Elections Politics

Crowd Reacts with Confused Silence as Fetterman’s Speech Turns Into Word Salad

Views: 50

Just what we need, another brain-damaged Senator

A video of Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman struggling through a campaign speech is making the rounds on social media.

Fetterman, currently serving as the state’s lieutenant governor, suffered a stroke on May 13.

Nevertheless, he has chosen to continue his U.S. Senate campaign in Pennsylvania against his Trump-endorsed opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Since then, a series of odd verbal blunders and gaffes has raised many questions as to whether Fetterman is fit for office.

The video, shared by RNC Research on multiple platforms Saturday, has garnered quite a view count. (The date the video was taken isn’t clear.)

On Sunday afternoon, the video had more than 18,000 views on YouTube and over 340,000 on Twitter.

“Send me to Washington D.C …,” Fetterman said in the video as he received much applause from the audience.

Is Fetterman fit to run for office?
Yes: 1% (9 Votes)
No: 99% (961 Votes)

Then the 53-year-old Senate candidate continued, clearly looking for more applause from the audience.

All he was met with after his next few lines, however, was silence, seemingly because of the jumbled, incomprehensible nature of his comments.

“To take on to make sure I push back against work to work,” Fetterman continued.

His recent health complications were highlighted by a recent Oct. 7 interview with Dasha Burns of NBC News. The interview aired on Wednesday.

As reported by American Wire, NBC News’ preview coverage of the interview on Tuesday revealed that Fetterman was far from a healthy state of mind.

“I talked with [Fetterman] back in May, back before the primary, before the stroke, at his home in Braddock. That interview was very different from what we discussed, very different from the backdrop that we have here today,” Burns said.

“He is still suffering from auditory processing issues, which means he has a hard time understanding what he’s hearing, so NBC News agreed to closed captioning during this interview.”

In the interview, Fetterman had a screen sitting in front of him transcribing Burns’ questions.

According to Burns, Fetterman wasn’t able to fully understand anything she had been saying until he read it on the screen.


No doubt the same people who voted for dementia Joe will vote for easily confused Fetterman.


Abortion rights? Crime How sick is this? Life

Shot for her beliefs? Woman Shot Handing Out Pro-Life Literature in Michigan

Views: 14

Shot for her beliefs? Woman Shot Handing Out Pro-Life Literature in Michigan. For months now the left was saying how the pro life folks were coming after a woman’s right to kill her baby. Well who’s doing the shooting? Another case of Senior citizens being attacked.

We have this report from CNA.

An 84-year-old pro-life volunteer was shot on Sept. 20 while going door-to-door in her community to talk about a ballot measure concerning abortion in Michigan, the group she was volunteering with said.

The woman from Lake Odessa was speaking about Proposal 3, a proposed state constitutional amendment that would advance abortion, according to a Right to Life of Michigan (RLM) press release.

The press release said that the woman was shot in the back-shoulder area while leaving a residence during a heated conversation. The man who shot her was not involved in the conversation and the pro-life volunteer does not know his identity or motive.

Local news outlet WOOD TV8 reported police as saying that the pro-life volunteer was handing out pamphlets when she was shot, after getting into what police called an “alleged verbal altercation.”

The outlet noted that, after getting shot, the woman drove herself to the Lake Odessa Police Department. From there, she was taken to the hospital where she was treated and released.

The RLM press release said that the Michigan State Police are investigating the case, and will forward the results to the Ionia County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.




Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

Where’s Fauci? Infamous bureaucrat now relegated to obscure shows and local TV. Fauci recently appeared on a show called “Woke AF.”

Views: 26


This first appeared on The Dossier on  Substack on March 3rd.

If you’re looking for the infamous Dr Anthony Fauci, you might want to check your local television stations, or some random YouTube channels, because the man has seemingly joined the primetime cable milk carton.


COVID Mania has become deeply unpopular with the American people, and a Democratic polling firm recently convinced the Biden Administration and its allies in Congress to drop the hysteria. With midterms around the corner, and trouble raging in Eastern Europe, it was time to put the kibosh on all of it.

And with the memo came the simultaneous sidelining of Dr Fauci.

But given his love for television appearances, the NIAID chief has taken desperate measures to try to remain relevant. And by desperate, I mean DESPERATE. You’ll see what I mean in just a moment.

I had to dig pretty deep to find some of his recent media appearances, but I didn’t want to let you all down, so I persevered through the interwebs to find evidence of Fauci’s existence.


He recently appeared on an online streaming show called “Woke AF” (As F**K),  in which he expressed his disdain for the unvaccinated. In a clip featured by the show host on Twitter, Fauci rants that the unvaccinated have no respect for greater society. Fauci, who comes off as a broken man, channeled plenty of his regular pseudoscience, claiming that the unvaccinated “give the virus the opportunity to circulate among us.”

I also found a recent Fauci appearance on a D.C. local TV channel. In it, Fauci demands “money now” for his government department, seemingly trying to shake down lawmakers for his pet projects.

Twitter avatar for @JessiTurnureJessi Turnure @JessiTurnure

Dr. Fauci told me “we need money now,” said things like clinical trials can’t go forward without it. But Republicans are making it clear to the White House they won’t consider additional funding until they get more info on the relief Congress already approved. #NexstarDC


In another recent local TV hit, Fauci demands that people continue to adopt the COVID hysteria mindset. “I don’t think people should get the impression that we’re saying that this is all over,” a visibly distraught Fauci told the host. “We’re going to be dealing with SARS-CoV-2 for quite a while.”

Twitter avatar for @SamManningNewsSamantha Manning @SamManningNews

Here in DC – the mask mandate was lifted this week. More places are seeing pandemic restrictions relaxing. But will it last? Today I asked Dr. Fauci about what we can expect for life moving forward.


In late February, Fauci appeared on a YouTube comedy show to answer questions about COVID-19. No, there was no comedy involved.

The other day, the White House COVID Task Force did a livestream social media presentation, featuring Fauci, on the steps ahead with COVID-19. Demonstrating Americans’ clear lack of interest in COVID Mania, the stream only accumulated about 7,000 views.

And that’s pretty much it. Perhaps Fauci can now get back to doing whatever he does for his day job.

The NIAID’s “Dr Fauci In The News” website, which throughout COVID Mania, has tracked hundreds of its directors major media appearances, has not posted a new appearance since February 17.

It appears that Fauci’s time in the spotlight is over, and judging by his dejected state in recent media appearances, he knows it too


How funny is this? Life

How funny is this? I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden.

Views: 36

I can’t believe they interrupted Seal Team and SWAT to carry Joe Biden. C’mon man those are quality TV shows. We had to watch two hours of torture. Any good part of the special programming was watching Senator Scott bitch slap Joe.

What say you?


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