.” It is a wake-up call to anyone who might have had any doubt left in his head of how intentional Biden’s actions have been.

The Border Patrol agents are required to do a job but that doesn’t mean that they agree with what is happening.

Frankly, we don’t know what will come of this situation after the fact — so much depends on American voters righting the country’s course when November’s elections roll around.

At a minimum, however, it emphasized which side the Border Patrol union and agents are on.

It’s the side of the law, of history and of the American people. And the country can’t ask for more than that.+

Dementia Joe can’t even read the 4K jumbotron-sized teleprompter; he only knows what the devils(s) whisper in his ear. — TPR


Commentary COVID Drugs Links from other news sources.

Just putting this out there. STORY OF IVERMECTIN.

Just putting this out there. Story of Ivermectin. I’m not indorsing the drug, or have I ever taken it. Never felt the need to, if I got COVID I don’t know if I would take it. It has worked for millions of others. Read this and make your own decision if it comes down to it.

Ivermectin, like penicillin and aspirin, is a medication with origins in nature and has a rich history of improving health, particularly in underdeveloped regions.
Approved for human use in 1987, it has been crucial in combatting devastating tropical diseases, including Onchocerciasis and Elephantiasis, and it’s effective against parasitic infestations in animals.
Beyond its role as a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic, healthcare professionals have used it for various diseases. Ivermectin is celebrated for its safety, being on the WHO’s list of essential medicines and having won a NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE for its contributions to eradicating parasitic infections.
While numerous studies worldwide highlight its potential to combat COVID-19, the FLCCC recommends its use, emphasizing its safety with few reactions and a few drug interactions, meaning it’s virtually safe to take regardless of what other medications you may be taking!
Ivermectin for COVID-19 could save lives. Historically, it has been used to combat various illnesses and diseases.
Fauci and the mainstream media have politicized it since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. A growing body of evidence from dozens of studies worldwide demonstrates ivermectin’s unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and aid in the recovery from COVID-19.
Based on this evidence and first-hand clinical observations, the FLCCC recommends its use as part of a combination therapy in all stages of COVID-19.
Ivermectin for COVID-19
The COVID vaccine is an experimental medical intervention. It was only approved for emergency use and bypassed most of the typical regulatory safety and approval checks.
There is no completely risk-free vaccine, and this one, in particular, has been associated with more deaths and side effects than all other vaccines combined in history. There is debate about the vaccine’s benefits, and some argue that it may not provide absolute protection against COVID.
In fact, some critics claim that it weakens the immune system, potentially increasing susceptibility to common and serious side effects, including acute hemorrhage, acute blood clotting, strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis, neurological problems, and autoimmune conditions. There have also been reports of Vaccine-Induced Immunodeficiency Syndrome, which some liken to HIV/AIDS.
Many advocate for alternative, natural, and safe ways to combat COVID. The COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of the manufacturer, has also been associated with claims of DNA disruption, parasitic and pathogenic infection, and infiltration by microscopic nanoparticles and graphene oxide, which are alleged to cause significant health detriments.
UK CoV2 Infections Per 100,000 by Vaccination status

Child Abuse COVID Drugs Medicine Politics Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Covid-23 is HERE. “White Lung Syndrome” encountered in 150+ kids in Ohio and Mass*.

*Ohio has reported 142 cases in one county alone. Massachusetts hasn’t quantified them officially, but one doctor reported it as “a whole lot” of cases.

Experts say a mixture of several seasonal bacterial and viral bugs are hitting at once, putting pressure on hospitals.

A mystery outbreak of pneumonia has hit several parts of China, and now Ohio is the first American location to report an outbreak of the illness, with an ‘extremely high’ number of children being hospitalized.

The strain of pneumonia, now dubbed ‘white lung syndrome,’ has spawned 142 pediatric cases in Warren County since August.

Warren County Health Department said that not only is the number of cases above average, but it also meets the Ohio Department of Health’s definition of an outbreak.

This highlights the two locations where rises in pneumonia cases in children have been reported in the US so far. They are Warren County, Ohio, and East Longmeadow, in Massachusetts

Meanwhile, in western Massachusetts, physicians are seeing ‘a whole lot’ of walking pneumonia, a milder form of the lung condition, which is caused by a mixture of bacterial and viral infections.

Neither outbreak is being caused by a novel pathogen and not all of the pneumonia cases are being caused by the same infection. Experts say a mixture of several seasonal bacterial and viral bugs are hitting at once, putting pressure on hospitals.

It has raised fears that the outbreak that has overwhelmed hospitals China could hit the US this winter. Several European countries are battling similar crises.

SIDE NOTE: A recent ruling by a New York state appeals court effectively upheld the right of state officials to arbitrarily seize and detain pretty much any person they deem necessary.

And, of course, it’s in the name of public safety.

Outrage: Court Ruling Allows State to Seize Citizens for Indefinite Quarantine and Isolation – Due Process No More?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that nationally, cases are not out of the ordinary, but the spread of cases has raised fears that an outbreak can overwhelm American hospitals.

Dr Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, said: ‘I would caution against extrapolating one Ohio county to a country of 330million people.’

But he would not be entirely surprised if ‘some places in the US are above baseline’ this year, as it appears several bacterial and viral infections are rebounding post-Covid.

Officials in Ohio say that an investigation is ‘ongoing,’ but the illness does not look like a new disease, but rather several common infections hitting all at once.

Does anyone else find this suspicious? — TPR

According to the news outlet, so far, patients have tested positive for mycoplasma pneumonia, a bacterial lung infection that is mostly resistant to antibiotics, strep, and normally benign infection, adenovirus.

The ages of the patients range from 8 to 3, and there are several theories as to why children are more susceptible to the illness. Some suggest it is caused by lockdowns that have weakened the immune system or mask-wearing and school closures leaving children vulnerable during seasonal illnesses.

It is reported that bacterial respiratory infections usually flare up every few years, normally as people recover from waves of flu or other viral illnesses.

The Warren County Health District officials said that they believe the pneumonia cases are a large uptick of cases normally seen at one time rather than a new respiratory disease.

Officials also want to remind the public to take necessary precautions to protect their health, as many of us will be gathering with friends and family during the holiday season.

Doctors say the most common symptoms are fever, cough, and fatigue. Hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough, and staying up-to-date on vaccines will help decrease your chance of illness.

According to the news report, the county was first alerted to the increase in illnesses after schools were recording more children off sick than normal.

Ohio is not the only area outside of China to report an outbreak. The Netherlands and Denmark are also reported to have mysterious spikes in ‘walking pneumonia’ cases, most common in younger children.

The above image pictures the lungs during ‘white lung syndrome’ or acute respiratory distress syndrome, which is diagnosed via the white spots or opaque areas appearing in the lungs. The above patient was a 57-year-old man in 2014

It is unclear if any deaths have resulted from the illness and officials have not responded to requests for more information.

In Massachusetts, doctors say the main issue is RSV, a respiratory virus that kills more than 10,000 Americans each year, mostly young children and the elderly.

Dr Adalja believes the pneumonia outbreaks cropping up around the world could be due to the ‘cyclical’ nature of mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma goes through epidemic cycles every few years and that may be what’s occurring globally at the moment.’

He said China may be getting hit by a double-whammy of viral and bacterial infections. China is entering its first winter without pandemic restrictions and is reporting surges in Covid, flu, and RSV as well as mycoplasma.

The US, Canada and Europe — where Covid restrictions were lifted earlier — were hit by massive upswings in those viruses last year.

‘So what’s happening in China makes sense’, Dr Adalja said, adding: ‘Last year we were dominated by so much Covid, flu and RSV when we opened up.’

He said he thinks this year’s winter outbreak will be ‘less severe’ that last year’s, when thousands of children were hospitalized with RSV and flu.

If this is true, why didn’t we hear more about it last year? — TPR

But Dr Adalja admitted that lockdowns have contributed to the emerging global phenomenon.

“When children are born they haven’t experienced any infectious diseases so more of them you have in population so lower threshold for outbreak to start.

“That group of children born provide new people for illnesses. The pandemic allowed the number of these susceptible people to build up over the years.”

Mycoplasma pneumonia normally causes a mild flu-like illness, sometimes called ‘walking pneumonia’. Cases are most common in younger children.

Some antibiotics, such as penicillin, have no effect.

Strep also normally causes a mild illness and tends to leave patients with sore throats. It’s more common among those aged five to 15 years old.

And adenovirus, which has also been detected in patients in Ohio, causes symptoms similar to the common cold.

Dr Scott Roberts, an infectious diseases expert at Yale School of Medicine, Connecticut, said the uptick in cases was likely still being driven by weakened immunity in children.

“This is probably a recurrence of known pathogens that are hitting us a bit harder because of low immunity to them.”

He suggested children’s immune systems could still be suffering from the effects of Covid restrictions which blocked their exposure to ‘good germs’ for building immunity. He also pointed out that immunity wanes over time.

It comes after the Netherlands and Denmark also said they were recording mysterious spikes in pneumonia cases, many of which are being attributed in part to mycoplasma.

China has been recording a surge in childhood cases of pneumonia since May which only came to light LAST MONTH.

Naw, there’s nothing suspicious about this new outbreak, is there? — TPR

Biden Pandemic Drugs Medicine Reprints from others.

Peer-Reviewed Study On COVID Vaccine Shows What Happened to 1 In 35 People

After undergoing a full peer review, a newly published study in the European Journal of Heart Failure found that 1 in 35 people showed signs of heart damage after taking the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

The CDC openly admits that myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) are “rare side effects of COVID vaccination, especially prevalent in adolescents and young men.” Despite this serious concern, the CDC says the vaccine is safe for “the vast majority of people,” and that data shows “the low risk of complications from the vaccine is outweighed by the reward.”

The study concluded that adverse effects were more common than previously thought. The study also found that adverse effects were more frequent in women versus men.

“One in 35 health care workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found,” according to the Epoch Times.

Researchers wrote in the paper, “mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination.”

“In a generally healthy population, the level would be about 1 percent, the researchers said,” the report found.

Adverse effects continued for a period of 30 days and half of the individuals showed unusually high levels of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T, which is an indicator of subclinical heart damage.

The long-term implications of the study remain unclear as little research has tracked people over time with heart injury.

“None of the patients experienced a major adverse cardiac event, such as heart failure, within 30 days of booster vaccination, and none had electrocardiogram changes,” the report added.

The possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine have been a topic of controversy in recent weeks. Business mogul and Tesla boss, Elon Musk, responded to the heart attack of LeBron James’ son, Bronny, by questioning the role played by the experimental and controversial COVID-19 vaccine.

Musk responded bluntly, “We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing. Myocarditis is a known side-effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common.”

In recent years, Americans have witnessed an alarming increase in young and healthy people suffering cardiac arrest. The 18-year-old son of NBA superstar LeBron James was rushed to a hospital after collapsing during a basketball workout.

Social media erupted with widespread speculation about what caused Bronny’s heart to stop despite being a young and healthy athlete. In recent years, any questions or criticism surrounding the COVID vaccine are effectively censored, banned, and labeled “false” by the almighty truth-bearers on social media.

Multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies are also wielding their power, influence, and money to shape the national discourse surrounding their drugs. Twitter boss Elon Musk recently exposed internal documents proving Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb helped censor Americans online.

“Nothing to see, no questions to ask,” Charlie Kirk sarcastically wrote.

Bronny is entering his first year at USC and he is ranked as a top-25 recruit and future NBA prospect by ESPN. A James family spokesperson said, “Yesterday while practicing Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest. Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital.” Bronny was discharged from the hospital after making a full recovery.

Here is the study. I’ll print the abstract and link to the article itself.

Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 booster vaccination

Natacha Buergin, Pedro Lopez-Ayala Contributed equally as co-first authors.



To explore the incidence and potential mechanisms of oligosymptomatic myocardial injury following COVID-19 mRNA booster vaccination.

Methods and results

Hospital employees scheduled to undergo mRNA-1273 booster vaccination were assessed for mRNA-1273 vaccination-associated myocardial injury, defined as acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper limit of normal on day 3 (48–96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause. To explore possible mechanisms, antibodies against interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), the SARS-CoV-2-nucleoprotein (NP) and -spike (S1) proteins and an array of 14 inflammatory cytokines were quantified. Among 777 participants (median age 37 years, 69.5% women), 40 participants (5.1%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.7–7.0%) had elevated hs-cTnT concentration on day 3 and mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95% CI 1.7–4.3%]). Twenty cases occurred in women (3.7% [95% CI 2.3–5.7%]), two in men (0.8% [95% CI 0.1–3.0%]). Hs-cTnT elevations were mild and only temporary. No patient had electrocardiographic changes, and none developed major adverse cardiac events within 30 days (0% [95% CI 0–0.4%]). In the overall booster cohort, hs-cTnT concentrations (day 3; median 5, interquartile range [IQR] 4–6 ng/L) were significantly higher compared to matched controls (n = 777, median 3 [IQR 3–5] ng/L, p < 0.001). Cases had comparable systemic reactogenicity, concentrations of anti-IL-1RA, anti-NP, anti-S1, and markers quantifying systemic inflammation, but lower concentrations of interferon (IFN)-λ1 (IL-29) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) versus persons without vaccine-associated myocardial injury.


mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. The possible protective role of IFN-λ1 (IL-29) and GM-CSF warrant further studies.

Find the paper here

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Drugs Economy Education Elections Emotional abuse Free Speech Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Military Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Terrorism The Border The Courts The Law Un documented. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Young Voters Flee Biden. Who Turns 81 Today.

Young Voters Flee Biden. Who Turns 81 Today. Happy Birthday Joe. My question is why they have voted for him in the first place?

The list of bad things that he and his administration have caused is so long. The Border, COVID, Crime increasing, Wars around the world, Weaponization of the courts, etc.

Among young voters (18-34 years old) — just 20% of whom view Biden favorably on Israel’s war on Hamas — Biden (42%) trails Trump (46%) by 4 points, which is outside the poll’s margin of error.

“This could be a massive sea change,” according to NBC News poll analyst Steve Kornacki, who noted Biden was plus-26 points on younger voters in 2020.

NBC News Poll: Biden’s standing hits new low amid Israel-Hamas war

Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Drugs Medicine Tony the Fauch

Fauci-Run Lab in Montana Experimented with Coronavirus Strain Year Before Pandemic


Nearly two years before coronavirus became a household word, a National Institute of Health lab in Montana was conducting experiments with bats that focused on the spread of the virus.

The 2018 research was funded by the “Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and a research grant from NIH AID,” according to a report on the study available through the National Library of Medicine.

At the time, Dr. Anthony Fauci was the director of NIAID, a post he held from 1984 until his retirement in 2022.

The research was conducted at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, which NIAID calls a “premier NIH facility for biomedical research.”

The experiment sought to determine whether the WIV1-coronavirus could infect and replicate in a group of 12 Egyptian fruit bats.

“They performed exams on the animals daily and measured things like body weight and temperature,” the Daily Mail reported. “Scientists also took samples from the bats’ noses and throats.

“On days three, seven and 28, four of the bats were euthanized and their heart, liver, kidney, spleen, bladder, reproductive organs, eyes and brain were collected for analysis. Scientists also analyzed white blood cell count and antibodies.”

The report on the experiment said that the virus was “unable to cause a robust infection” in the bats, later concluding that the spread of the virus could be specific to some bat species but not others.

Why isn’t Fauci in Jail?

The report also noted that existing research “suggests that a substantial portion of the SARS-like viruses circulating in bats cannot infect humans directly.”

COVID-19 was first reported in China in late 2019. Extensive debate has since raged whether the virus spread to humans through some as-yet-undiscovered animal pathway or was leaked from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak was first noticed.

Fauci has scoffed at the lab-leak theory. He has also insisted that no “gain of function” research was approved on his watch. Such research is designed to increase the power of a virus to do harm to its host.

The bats for the 2018 project were obtained from the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo in Thurmont, Maryland, the report said. The zoo is not far from the presidential retreat at Camp David.

The activist group White Coat Waste said the site has a history of animal care violations and called it a “crummy roadside zoo.”

Anthony Bellotti, the president and founder of White Coat Waste, denounced the project in a statement.

“Our investigation has uncovered the real-life horror story of how a shady roadside zoo whose curator was an NIH animal experimenter shipped off bats to a deadly government virus lab overseen by Dr. Fauci to be infected with a coronavirus obtained directly from the Wuhan lab that experts believe caused Covid,” he said, according to the Post Millennial.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Drugs Economy Links from other news sources.

Democrat Rep. Phillips: I Voted for Biden’s Policies, But We Have Inflation and Border Crises, and ‘Crime in Cities and Chaos’.

Democrat Rep. Phillips: I Voted for Biden’s Policies, But We Have Inflation and Border Crises, and ‘Crime in Cities and Chaos’. Let’s face it, he’s going nowhere, but he is being truthful.

During an interview with NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas aired on Friday’s “Elizabeth Vargas Reports,” 2024 presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) stated that while he voted for President Joe Biden’s policies, we do have “a massive” affordability crisis, and “We have a border crisis. We have crime in cities and chaos.”

 “Let me start with affordability, it is a massive crisis in America right now, the cost of living. People’s mortgages are skyrocketing, fuel is too expensive, food is too expensive, health care — if it’s even obtainable — is double the price of anywhere in the world, medicine, three times more than anywhere else in the world.

We are falling behind. American middle-class, hard-working people are not being heard. They are angry, they’re frustrated. And that is job one.

We have a border crisis. We have crime in cities and chaos. We have a federal government that is run so ineffectively and so inefficiently, does not focus on customer service, doesn’t use zero-based budgeting, we don’t have term limits. So, therefore, we have the same people making the same decisions, and often the same mistakes time and time again. I’m making a proposition for change.”

Child Abuse Crime Drugs Emotional abuse Human Traficking Sexual Abuse The Courts

More Arkancide? Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Has Died

Epstein Victim Found Dead after Testifying against Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell.

No obituary or funeral service after she died…

From multiple sources.

The world lost a brave woman recently, Carolyn Andriano, who had been a crucial witness in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the accomplice of notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Andriano’s sudden death, ruled as an accidental overdose, has raised eyebrows and stirred suspicions due to its timing and the circumstances surrounding it.

Carolyn Andriano, a victim of sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein whose testimony was crucial to putting away his accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, has died.

Her death went unreported in the media until now.

There was no obituary or funeral service after she died earlier this year, and police in West Palm Beach, Florida, opened an investigation into her death. After The Daily Beast reached out for comment, police spokesman Mike Jachles told us that the investigation was concluding and that Carolyn died of an accidental overdose.

The 36-year-old mother-of-five had planned to start a new chapter in North Carolina, at a new house with a fireplace and half-acre lot with a chicken coop. Carolyn and her husband, John Pitts, had purchased the property just weeks before she was found unresponsive in a West Palm Beach hotel room on May 23.

Before her death, “she was ecstatic,” Carolyn’s mother, Dorothy Groenert, told The Daily Beast. “She was all set up for a whole new lifestyle.”

Groenert says Carolyn’s death was a shock because she was working on building a new life and recently texted her about being free of drugs and alcohol.

The way Groenert sees it, some things about her daughter’s overdose don’t make sense, and she wants cops to investigate further.

Jachles, however, said that Carolyn’s case would officially be closed this week. Officers on the scene took a statement from Pitts, who told them that Carolyn had been using drugs, and Carolyn’s brother, who rushed to the hotel after Pitts texted Groenert that Carolyn had died. Pitts tried to administer CPR and “was given directions over the phone with 911,” Jachles said.

“It shouldn’t be closed,” Groenert said of the police investigation. “I begged them, I sent them numerous messages. I’ve asked for them to make meetings, contact me, and to no avail.”

Now Groenert is in a legal battle with Pitts over Carolyn’s will, which was filed in 2010 before she married him and which left her estate to her mother and two oldest children. Because the will hadn’t been updated, Pitts and his three kids with Carolyn were left out of her estate. Carolyn had received millions from Epstein-related settlements, though probate court documents indicate she had $183,000 in a bank account. The filings also listed unknown assets as the JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank class action settlements—which, as The Daily Beast reported, amount to $290 million and $75 million, respectively, and will result in big payouts to victims.

Since Carolyn’s death, he’s posted tributes to her on Facebook and mourned his family’s loss.

“You showed me what love really is and I will never forget how big your heart is,” Pitts wrote in June, adding, “I know our souls will always be attached together.”

“I will do right by you because I know what u really wanted in life to give our kids the life we never had… I miss u so much no words can say just know I will give our kids the best life that I can…”

While Pitts could not be reached, his sister Serena told The Daily Beast that Groenert’s and her family’s suggestion that Carolyn’s death was suspicious is “ridiculous.”

“Right now our family is grieving the loss of Carolyn and prioritizing the care of her children. At this time we kindly appreciate space and privacy,” she added in a text.

The Daily Beast has submitted requests for information to both the medical examiner and police department. While a cause or manner of death hasn’t been released, a toxicology report indicates Carolyn had methadone, fentanyl, and alprazolam (the generic name for Xanax) in her system when she died.

Lewis Nelson, professor and chair of the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s Department of Emergency Medicine and Director of the Division of Medical Toxicology, said alprazolam and fentanyl can be a dangerous combination, as both drugs suppress breathing.

“Her fentanyl use was very recent,” said Nelson, who is not involved in Carolyn’s case but independently reviewed her toxicology report. “My postulation is she is on methadone, takes a high dose, she took fentanyl, and she died quickly.” The low levels of a metabolite of fentanyl, Nelson added, suggest that Carolyn died before her body had time to metabolize the drug. Bloodwork, however, doesn’t usually paint a picture of how often someone uses a substance.

Carolyn was one of four victims to testify at the Maxwell trial in December 2021, telling the jury that the British socialite had groped her and routinely scheduled her “massages” with Epstein, who molested her up to three times until she was “too old” for him at age 18.

At the start, a Manhattan federal prosecutor asked Carolyn if she’d ever been addicted to drugs, and she replied, “Pain pills and cocaine.” Carolyn also testified about her home life when she was 14 and had first visited Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in 2001. “I was allowed to do whatever I wanted,” she said, adding, “Because my mom was an alcoholic and a drug addict.” (Asked about Carolyn’s testimony, Groenert denied this. “No, I was working. I was working to pay for my children. I didn’t get any supplements. I had to work,” she said. “That’s inaccurate.”)

Carolyn, who said she dropped out in seventh grade and never returned to school, later testified that she became addicted to drugs while visiting Epstein’s lair: “Marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, anything that could block out for me to go to the appointment.”

She had confided in Maxwell and Epstein about her history of being sexually abused as a young child (by a relative at age 4) and of her family’s struggles with addiction. This emboldened the sick high-society couple to groom her and even attempt to bring her to Epstein’s U.S. Virgin Islands compound. “I told him I was only 15 and I couldn’t leave,” Carolyn said of Epstein.

The prosecutor also asked Carolyn about her medications, and she answered that she took methadone, an antidepressant, Xanax, and a drug for schizophrenia because “I am scared that my kids are going to get kidnapped.”

When Maxwell’s lawyer cross-examined Carolyn, he noted the Epstein victim compensation fund awarded her $3.25 million but had subtracted $446,000 because she’d received that amount in 2009 from a lawsuit against Epstein and his assistant Sarah Kellen.

“Yes, but no money will ever fix what’s happened to me,” Carolyn responded.

Carolyn testified using only her first name but came forward to the Daily Mail after Maxwell’s conviction. During this interview, she spoke of Pitts’ support.

“I had rosary beads in my hands for the entire time and my husband was in the courtroom and every time I felt like I was getting weak, he would give me a little thumbs up or I’d clench the beads,” Carolyn told the tabloid. “I was determined to have the strength to have this woman put away for what she did to me and other young women.”

“Sure, they accused me of lying, but I knew that was coming and I stood up to it because I was telling the God’s honest truth.”

At another point in the interview, Carolyn suggested that Virginia Giuffre, a victim who allegedly recruited her into Epstein’s sex ring, deserved to face similar consequences as Maxwell because, she claimed, Giuffre “trafficked me into a world of spiraling downward slopes and it has taken my husband John 12 long years to get me to love myself again.”

“I’m very happy being a wife and a mother and I want to show people how the tragedies in my life did not stop me,” she added. “I’m overcoming them. I’m not going to let Maxwell and Epstein ruin my life anymore. I’m grateful every day when I wake up.”

Questions:  Why was there no funeral and no obituary? Why is her sister-in-law so sure there is nothing suspicious about this death?

These two facts make it VERY suspicious to me. — TPR