How funny is this? Life

How funny is this? I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden.

I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden. C’mon man those are quality TV shows. We had to watch two hours of torture. Any good part of the special programming was watching Senator Scott bitch slap Joe.

What say you?

Life Uncategorized

March numbers have finally been tallied. 347,000 views.

March numbers are finally been tallied. 347,000 views. My three channels growth has been very good. Koda has shown the most growth, two political channels close behind. So I thank all the folks who stopped over and viewed.

I also want to thank the disqus followers. Even though you’re only 14% of my viewers, you are the folks who post. If interested in being a mod on one of the three channels, let us know. And feel free to comment on making our channels better. And finally thanks to those who buy off the advertisers here. I pay for these channels so folks can enjoy all that’s offered.


Not to get excited. Wasn’t a white boy who was the shooter. No protests for this one. Just another black on black shooting so the left will ignore it.

Not to get excited. Wasn’t a white boy who was the shooter. No protests for this one. Just another black on black shooting so the left will ignore it. Police described the murder as “a random act of violence.”

Wilson is accused of killing Zakylen Greylen Harris, 7, after an alleged road rage incident turned grim. Harris was in the car with his mother and younger siblings when she inadvertently cut off Wilson’s car. Hickory police said Wilson fired a single shot, which struck young Harris in the neck.





Education Life

Can someone please get mental health help for these two? CA Democrat Congresswoman Asks Greta Thunberg For Parenting Advice. And call children services. Child abuse in California.

Can someone please get  mental health help for these two? CA Democrat Congresswoman Asks Greta Thunberg For Parenting Advice. And call children services. Child abuse in California. Why would a grown adult ask a high school drop out for parenting advice? And why have a conversation with a nine year old on climate change? Obvious that this so called adult has no business having children. Watch the video and read the two loon comments below.

Loon number 1

“I have a nine-year-old daughter, I have three kids, and I told my nine-year-old daughter that I was going to be speaking with you. And I said, what do you think about the climate change? Climate change? And she said, ‘the earth is on fire and we’re all going to die soon.’ And I asked her how that made her feel and she said it made her feel angry. What should I tell my daughter and how should I help her and the youngest generation bear the emotional toll of the actions that we’re taking, fossil fuel companies are taking to destroy our planet,” the congresswoman asked Thunberg.

And Loon number 2 response.

“That’s a big, big question, and I know that there are many young people who feel angry and sad because of all the things that some people are doing to this planet and to our futures and to to the most affected people already today. And that’s very understandable. It would be strange if we didn’t feel that way because then we wouldn’t have any empathy. So I would, but of course there is still much hope and if we choose to take action that we can do this. And I mean, there’s unlimited things that we can do. And if we choose to act together, there are no limits to what we can accomplish. And, of course, always the best medication against anger and anxiety is to take action yourself. So that’s what I would tell her. To take action herself, because that will make her feel so much better. That’s what it did to me, at least, and so many others,” Thunberg answered.


Life Reprints from others.

Reprint. More proof that cops are the super heroes. Ma’Khia Bryant’s Intended Victim Speaks Out After Near Stabbing

The original article can be found here.

More proof that cops are the super heroes. Ma’Khia Bryant’s Intended Victim Speaks Out After Near Stabbing. In Columbus Ohio we saw a real super hero in action. A policeman saved the life of a teenager from an aggressive head case. We have more here.

The teenage girl, whose name has not been released, was filmed walking away from the scene of the confrontation.

“She f*cking came at me with a knife,” the girl said. She can be seen in the video wearing a pink jacket and carrying a small dog.

Neighbors who witnessed the scene also showed support for the police officer who shot Bryant to stop her from attacking — later identified as Columbus police officer Nicholas Reardon.

Donovan Brinson, who lives across the street from the foster home, told The Columbus Dispatch that he had initially just thought it was “a girl fight” until he heard shots fired.

“If the officer hadn’t done what he did, I think we’d have two girls dead. It was violent and all just happened so fast,” Brinson added.

Another neighbor who lives down the street, Ira Graham III, told the Dispatch that he had heard the gunshots and came down the street to find officers giving Bryant CPR.

“I believe in truth and facts. Video doesn’t lie,” Graham said after viewing the body cam footage of the confrontation. “She was in full attack mode. She needed to be stopped at that point. That young lady’s life was at stake.”

Initial media reports of the shooting that took Bryant’s life claimed that she was unarmed and suggested there could be a racial motivation involved.

Life Uncategorized

You ever notice how folks can look silly without trying?

You ever notice how folks can look silly without trying? People will say or do things that are comical but they don’t realize it. Give us a situation you saw that was funny but the person didn’t realize it. Or something was said, but wasn’t meant to be funny. I got one.

Ever notice people playing fetch the ball with their dog? Well my neighbor was doing that. But it wasn’t the typical fetch. My neighbor would throw the ball. The dog wouldn’t move. So she would fetch. She would throw the ball and again the dog wouldn’t move. She would fetch again. This went on for about five minutes. So if you have an incident or saying, post it.

Life Opinion

She never should have resigned. The former police officer from Brooklyn Center may have erred greatly by resigning.

She never should have resigned. The former police officer from Brooklyn Center may have erred greatly by resigning. The local and national hate groups will look at this as a sign of guilt. If you watched the video, you have to see that it was an accident.

The judge who decided to hear the Floyd case and not move the trial erred big time here. Trying to hold a trial in a city that can’t control the hate riots makes no sense. The former officer has now put her life in more danger by resigning. Would have made more sense to resign after she was found innocent of any crime.


Economy Life

You win in a legal settlement and you still are put in the back of the bus. Rosie O’Donnell’s New Jersey home to be demolished, turned into Partial affordable housing.

You win in a legal settlement and you still are put in the back of the bus. Rosie O’Donnell’s New Jersey home to be demolished, turned into Partial affordable housing. When I heard about this, I could not stop laughing. Rosie sells her house where the rich and famous live.

The hilarious part is the fact that a housing project is being put in the neighborhood where rapper Ja Rule and singer Mary J. Blige live. But you know the left can’t even do a housing project the right way. The poor are going to be walled in a segregated section. Away from everyone else.

An insider explained that of the 60 units in the plan, “only eight are set for low and moderate income and the developer will stick the eight units in the back corner of the property instead of integrating, so everyone will know these are the homes saved for the poor.”

The rich are pissed off cause you’re having housing put into a residential neighborhood. The poor are pissed cause they only get eight units when the original agreement called for 20% of the 60. Plus they will be in a segregated section. Jim Crow is alive and well in NJ.

Biden Pandemic Life Politics

It’s the Joe Biden & Kamala Harris Show.

It’s the Joe Biden & Kamala Harris Show. After the embarrassing press conference I thought that maybe I should take it easy on Joe. But the Progressives put him out there so NO. Starting today I’m posting all the news worthy comments by him and Kamala. Some will be funny, but most will be sad.  so let’s get the show on the road.–jsH8

From FactCheck.

In his first press conference since being inaugurated 64 days ago, President Joe Biden got some facts wrong:

  • Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump “eliminated” over $700 million in aid that Biden helped get for Central American countries. That didn’t happen, but the Trump administration did reallocate some money and temporarily suspended other funding.
  • The president used the wrong statistics when saying that “nothing has changed” regarding “children” trying to enter the U.S. at the southern border. There was a significant 63% uptick in unaccompanied children being apprehended from January to February.
  • Biden said, “We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.” But in February, 41% of those in a family unit apprehended at the southern border were expelled.
  • The president said “over 50%” of Republican voters supported the American Rescue Plan Act. Some polls show that but others show a majority opposed the COVID-19 relief legislation.
  • He repeated two familiar talking points on taxes, including the misleading claim that “83%” of the benefits in the GOP’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are “going to the top 1%.” That only becomes the case in 2027 when most of the individual income tax cuts are set to expire but corporate tax cuts remain.
  • Biden got it wrong when he said there were five times as many cloture motions “last year alone” than there were “between 1917 and 1971.” There were twice as many motions filed last year than there were from 1917 through 1970.

Said he was in the Senate 120 years ago also.


Biden admits tax hike could hit people earning $200K


Advice For The People Running Biden

If you have any Joe or Kamala quotes saying stupid things, or outrageous videos, Please Post them.




Biden Pandemic Life Politics

Reprint.Fact-checking Biden’s press conference.

Original can be found here.

Reprint. Fact-checking Biden’s press conference. We have the most accurate fact checks that we could find. Tell us what you think.

President Biden’s first press conference Thursday turned out to be a trip into an alternate reality. In fact after fact, his statements were either was grossly misleading or downright false. Here is just a small sample:

Biden says: “We’re sending back the vast majority of families who are coming” to the border.

Reality: The actual percentage is about 13 percent of families being turned away.

Biden says: “The idea that I’m going to say, which I would never do, if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re just going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side, no previous administrations did either, except Trump.”

Reality: Trump never sent any kids off to starve to death. Many were flown back to their home countries.

Biden says: “No, I haven’t” ever rejected bipartisanship.

Reality: His executive orders and legislative agenda couldn’t be more divisive or partisan. His COVID-relief pack with zero Republican votes. And he refuses to deal with any Republicans who won’t accept 100 percent of his agenda.

Biden says: “I hoped to get 100 million shots in people’s arms in my first 100 days. We met that goal last week by Day 58, 42 days ahead of schedule.”

Reality: The nation was already on course to well surpass that goal when he took office.

Biden says: “No other country in the world has even come close, not even close to what we are doing” in terms of vaccinating the population.

Reality: Israel has delivered shots to a far, far greater share of its population that United States.

Biden says: “I also set a goal before I took office of getting a majority of schools in K-8 fully open in the first 100 days. Now, thanks to the enormous amount of work done by our administration, educators, parents, local, state education officials and leaders, a recent Department of Education survey shows that nearly half of the K-8 schools are open now full-time, five days a week for in-person learning.”

Reality: Biden’s administration had nothing to do with school reopenings. That was mostly the work of GOP governors and pols overcoming stubborn teachers unions allied with the president. And more than half are not fully open.

Biden says: His $1.9 trillion relief bill put money in the pockets of “ordinary people.”

Reality: Some of it maybe, but $350 billion was also to bail out bloated state and local governments like those in New York.

Biden says: “The next major initiative is . . . to rebuild the infrastructure, both physical and technological infrastructure of this country, so that we can compete and create significant numbers of really good-paying jobs.”

Reality: Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline project on his first day in office, costing thousands of “good-paying jobs.” His green agenda, push for a $15 minimum wage and planned tax hikes will likely cost millions.