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Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech

By Nick Arama for RED STATE| (condensed)

Joe Biden is getting all kinds of backlash from the despicable speech he delivered last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, attacking millions of Americans who want to “Make America Great Again” and supporting President Donald Trump.

We covered some of the hot takes, with many people comparing his unprecedented attacks to Communist or Nazi-like tactics, Biden acting like the fascist he was accusing others of being. They also hit on the visuals with the improper use of the Marines and the evil blood-red backdrop.

Among the hot take was Trump who chastised Biden for essentially threatening Americans and saying if Biden doesn’t want to make America great again he shouldn’t be representing America. Trump also called going after Americans like that insane.

Even CNN bashed Biden for the use of the Marines in such a speech. On the other hand, CNN also reportedly softened the look of the visuals so it didn’t look as bad.

But now Biden seems to be trying to walk it back a bit. Or maybe he just can’t even remember what he said the night before. Now he’s trying to say he was only talking about people who called for “violence.” That of course was a lie, that is not what he said during the speech or the whole prior week. It means he knows now that he screwed up and went too far.

Biden continued to backpedal from the Independence Hall speech. “When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the capitol, they weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.” He claimed that he was just talking about the failure to acknowledge when elections were won.

Too late, we heard what you said, you very much were attacking all those people who did nothing to deserve it, who aren’t violent or extremist, but whom you essentially declared Enemies of the State.

So he just wants us to pretend he didn’t say it and ignore everything he said last night? What kind of ridiculous administration is this? They can’t even do evil oppressive government right, they’re that messed up.

But you know what a failure this all was when he immediately has to backtrack from it the next morning

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Making America Great Again.

Our former President put out an awesome add about what is and what we can expect if he runs again. No 2020 election talk or fake to do about nothing hearing. Just the facts.


More great videos from a man who’s really good and a Trump fanatic.


Corruption Immigration Politics

Oops! Bowser Panics, Calls National Guard as Thousands of Immigrants Take Advantage of Offer

Illegals in DC

While the Biden administration continues ignoring the border crisis in southwestern states, the nation’s capital is starting to understand how illegal immigration can affect a city’s resources and infrastructure.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser recently requested the activation of the D.C. National Guard to handle the growing number of migrants traveling to the capital each day. The request also asked permission for re-purposing the D.C. Armory as a processing center until the influx considerably declines.

Since April, over 150 buses from Texas and Arizona have transported 4,000 migrants to the nation’s capital, turning it into a sanctuary city, the Washington Examiner reported.

Bowser and the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management first wrote a letter to the Office of the Secretary of Defense on July 19, and the mayor sent another to President Joe Biden on July 22 requesting help. Neither has sent a reply.

“The pace of arriving buses and the volume of arrivals have reached tipping points,” the first letter read. “Our collective response and service efforts have now become overwhelmed. … Tragically, many families arrive in Washington, DC with nowhere to go, or they remain in limbo seeking onward destinations across the United States.”

Bowser rightfully requested help for the city’s “prolonged humanitarian crisis,” which first began in mid-April.

However, the “humanitarian crisis” at the southern border has continued for several years, which is why Texas and Arizona decided to give D.C. politicians a taste of their own medicine.

In the past three months, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey pledged to transport illegal migrants to the nation’s capital in order to force Biden’s hand in securing the border.

“Washington, D.C. finally understands what Texans have been dealing with every single day, as our communities are overrun and overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants thanks to President Biden’s open border policies,” Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze wrote to the Examiner.

“If the mayor wants a solution to this crisis, she should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border — something he has failed to do.”

Bowser was not amused with the Republicans’ “cruel political gamesmanship.”

“Instead of rolling up their sleeves and working with the Biden/Harris administration on a real solution, Governors Abbott and Ducey have decided to use desperate people to score political points,” Bowser wrote in the second letter to the White House.

The mayor asked for 150 National Guard personnel to help immigrants by facilitating “eventual movement to their final destinations,” claiming that D.C. is not where they intended to travel or stay.

Bowser called immigration a federal issue.

“This mission would begin as soon as possible and continue indefinitely until the city relieves them,” she wrote.

“To be clear, I recognize the magnitude of this request. But the Governors of Texas and Arizona are making a political statement to the federal government, and instead, their actions are having direct impacts on city and regional resources in ways that are unsustainable.”

Bowser also called immigration a federal issue, admitting that the federal government must provide “immediate federal assistance” to both the capital and the border.

But why did it take her so long to ask for help if D.C.’s “humanitarian crisis” continued for the past three months? Maybe she was handling the situation on her own with her city’s resources, or maybe it was ego. Whatever it was, she needed to take immediate action in either solving it or requesting the National Guard.

The fact Bowser waited this long showed she refused to admit defeat to Abbott and Ducey for being right about the immigration crisis — and that the Biden administration needs to act in protecting the American border.

The partisan differences proved to be more concerning for her than providing support for the capital in a time of crisis.
Do you think Mayor Bowser is out of touch?
Yes: 98% (1523 Votes)
No: 2% (34 Votes)