Daily Hits. Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yesterdays headlines.

Yesterdays headlines. Yesterdays articles that just won’t go away. Comment on these or anything else you feel that’s news worthy.

Breaking News

‘It would be devastating’: Local officials warn of wind turbine development’s impact to Jersey Shore’s tourism industry

July 09, 2023

‘It would be devastating’: Local officials warn of wind turbine development’s impact to Jersey Shore’s tourism industry

Local officials warn of wind turbine developments impact on tourism.


Pennsylvania Republicans continue effort to end Act 77, mail-in voting

July 09, 2023

Pennsylvania Republicans continue effort to end Act 77, mail-in voting

Fourteen Republican members of the Pennsylvania House will ask the state Supreme Court to overturn Act 77.


Indigenous chief wants to take back Ben & Jerry's HQ built on 'stolen' land

July 09, 2023

Indigenous chief wants to take back Ben & Jerry’s HQ built on ‘stolen’ land

Ben & Jerry’s headquarters is in the western part of the historic territory of the Abenaki tribal confederacy but doesn’t sit in any current tribal lands.


Biden Pandemic COVID Crime Links from other news sources.

Looking back, how ridiculous was wearing masks?

Looking back, how ridiculous was wearing masks? Almost as bad as continuously getting jabbed. Based on nothing but Tony the Fauch’s word, millions of people were wearing these masks.

Sure I wore a mask where it was required, but knowing I didn’t have COVID and if I did, I knew the odds were slim to none that I would spread it.

My fear was folks who had COVID were spreading it because there were only two types of masks that kept most of the germs inside the mask.

Now the loons who wore the masks thinking that they couldn’t get COVID were the ones dying. But that was for so long kept a secret.

Even if you did have the N95 or KN95 AND HAD THE VACCINE, odds were that you were just as protected as the person who didn’t have a mask or the vaccine. In plane English the mask did not help to keep the virus out.

The Jan. 30 review found that based on existing randomized controlled trials — which tested the effectiveness of interventions encouraging people to wear masks, rather than testing the effectiveness of masks themselves — wearing masks in the community “probably makes little or no difference” to the number of people with influenza or COVID-19-like illnesses.

Biden Cartel Crime Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Why the Delaware Supreme Court ( or the federal courts ) need to allow the Biden Senate papers to be viewed.

Why the Delaware Supreme Court ( or the federal courts ) need to allow the Biden Senate papers to be viewed. In case you missed it, the Delaware Supreme Court said no when it came to Joe Biden’s 1,850 boxes of his time in the Senate. 

In 2012, when Biden was vice president, he gave his alma more than 1,850 boxes of archived papers and 415 gigabytes of electronic records from his 36 years in the Senate. The donation is subject to a gift agreement that prohibits the records from being made publicly available until two years after Biden “retires from public life.”

Now Biden is still in public office, but back in 2016 Biden left public office. The request was made after he had been out of office for almost four years. Those Senate records should have been unsealed.

Also we may find out about the different charges of sexual harassment that have been made against Joe over the years. Hopefully this is taken to the Federal courts.

Economy Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Voters are smarter than Biden thinks.

Voters are smarter than Biden thinks. Poll shows an electorate that is simply not buying the president’s happy economic talk.

Pick almost any poll over the past decade and you’ll find that voters always cite the economy as their top issue. Depending on the survey, the economy issue is also often more broadly defined in surveys as “jobs,” and, in the past couple of years, as “inflation.” But, however you look at the issue of the economy, we’re seeing a subtle change in how people process the constant flow of economic data that bombards them every day.

They are becoming more educated and more sophisticated on federal fiscal issues and how they impact their own economic futures. More leery of politicians spouting data points that clash with the reality of their own personal “economies.” Less trusting of economic happy talk, when 60 percent of them are living paycheck to paycheck as inflation continues to outpace wages.

Until the past two years, for the millions of Americans under 50, inflation has been an abstraction, a topic in their econ class, not something that directly impacts their lives. Perhaps it’s understandable. America hasn’t had to deal with serious inflation in over 40 years, not since Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Many people don’t remember 1979, when their parents or grandparents sat for hours in long gas lines just to fill up their tanks. Even now, looking back, it’s hard to grasp that in March 1980, inflation reached 14.8 percent, and the bank prime lending rate hit a staggering 21.5 percent a few months later. Within a year, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage average was 18.6 percent.

It was a terrible time for the country. A perfect economic storm of high unemployment and inflation (stagflation), slow economic growth, increased government spending and tax hikes. Add to that contractionary monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, a savings and loan crisis and bank failures, and it isn’t surprising that it took until the summer of 1983 to right the economic ship of state.

The country, for all its problems since, has successfully avoided, until now, the kind of devastating inflation and misguided spending and tax policies that wreaked havoc on families and businesses back in the day.

For many Americans, this has been a painful wake-up call to the reality that there is a price to be paid for reckless government spending, and we’re seeing the impact of this realization in how voters view the economy and the Biden administration’s economic policies. They understand that inflation impacts almost every aspect of what is a complicated and connected economy.

Today, people are assessing their personal economic situation through the lens of inflation, but they’re also making connections among rising costs, deficit spending and the skyrocketing federal debt. Like inflation, government spending and rising deficits have been abstract constructs unconnected to most people’s everyday lives.

‘Strong as hell’

For decades, people have focused on family economics, not the federal debt in 10 years. After all, who can really grasp the magnitude of a billion dollars — much less a trillion?

But data is showing that people are not buying the argument that the economy is “strong as hell,” as President Joe Biden is fond of saying, and his trillion-dollar domestic spending bills may be two of the reasons why.

People have seen the federal budget hit $6 trillion for three consecutive years. The first such over-$6 trillion budget year, under President Donald Trump, included a significant emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis. But Biden’s budgets can’t claim the same rationale.

It’s clear that people are becoming more sophisticated economic consumers when it comes to the dynamics of the economy, but this increased awareness and understanding extends to other issues as well.

For instance, how the public looks at wages is changing. It’s no longer a matter of whether or not you get a raise. The question today has become whether that raise gets you — and keeps you — above water.

Gas and energy prices are now seen through a different lens, as well. The country has faced significant increases in gas prices before, most recently in 2008. But inflation wasn’t a complicating factor in the recovery from the Great Recession.

This time around, with staggering inflation, people have a better understanding that high energy prices impact far more than the price at the pump. Energy prices are now seen as a driver behind the cost of everything, upsetting the supply chain, emptying store shelves and creating a challenging economic environment for businesses to create jobs.

Our latest “Winning the Issues” survey (conducted March 1-3) confirms an electorate that is simply not buying the president’s narrative that his policies are working to lower inflation and spur growth.

When it comes to the right track/wrong track question, Biden has actually lost ground over the past year. In our survey, only 28 percent of people said the country is on the right track; 60 percent said we’re on the wrong track. In April 2022, right track was at 33 percent, while wrong track was at 57 percent.

Voters were asked, “Do you think inflation is getting better, worse, not changing?” Twenty percent said better, while 57 percent replied worse and 20 percent said “not changing.” That’s over a 75 percent consensus that Biden’s inflation policies aren’t working.

Case closed

For months, Biden has tried to claim credit for “lowering” gas prices from their near-record highs after imposing anti-domestic production policies, but people apparently see through the numbers game he’s playing.

They believe, by a margin of 47 percent to 39 percent, that gas prices are down over $1.50 from their peak. But when asked if “gas prices are comparable to what they were when President Biden took office,” only 32 percent believe that claim, while 52 percent said they don’t believe it.

On the statement, “Annual inflation has been down for 6 months,” Biden has been able to convince only 22 percent of voters that he’s making progress, while 61 percent aren’t buying that inflation is on the way out.

We also tested one of Biden’s favorite claims, asking: “Under President Biden’s economic plan, the deficit has come down by a record $1.7 trillion.” Fifty-one percent of those surveyed didn’t believe the statement; only 25 percent did.

But this question ought to worry Biden and his Democratic colleagues on the Hill as they unveil a budget blueprint expected to be characterized by critics as built on more spending, more taxes and more debt.

Our survey asked: “Which is a bigger problem, government spending or not enough revenue coming in from taxes?” Government spending: 70 percent. Not enough revenue: 23 percent. Case closed.

As the budget battle begins, Biden should be straight with the American people, because they are smarter than he thinks.

David Winston is the president of The Winston Group and a longtime adviser to congressional Republicans. He previously served as the director of planning for Speaker Newt Gingrich. He advises Fortune 100 companies, foundations, and nonprofit organizations on strategic planning and public policy issues, as well as serving as an election analyst for CBS News.

Education Links from other news sources. The Law Transgender WOKE

Is it time to impeach this loon? NC Governor protecting the LBGQ Alphabet crowd. Not the children.

Is it time to impeach this loon? NC Governor protecting the LBGQ Alphabet crowd. Not the children. Three laws vetoed by him. The governor was elected to work with the legislature.

North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed three bills related to transgender issues, one banning sex changes for minors, another keeping biological males out of girls’ sports, and a third that would limit school instruction on gender ideology. Maybe it’s time for impeachment?

Now hopefully with super majority the legislature will override his veto. This isn’t the first time that good legislation has been passed and he’s vetoed it. So just maybe it’s time for a change in NC.



Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Top Fauci Adviser Admits to Using Private Email to Avoid FOIA Requests.

Top Fauci Adviser Admits to Using Private Email to Avoid FOIA Requests. “I Will Delete Anything I Don’t Want to See in the New York Times” So how does he get away with this?

Federal records obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveal one of Dr. Fauci’s top advisers said he used his personal email account in order to avoid any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and even went as far to imply he has deleted emails during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The House Oversight Committee released possibly incriminating emails from Dr. David Morens who has served as an adviser at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for the last 25 years.

In one of his emails that was uncovered by Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, Dr. Morens wrote to his colleagues, “As you know, I try to always communicate on Gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly.” In the conclusion of his email, Morens wrote, “I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.”

The whole article is here.


Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Reprints from others. Science

Serious adverse events from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are not “rare”

Serious adverse events from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are not “rare”

Despite repeatedly claiming that serious harms of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are RARE, an investigation found no drug regulator could quantify the rate. Experts say it’s “hypocritical.”


Drug regulators and public health agencies have saturated the airways with claims that serious harms following covid vaccination are “rare.”

But there has been very little scrutiny of that claim by the media, and I could not find an instance where international agencies actually quantified what they meant by the term “rare” or provided a scientific source.

The best evidence so far, has been a study published in one of vaccinology’s most prestigious journals, where independent researchers reanalysed the original trial data for the mRNA vaccines.

The authors, Fraiman et al, found that serious adverse events (SAEs) – i.e. adverse events that require hospitalisation – were elevated in the vaccine arm by an alarming rate – 1 additional SAE for every 556 people vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

According to a scale used by drug regulators, SAEs occurring at a rate of 1 in 556 is categorised as “uncommon,” but far more common than what the public has been told.

Therefore, I asked eight drug regulators and public health agencies to answer a simple question: what is the official calculated rate of SAEs believed to be caused by Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, and what is the evidence?


The outcome was startling.

What is the official SAE rate?

Not a single agency could cite the SAE rate of Pfizer’s vaccine. Most directed me to pharmacovigilance data, which they all emphasised does not establish causation.

The Australian TGA, for example, referred me to the spontaneous reporting system but warned, “it is not possible to meaningfully use these data to calculate the true incidence of adverse events due to the limitations of spontaneous reporting systems.”

Both the German regulator (PEI) and European CDC referred me to the European Medicines Agency which, according to its own report, saw no increase at all in SAEs. “SAEs occurred at a low frequency in both vaccinated and the placebo group at 0.6%.”

The UK regulator MHRA went so far as to state it “does not make estimations of a serious adverse event (SAE) rate, or a rate for adverse reactions considered to be causally related for any medicinal product.”

The US FDA, on the other hand, did conceded that SAEs after mRNA vaccination have “indeed been higher than that of influenza vaccines,” but suggested it was justified because “the severity and impact of covid-19 on public health have been significantly higher than those of seasonal influenza.

Despite analysing at the same dataset as Fraiman, the FDA said it “disagrees with the conclusions” of the Fraiman analysis. The agency did not give specifics on the areas of disagreement, nor did it provide its own rate of SAEs.

Expert response

In response to the criticism, Joe Fraiman, emergency doctor and lead author on the reanalysis said, “To be honest, I’m not that surprised that agencies have not determined the rate of SAEs. Once these agencies approve a drug there’s no incentive for them to monitor harms.”

Joe Fraiman, emergency doctor, New Orleans, Louisiana

Fraiman said it’s hypocritical for health agencies to tell people that serious harms of the covid vaccines are rare, when they have not even determined the SAE rate themselves.

“It’s very dangerous not to be honest with the public,” said Fraiman, who recently called for the mRNA vaccines to be suspended.

“These noble lies may get people vaccinated in the short term but you’re creating decades or generations of distrust when it’s revealed that they have been misleading the public,” added Fraiman.

Dick Bijl, a physician and epidemiologist based in the Netherlands, agreed.  “It goes to show how corrupted these agencies are. There is no transparency, especially since regulators are largely funded by the drug industry.”

Dick Bijl, physician and past President of the International Society of Drug Bulletins

Bijl said it’s vital to know the rate of SAEs for the vaccines. “You must be able to do a harm:benefit analysis, to allow people to give fully informed consent, especially in young people at low risk of serious covid or those who have natural immunity.”

Bijl said the mainstream media has allowed these agencies to make false claims about the safety of vaccines without interrogating the facts.

“The rise of alternative media is strongly related to the lies being told by the legacy media, which just repeats government narratives and industry marketing. In the Netherlands, there is a lot of discussion about the distrust in public messaging,” said Bijl.

Corruption Faked news Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM Opinion Politics Social Venues-Twitter Social Venues-Twitter

Does the mainstream media need to bring back the ombudsman to restore credibility and trust? Liberal journalists should acknowledge it’s natural that people wronged by the Bidens would be welcomed by the conservative media, just as Trump-haters (like angry niece Mary Trump) would be celebrated by the liberal media.

Does the mainstream media need to bring back the ombudsman to restore credibility and trust? Liberal journalists should acknowledge it’s natural that people wronged by the Bidens would be welcomed by the conservative media, just as Trump-haters (like angry niece Mary Trump) would be celebrated by the liberal media.

In case you didn’t know, the MSM tends to leave out stories and articles that point out the wrong doings of the Biden Administration and their far left allies.

But they don’t pass up an opportunity to report negatively on Conservatives even when they don’t have verification on the articles that they print. How do we correct that?

Here’s parts of an interesting article from The Poynter.

Despite a slight increase since 2016, the public’s low level of trust in the mainstream media is of deep concern for the future of journalism.

Nearly half of people surveyed listed inaccuracies, bias and “fake news” as factors in their low confidence. A general lack of credibility and the perception that reporting is based on opinions was also cited for the loss of trust. But the Gallup poll did offer a glimmer of hope. Nearly 70% of all respondents said they felt trust could be restored somehow.

Would the return of ombudsmen improve public trust in the mainstream media? If so, what changes in the traditional ombudsman role would make its use even more effective? Eight former ombudsmen weigh in with their thoughts on the current state of journalism and the role of ombudsmen in the era of online journalism.

“The ombudsman was thought to be an independent, autonomous person, on a level with the editor-in-chief of the paper’s organizational level, but not reporting to anyone in the newspaper,” said Mark Prendergast, who from 2009 to 2012 was the ombudsman at Stars and Stripes.

Corruption Crime Facebook Faked news Links from other news sources. Media Woke Reprints from others. Social Venues-Twitter The Courts The Law

DOJ files an appeal. Wishes to continue having Social Media block Conservatives.

DOJ files an appeal. Wishes to continue having Social Media block Conservatives. It looks as if the DOJ is upset that the federal judge put a clamp on their ability to spread false information using Social Media. Well the judge had good reason to do this.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lashed out at the Trump judge for granting a preliminary injunction, blocking the federal government from censoring conservatives online.

The State Department canceled its future meetings with Facebook just one day after US District Court Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee who still honors the US Constitution, accused the Biden Regime of violating the First Amendment by censoring unfavorable views in a blistering 155-page opinion.

So let’s see if it comes out that the government had other secret meetings with other Social Media Venues.



Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Bill Ackman explains why he embraced RFK Jr.’s skepticism on COVID vaccines.

Bill Ackman explains why he embraced RFK Jr.’s skepticism on COVID vaccines. This article from CNBC is mostly anti RFK JR., but they do allow Ackman to get his point across about why he changed his views on the COVID vaccines.

  • Bill Ackman, one of the most influential investors on Wall Street, has stunned his Wall Street peers by amplifying Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s vaccine skepticism.
  • “I listened to RFK on several podcasts and a town hall and thought he raised important issues about vaccines and other issues that were worth learning more about,” the Pershing Square CEO told CNBC.Bill Ackman said in 2021 that delaying Covid vaccinations for older Americans “seems like genocide.”Today, the influential hedge fund chief and investor is amplifying the anti-vaccine views of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    Ackman is not denying his change. In fact, he said Kennedy is asking “important questions” about vaccines, raising issues he is interested in learning more about.

    Several of Ackman’s recent tweets about Covid vaccines have stunned and confounded many of his colleagues on Wall Street, according to several people who have known and been allied with him for years. And it’s led both his allies and foes to ask the same question: Why is he doing this?

    Ackman answered that question in an interview with CNBC on Wednesday.

    “I listened to RFK on several podcasts and a town hall and thought he raised important issues about vaccines and other issues that were worth learning more about,” said Ackman, the CEO of Pershing Square Capital. “I don’t feel like we’ve fully answered questions about the safety of all vaccines, particularly more recently approved vaccines, and our approach to determining their safety and efficacy.”

    Ackman, a billionaire whose commentary can move markets, is the latest high profile executive to show support for Kennedy and his opinions.

    Wall Street veteran Omeed Malik is hosting a campaign fundraiser for Kennedy later this month in the Hamptons. Venture capitalist David Sacks and fellow tech leader Chamath Palihapitiya hosted a fundraiser for Kennedy in June, which raised approximately $500,000 for Kennedy’s campaign. Ackman would not say whether he planned to donate to Kennedy’s campaign for president.

    Ackman told CNBC his newfound worries about vaccines come from being a parent and a concerned citizen. He said Kennedy, in his view, is asking “important questions” about them. “Unfortunately, vaccines are not safety tested,” Kennedy said at a town hall late last month.

″@RobertKennedyJr and others have raised important questions about the safety of some vaccines and have sought explanations for the dramatic increases in the incidence of childhood allergies, autism, and other health issues. These are good questions that have not been adequately answered,” Ackman said in a tweet last month that quoted a video of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson arguing that Kennedy is getting the better of President Joe Biden in the early days of the Democratic primary campaign.

When asked if he believes whether Kennedy should be president, Ackman said: “I don’t yet know, but I think he is asking important questions and raising interesting issues that are worthy of discussion and debate.”

Ackman, who has backed Democrats in the past, also wouldn’t say whether he will back Biden.

“It depends on the alternatives at the time of the general election,” Ackman said. “My strong preference is that he announces now that he won’t run to create a more open field for other candidates.”

The man is a far left wing Progressive, but he’s having second thoughts on COVID and there’s nothing wrong with that. So let’s see if more Progressives come out of the closet and take a second look at the COVID misinformation.