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Anheuser-Busch Loses More than $6 Billion in Market Value Following Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light Deal

Views: 20

Anheuser-Busch Loses More than $6 Billion in Market Value Following Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light Deal. What did A-B think was going to happen?

As Breitbart News reported, bars across the country are seeing customers avoid the brand. In one Missouri bar, sales of Bud Light and other Anheuser-Busch beverages have reportedly dropped by roughly 40 percent. A bar in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood — which has a high population of gays — reportedly saw Bud Light sales drop 70 percent.

Another report found Anheuser-Busch distributors across America’s heartland and the South are being “spooked” by public backlash to the Dylan Mulvaney campaign.

I’m sure this may go over in blue areas like California, but many there are stuck on their Ripple and Colt 45.



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Biden and the Chicken Vaccine.

Views: 44

Biden and the Chicken Vaccine. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Joe Biden is on a mission to save as many chickens as he can. Yes my friends Joey Boy wants the drug companies to come up with a vaccine so we can all live in Harmony with the chickens.

New reports indicate the White House may soon consider launching a mass bird flu vaccine campaign to protect America’s chickens from the H5N1 virus outbreak. Reports estimate that approximately 60 million birds in the US and 200 million globally have already been culled to prevent the spread of the virus.

USDA approval could be granted if an updated shot proves effective, followed by a comprehensive vaccination campaign to reach the affected poultry industry.


Corruption How funny is this? Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do.

BOO HOO! Climate Activists Alarmed That Twitter Now Allows Dissenting Views on Global Warming

Views: 30


By Bryan Jung for The Epoch Times

An organization that says it is a coalition of “climate and anti-disinformation organisations” says Twitter under CEO Elon Musk is allowing more dissenting views on climate change.

Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD), released a Jan. 19 study (pdf), accusing Musk of allowing misinformation about the climate crisis to spread on the social media platform.

The study accused Twitter of boosting the hashtag “#ClimateScam” to users when searching the word “climate,” as its top search result.

The hashtag has suddenly spiked on Twitter search results since July 2022, with its appearance increasing ever since, according to CAAD.

The report said that “in 2022, denialist content made a stark comeback on Twitter in particular.”

Twitter Search

CAAD alleged that at least 91,000 Twitter users reported the #ClimateScam hashtag more than 362,000 times by December.

“The source of its virality is entirely unclear, and re-emphasises the need for transparency on how and why platforms surface content to users,” said the study’s authors.

They said that term appeared to be trending despite “data that shows more activity and engagement on other hashtags such as #ClimateCrisis and #ClimateEmergency.”

The research team claimed that the rise of the term in search results could not be explained by user personalization, the volume of content, or popularity.

“A basic search for ‘climate’ on Facebook did not autofill with overtly sceptic or denialist terms; searching explicitly for #ClimateScam only showed 1.5k users mentioning the term, versus 72k for #ClimateEmergency and 160k for #ClimateCrisis.”

CAAD complained that the source of the #ClimateScam hashtag was unclear and that there was a need for transparency on how the search result came up. (Oh my! NOW they want “transparency!” –TPR)

“Equally, TikTok returned no search results for #ClimateScam, but instead suggested the phrase ‘may be associated with behaviour or content that violates our guidelines.’”

Interest Groups

The authors said that not enough of the content was labeled as misinformation by Twitter’s new management and claimed that it could not find a comparable trend or uptick in “#ClimateScam” on other platforms.

CAAD is partially funded by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a think tank, which is heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The ISD said it is working with social media platforms to explore radicalization online, to minimize the impact of extremist recruitment by groups in Europe and North America.

Since buying Twitter in October, Elon Musk has reduced the social media team’s staff by 50 percent and cut down its content moderation team to protect freedom of expression.

Musk has been a critic of Twitter’s past relationship with federal authorities and the intelligence services, and has released several batches of the so-called “Twitter Files” since late last year.

So, how does it feel to lose your power, wackos?


Back Door Power Grab How funny is this? Links from other news sources.

Lawmakers seek to bar Jan. 6 insurrectionists from holding public office. If you believe January 6th was an attempt to overthrow the government or an insurrection, than I have Pacific Ocean front property to sell you in Frost Bite Falls, Minnesota.

Views: 37

Lawmakers seek to bar Jan. 6 insurrectionists from holding public office. If you believe January 6th was an attempt to overthrow the government or an insurrection, than I have Pacific Ocean front property to sell you in Frost Bite Falls, Minnesota.

Democratic lawmakers in a handful of states are trying to send a message two years after the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol: Those who engage in an attempted overthrow of the government shouldn’t be allowed to run it.

New York, Connecticut and Virginia are among states where proposed legislation would prohibit anyone convicted of participating in an insurrection from holding public office or a position of public trust, such as becoming a police officer.


How funny is this? Social Venues-Twitter

CBS does an about face. They need Twitter. Come crawling back.

Views: 34

CBS on Friday said they were leaving Twitter. Sunday they came crawling back. First they said they had security concerns, So they go to TIC TOK. But after much ridicule they come crawling back. Said they will monitor the situation.


Corruption How funny is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

How funny is this? Race Baiter and White Plantationist to campaign together. Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to Campaign with Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs

Views: 22

I think we have a new odd couple. A person who blames all of black folks failures on white folks, and a person who believes that black folks can’t succeed unless a white person does it for them. The new version of Miami Vice. Holder and Hobbs.

The man who armed the drug cartels and the woman who has numerous incidents of racism against people of color.

Arizona Democratic gubernatorial nominee Katie Hobbs is holding a meet and greet with former Obama Administration Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday in Phoenix.

We have this from Breitbart.

Holder has faced no accountability for the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Fast and Furious scandal, which saw thousands of guns walk to Mexico under his watch. In December 2010, some of the guns were used by members of a Mexican rip crew to murder border patrol agent Brian Terry.

Moreover, Hobbs has drawn scrutiny after one of her former employees in the Arizona State Senate, a black woman named Talonya Adams, successfully sued the legislative body for racial and sexual discrimination that she blames Hobbs for. Adams was awarded $2.75 million to Adams, but state law capped it at $300,000. Between lawyer fees and the payout, which was finally sent in September, the case has cost Arizona taxpayers $758,806.

Who can forget Hobbs high school starring role in Slave day?

Finally, last month Arizona up to 6,000 Arizona voters received faulty ballots only listing federal races under Hobbs’s watch due to a “voter registration error,” as the Associated Press reported. She stated that the error was corrected and the voters would soon receive complete ballots.



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How funny is this? Twitter bitch slaps Joe for lying.

Views: 40

Justice has been served. Biden posted one of his lies and Twitter fact checked him. Sweet. Biden Claimed 55 Corporations made 40 billion and paid no taxes. and his inflation reduction act would put a stop this.

Only 14 companies are eligible to pay this tax. And only if their accountants don’t find the loop hole to not pay it.



How funny is this? Food

How funny is this? DC Mayor crying that the undocumented taking up all the black folks freebies.

Views: 65

Remember when the Texas governor was sending the undocumented to DC so Biden and his gang could take care of them? Well the DC Mayor took her bitching to the MSM. “Not in my backyard”  Mayor Bowser.

Democrat DC Mayor Muriel Bowser on Sunday said she wants the Biden Regime to stop illegal aliens from being bused into DC. So why is she being so unfriendly to the undocumented?

Democrat Bowser is angry that hordes of illegals are overwhelming the homeless shelters in DC and she wants the federal government to intervene.



Uncategorized How funny is this? Reprints from others.

How funny is this? Thank You Gateway Pundit.

Views: 31

Thank You GP.

In June, Biden fell off his bike at a complete stop while surrounded by reporters.


Secret Service swooped in and ensured Biden was not injured after he toppled onto the aspha



The bike fall escalated concerns about Biden’s frailty after he has been seen tripping on the stairs leading to Air Force One on several occasions.

Biden’s handlers allowed him to ride in public again last week. He was heckled while riding on a path by his home.

Heckler: “Hey, where your f***ing training wheels at?”

Now the #BidenBikeChallenge is becoming a trend in Delaware.

People are taking photos of themselves lying down in the same spot where Biden toppled onto the asphalt.








How funny is this? How sick is this? Opinion Politics

How Joe Biden is like America’s founding fathers — and yes I’m kidding.

Views: 19

I saw the Salon article yesterday and I finally stopped laughing long enough to write this little diddy. Washington was a military leader who led us to victory. Biden led us to the Afghanistan retreat. Jefferson was one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence. Biden was a plagiarizing author.

Now if the author just showed the defeats between the three, and how Washington and Jefferson owned slaves and Joe had KKK friends, I could see common ground. But to compare Joe’s destroying of the Trump economy with some of the great things the founding fathers did? Laughable.


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