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Megyn Kelly Bitch slaps Maddow.

Megyn Kelly Bitch slaps Maddow.

During an episode of her podcast this week, Megyn Kelly tore into Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and Hillary Clinton for the recent interview they did where Hillary laughed about the Trump indictments.

Kelly was especially disgusted with Maddow, who acted more like a Hillary fangirl than a journalist. The video of Kelly’s rant is going viral on Twitter. Here’s a partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

“That was a disgusting display by both women on the set. I would vote for Ron DeSantis over Joe Biden any day of the week, I made that clear. I tell you what my bias is.

When I sat across Ron DeSantis, I pressed him on the weaknesses of his arguments, things that he said were inconsistent, positions he had that would fall apart if you really drilled down. And he stood on his own. That’s what a journalist does. That’s your obligation is as a member of the media.

You failed Rachel Maddow, you failed, I don’t care how much they give you, 30 million dollars a year, you’re not worth thirty cents. That was an embarrassment. You fell down on the job, you embarrassed yourself and network, and you ceded the entire discussion to a dishonest broker who set us down this disgusting path that we now are on.





Biden Cartel Corruption Crime How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Radical Leftists Block Doors of California Capitol Chanting “Shut It Down!” – Someone Call the DOJ and Launch the Early Morning Raids!

Radical Leftists Block Doors of California Capitol Chanting “Shut It Down!” – Someone Call the DOJ and Launch the Early Morning Raids!

Attention Merrick Garland’s DOJ: We have another insurrection to report.

Radical leftists blocked the entrance to the California Capitol on Wednesday. They were chanting, “Shut it down!” and blocking all access to the building.

Bill Essayli tweeted: “The California Capitol was stormed today by radical leftists. They’re yelling “shut it down” which is a direct attempt to obstruct official proceedings. No word yet from DOJ on how many have been indicted for insurrection. I’ll wait…”


Biden Cartel Corruption Crime How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts

Quick hide your children Progressives claim Trumps out to kill all who get in his way.

Quick hide your children Progressives claim Trumps out to kill all who get in his way. Former President Trump made a statement that.

“IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”  Well, the fanatics on the left are in fear. Some maybe even went into hiding. According to Jackie Boy the statement was a threat of violence against the witnesses and Smith and his crackerjack team.

The judge bought the lie and now wants a response from Trump as to what he meant. My first thought was to tell the judge to rotate on it. But seriously this will be a long string of complaints that will be filed.

Under the process known as discovery, prosecutors are required to provide defendants with the evidence against them so they can prepare their defense.

“It could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case,” prosecutors wrote in their filing, adding Trump has a history of attacking judges, attorneys and witnesses in other cases against him.

At his arraignment on Thursday, Trump swore not to intimidate witnesses or communicate with them without legal counsel present.

Protective orders are routine in cases involving confidential documents, but prosecutors said it was particularly important to restrict public dissemination given Trump’s social media statements.

A Trump spokesperson issued a statement defending the former president’s social media post.

“The Truth post cited is the definition of political speech, and was in response to the Rino, China-loving, dishonest special interest groups and super PAC’s,” the statement said.



Daily Hits. How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. WOKE

Weekend Funnies: Toast The last man left standing

Weekend Funnies: Toast The last man left standing



The things one finds on facebook…


I love Branco – but this time he didn’t see the elephant in the room…

How Things Are Going At Meta’s Threads (on Rumble)

(JP hit it out of the park with this one.)


How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Joe Biden’s New Shoes Raise Serious Concern: ‘Is He Going to Wear Them Everywhere?’

Joe Biden’s New Shoes Raise Serious Concern: ‘Is He Going to Wear Them Everywhere?’

This article is from The Western Journal.

Are President Joe Biden’s shoes the latest clue to his growing incompetency?

As you may have seen recently, the octogenarian president has been spotted wearing Sketchers slip-ons without socks on a few occasions recently. What you may not know is that he seems to like these shoes — a lot. In fact, he likes them so much that he’s been spotted with them in a suit, in business casual and even on the beach.

As a Twitter user pointed out in a Sunday tweet, this is the latest shot of the president in what appear to be Sketchers Ultra-Flex 3.0 slip-on shoes. It’s worth noting that, according to Politico, Biden didn’t know he was being photographed by the media, who stayed along the water line when the first family visited Rehobeth Beach in Delaware this weekend.

“On Sunday, as the Bidens arrived at Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach, they were kept high atop the dunes. The press pool noted some details of what they wore — bright blue shorts, a navy blue shirt, hat and sneakers for the president; a white top, blue skirt, hat and flip-flops for the first lady — but little else. They observed the Bidens parking themselves on some beach chairs beneath an umbrella and beginning to read. Then after 12 minutes, they were escorted away and waited in vans for the next three hours until the Bidens headed home,” Politico reported.

“So when photos of the shirtless president on the beach started lighting up the internet, it came as something of a surprise to the journalists in the pool vans — and to the White House.”

Not a pleasant one, at that. Granted, few men over 35 should probably be showing off their beach bod, but the mound of flesh combined with the backwards baseball cap (gramps is trying to imitate the cool kids 30 years ago!), aviator shades and the Sketchers made the shot truly bizarre.

But, as the same Twitter user noted, the president’s been wearing the same shoes quite a bit recently.

With a suit? Check. With khakis? Check. And without a shirt at all? Check. (Maybe he got the 7-Eleven sign wrong: If you have shoes but still no shirt, you’re not going to get service, either.) The Sketchers first became a hot topic of debate after a New York Times photographer noticed them last month.

That picture led to a debate over the propriety of sneakers without socks, including this invaluable contribution from one half of the liberal Krassenstein brothers, proving yet again there’s no issue a Krassenstein can’t turn into clickbait:



The New York Times and Conservatives are now reporting that Joe Biden boarded Air Force One today without socks on with his sneakers. A simple 30 second reverse image search in Google would have found out that Biden was wearing a $90 pair of Skechers Slip-ins: Ultra Flex 3.0.…

Embedded video




How funny is this? Just my own thoughts Progressive Racism Stupid things people say or do.

Looking. No Rachel you’re not a news organization but an outlet for racism, bigotry, and hate speech.

Looking. No Rachel you’re not a news organization but an outlet for racism, bigotry, and hate speech. The other day Maddow spoke about MSNBC being a news organization and it would taint their view of the news. Funny that she would say that.

MSNBC thought it news to cover the court proceedings and charges against the former President, but found it not news worthy to cover his response. Remember that this is the same loon who carried on for what? Years about a Russian connection between Trump and the Russians. I rest my case.

Rachel Maddow alerts viewers that newly indicted ex-president Donald Trump has begun an address to supporters at his Bedminster golf club but in light of the expectation that the speech will be a “litany of lies and false accusations” MSNBC will not broadcast the speech live but will instead report any news that comes from it.


How funny is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics

Oregon Liberals Risk an Ugly Legacy as Another County Joins ‘Greater Idaho’ Movement

Here’s a solution for Oregon residents suffering from bad government in their state — just leave. And take much of Oregon with you.

A 13th Oregon county will be voting on a citizens’ resolution to escape Oregon liberalism and join the state of Idaho, KTVZ reported.

Voters in Crook County, Oregon, will participate in advisory balloting next May, joining a dozen other counties in the state which have already approved starting the steps to attach eastern Oregon to Idaho.

It’s part of the Greater Idaho movement, whose website states the current Oregon-Idaho line, set 163 years ago, “is now outdated.”

“It makes no sense in its current location because it doesn’t match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon,” according to the website. “The Oregon/Washington line was updated in 1958. It’s time to move other state lines.”

Ultimately, any new change in the state line would require approval by both Oregon and Idaho legislatures and by Congress.

Wednesday, Crook County voters approved allowing the electorate to conduct an advisory vote in May 2024. The advisory vote would be “to determine voter attitudes of whether your Crook County elected officials should inform state and federal officials that the people of Crook County support continued negotiations regarding a potential relocation of the Oregon-Idaho border to include Crook County,” according to a ballot summary reported by KTVZ.

Also on Wednesday, the Wallowa County Clerk ruled that results on the Greater Idaho question on the ballot in that county were too close to require a recount, so the measure was deemed passed.

Instead of county commissioners, some Oregon counties are overseen by a “county court” which consists of a judge and a pair of county commissioners. Seth Crawford is county judge of Crook County and he said the boundary vote is “100 percent” advisory.

Crawford said he has always wanted “to have people weigh in” on the boundary question.

The Greater Idaho website lists a half dozen reasons to join Idaho, including Oregon’s 1) violation of American values by the state’s western majority; 2) lack of law and order plus infringement on the right to self-defense; 3) high taxes; 4) mismanagement of forests; 5) higher regulation, unemployment, and cost of living, and 6) lack of rural representation.

With eastern Oregon moving to Idaho, it would improve things for western Oregon, the Greater Idaho website says.

The substantial western Oregon income tax revenue would remain without the state having to continue to subsidize the east; legislative gridlock would be reduced; both remaining Oregon and Greater Idaho would have increased self-determination, and, with the change of only one-half electoral vote, the number of seats in the U.S. House and Senate would not change.

It’s a long shot for Greater Idaho. But, as their website points out, border realignment has been done before.

And elsewhere, rural areas of Illinois, New York and Colorado are hosting movements to carve out entirely new states removed from influences of large urban areas, according to The Center Square, a publication aimed at covering state governments.

Given its distance from the state capital of Lansing and southern Michigan urban areas, the idea of the sparsely-populated Upper Peninsula of Michigan dividing into its own state of Superior has long been kicked around.

And if Democrats get greater control of Congress, there is little doubt they will seek to retain that power by granting statehood to the District of Columbia and possibly Puerto Rico.

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Just pick up and move Disney? Democrat Pushes Legislation to Invite Walt Disney World to Move to North Carolina

Just pick up and move Disney? We have this from Breitbart.

North Carolina State Senator Michael Garrett (D-Guilford County) has filed Senate Bill 594, the “Mickey’s Freedom Restoration Act,” which would invite Disney World to move its entities to the Tar Heel State, according to a report by WGHP.

The State Senator went on to bizarrely refer to Disney, which has declared war on children in Florida, as a company “seeking refuge.”

“I welcome The Walt Disney Company and all other businesses seeking refuge from the culture war madness currently gripping the great state of Florida,” Garrett said.

Garrett also mentioned, “We haven’t spoke to Disney yet. They were just notified today of the legislation.”

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Anheuser-Busch Loses More than $6 Billion in Market Value Following Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light Deal

Anheuser-Busch Loses More than $6 Billion in Market Value Following Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light Deal. What did A-B think was going to happen?

As Breitbart News reported, bars across the country are seeing customers avoid the brand. In one Missouri bar, sales of Bud Light and other Anheuser-Busch beverages have reportedly dropped by roughly 40 percent. A bar in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood — which has a high population of gays — reportedly saw Bud Light sales drop 70 percent.

Another report found Anheuser-Busch distributors across America’s heartland and the South are being “spooked” by public backlash to the Dylan Mulvaney campaign.

I’m sure this may go over in blue areas like California, but many there are stuck on their Ripple and Colt 45.


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Biden and the Chicken Vaccine.

Biden and the Chicken Vaccine. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Joe Biden is on a mission to save as many chickens as he can. Yes my friends Joey Boy wants the drug companies to come up with a vaccine so we can all live in Harmony with the chickens.

New reports indicate the White House may soon consider launching a mass bird flu vaccine campaign to protect America’s chickens from the H5N1 virus outbreak. Reports estimate that approximately 60 million birds in the US and 200 million globally have already been culled to prevent the spread of the virus.

USDA approval could be granted if an updated shot proves effective, followed by a comprehensive vaccination campaign to reach the affected poultry industry.