Child Abuse Just my own thoughts Life Opinion Racism WOKE

Why do groups like Moms for Liberty scare White Progressives, certain Blacks, and the LGBTQ crowd?

Why do groups like Moms for Liberty scare White Progressives, certain Blacks, and the LGBTQ crowd? It’s really very simple. Moms for Liberty feel that they do not need co-parents. Schools should teach the children how to Read, Write, and Arithmetic.

White Progressives have no issues with teachers going off curriculum and injecting their social views. That’s not what a well rounded education is about.

Some Black parents and Black hate groups are more about students learning about racism, and government programs than learning how to do it for themselves.

The LGBTQ crowd cares about what boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Big topic is about boys using girls bathrooms.

Just my own thoughts Progressive Racism Racism

What race baiters like Sunny Hostin and White Progressives don’t get about being exceptional.

What race baiters like Sunny Hostin and white progressives don’t get about people like Senator Scott, Justice Thomas, and other successful Conservative Blacks about being exceptional.

Folks who think like Hostin think that just because a person of color is successful that has to be a rare occasion. They think that the only way for a person of color to make it is to just rely on the government for help.

Sadly white progressive Democrats think that besides the government, a person of color has to also rely on a white person to get ahead. They have thought like that since the days of slavery.

White folks don’t have a free pass to being exceptional. Everyone who puts their own best effort can make it. It’s just harder when you expect someone else to do the lifting.

Corruption Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics The Courts The Law Uncategorized

Why Trump shouldn’t be charged. And if he is, he walks.

Why Trump shouldn’t be charged. And if he is, he walks. Pence who didn’t have the power to declassify wasn’t charged. Biden will not be charged, so Trump who had the power (and did) declassify should not be charged. And that phony obstruction charge? If Trump declassified the documents, he was correct in saying he had no classified documents.

“The minute the president speaks about it to someone, he has the ability to declassify anything at any time without any process.” As long as it’s before the fact and several people were witness to the President doing just that.

Parlatore said that even if the report is true that there is a tape where Trump acknowledges the existence of a classified document in his possession connected to Iran and that it reveals the former president knew the material was classified and that he was not permitted to share it, prosecuting Trump might not be the best decision “because there are all of these other problems. Classification is not binding on the jury. You have to actually take these documents, show them to the jury, and then prove to them that it constitutes national defense information.” Former Trump attorney said.


Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

No Labels party is a threat to the Democrats more so than Republicans.

No Labels party is a threat to the Democrats more so than Republicans. Recently The Gateway Pundit did an article claiming that the No Labels party was a Liberal Party. Sadly  some of our friends on the right will call anyone a Liberal who isn’t 100% Conservative. I found that out a few years back when a Tea party dude called me a RINO because I only agreed with him on 99 out of a 100 issues.

No Labels party is a mixture of RINOS and Blue Dogs. They will get some Republicans, but they will be Republicans who haven’t voted for a Conservative/Moderate since  the two Bush’s.

They’re big draw will be moderate Democrats and Independents who normally vote Democrat.

Just my own thoughts Life Links from other news sources. Opinion

A loon at his finest. John Kerry.

A loon at his finest. John Kerry. Kerry is at it again. You know him. The green nut who says the sky is falling as he jets from country to country. Well he’s after the farmers now.

He’s crying how his junk science is saying that farms cause 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Anyone want to tell him where we get our food from? Well the Netherlands bought his baloney and are now getting rid of 3,000 farms. Thinking it’s going to stop Climate change.

Also remember a few years back, Kerry was after air-conditioning and refrigerants. Says they’re more dangerous than ISIS.

Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Politics

What keeps White Progressives awake at night? No Labels Party.

What keeps white Progressives awake at night. No Labels Party. In case you haven’t heard, the No Labels folks are RINOS and so called Moderate Democrats. They are serious about starting a third party. And right now they want Joe Manchin as their President.

We have this from The NY Times who reported:

At the top of the list of potential candidates is Senator Joe Manchin III, the conservative West Virginia Democrat who has been a headache to his party and could bleed support from President Biden in areas crucial to his re-election.

The centrist group’s leadership was in New York this week raising part of the money — around $70 million — that it says it needs to help with nationwide ballot access efforts.

Other potential No Labels candidates being floated include Senator Kyrsten Sinema, an Arizona independent, and former Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, a Republican, who has said he would not run for the G.O.P. nomination and is the national co-chairman of the group. But Mr. Manchin has received most notice recently after speaking on a conference call last month with donors.

This if successful hurts Democrats much more than the Republicans. I guess this is the what Moderates will fix the broken Democrat party. Republicans who support this wouldn’t vote Republican anyway.

What say you?

Gun Control Just my own thoughts

What’s with these blue states and their hatred for the 2nd Amendment?

What’s with these blue states and their hatred for the 2nd Amendment? Recently California had their pro Nazi gun control law thrown out by the Liberal 9th Circuit. Now Washington and Colorado both passed the same type of anti 2nd Amendment laws. Why?

I guess it’s going to take another trip to the Supreme court for the Progressives to get it in their thick skulls that the majority of the people and courts are ready for it? Pro Gun.

Just the other day Illinois had this happen. U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn issued a preliminary injunction on Friday against the state’s Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA), which Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) signed into law in January to ban the sale and distribution of assault-style weapons, high capacity-magazines and switches that convert handguns into assault-style firearms. The ruling comes after another federal judge rejected a request to block the law earlier this week.

Just my own thoughts MSM Politics

So where do Conservatives go now or do they?

So where do Conservatives go now or do they? Say what you will, FOX still is king of the hill when it comes to Conservative media reporting. Have they moved closer to the middle? Are they now considered MSM? Yes to both.

Only one missing from the conservative photo I posted is OAN. So when you take the other top 10 Conservative websites, FOX has a bigger audience than all ten combined.

Only true Conservative website to really consider would be NewsMax. That doesn’t mean the others are less relevant, It’s just that they don’t have the money or viewership. In another article that I wrote, I wrote that Tucker should buy NewsMax and from there create a powerhouse of his own. Hopefully he reads this.

Now I left out Rumble, Gettr, Gab, Parler,Truth, etc. All great but TV media websites.

Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Politics

With Biden’s mental issues, the DNC isn’t planning on any Debates.

With Biden’s mental issues, the DNC isn’t planning on any Debates.

As you all know, Joe’s not playing with a full deck. With his mental issues, the DNC isn’t planning to host any Democrat 2024 debates. He right has two challengers and if the economy and world trouble spots continue to get worse, look for more challengers.

Even his planned announcement if running will be pre-recorded. You don’t think they trust him to make a national announcement live do you?

So it comes as no surprise that the Democrats would get rid of debates for the 2024 Democrats running for President.  Democrats  know that you don’t need debates when the election is in the bag.  Why debate?  What a waste of time.

It was reported on Friday that the Dems don’t think they need a debate.

Daily Hits. Gun Control Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

California’s gun control works for who? 9 mass shootings up to April 16th.

California’s gun control works for who? 9 mass shootings up to April 16th. And it’s not just this year. From 1982 to 2023 California leads the nation in mass shootings. More than Texas and Floridan combined. How can that possibly be? One California loon claims that every single mass shooting was with a gun bought outside of California. SMH.

Now I’m sure that the Progressives who follow this website will say the answer is simple. Pass more gun control. How crazy is that? Obvious that states like California that have these laws, either don’t enforce them, or they just don’t work.

What’s the answer? First thing is to look at who and where the shootings are happening? In minority neighborhoods? If so you set up check points and increase police presence.

Nuff said. That’s a start.